Livestock market and Oklahoma Cattle September 1,1977 Estimated Receipts 10,500 Same Day Last Week 12,872 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves generally steady; majority receipts mixed Good and Choice and Choice 300-800 lbs. 44.00-48.50, package 383 lbs. at 50.00; 500 600 lbs. 40.00-44.50; 600-700 lbs. 38.7541.00; 700-885 lbs. 38.00-39.50; mixed Good and Choice "300-500 lbs. 41.00 43.00; 500-600 lbs. 38.00-39.25; 600600 lbs. 37.0038.25, load 658 lbs. at 38.90; few Good 400-600 lbs. 34.75-38.25; package 634 lbs. at 37.30; few Good 550-842 lbs. holstein steers 30.0034.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime 300-500 lbs. 35.0038.75, package and part load 381-403 lbs. at 39.90 41.00; 500700 lbs. 34.5037.50, package 528 load 381403 lbs. at 38.60; few 700712 lbs. 36.25-36.50; Mixed Good and Choice 300-650 lbs. 33.00 35.25; few Good 300700 lbs. 29.0033.25. Thv . opt if «ign»w p*«. only on* cow to cat at • time A 2 inch auger drop* appreeimately 1 (b. of concen trate per minute info the feeder this is tho seme rate the cow eats ... no feed re - mains in the feeder when she moves away The Serv-O-Mafic Daily Feeder enables you to feed additional grain and concentrates only to the top producing cows in your herd! It eliminates the labor problem of separating the herd in a loose housing system to give individual attention to top producing animals. The Setv-O-Malic is activated by a simple magnet fastened around the cow's neck. This way, only the cows you select can activate the feeder and receive additional ration... yet all animals can still be housed together. Each cow producing 10 lb. or more over the herd average should receive extra feed. In actual trials, cows on the Senr-O- Malic consume an extra 10 lbs. of grain per day [while eating some less in the parlor]. Milk output shows an average increase of 1 lb. of milk for each pound of concentrate fed through the Serv-O- Matic... some as high as 5 lbs. of milk per pound of feed! One Sere-0-Malic will normally handle 20-30 cows in an 80-120 cow herd. Normal procedure is to pul fresh cows on extra ration and remove the mainet when production drops to a predetermined level. Q THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. \ I 57 West Main Street - Leola, Pa. 17540 JIM THOMAS PH: (717) 656-2677 For more information complete this coupon and return to: THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 57 W. Main St. Leola, PA 17540 Name Address. Phone. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feeder cattle and calves closed near steady; slaughter ..cows uneven, averaging about steady; last sales utility and Commercial 2-3 21.75-25,50; Cutter 1-3 20.5024.25; Bulls closed near steady, last sales Yield Grade No. 1-2 10001900 lbs. 27.25-33.00, individual 1745 lbs. Yield Grade 1 at 34.00.; Salable receipts near 22,600 head compared to 27,306 head last week and 20,166 the comparable week a year ago. Cows and Bulls num bered 1,800 head and com prised eight per cent of the cattle receipts; feeders comprised 90 per cent of the total. Leesport Auction Leesport, Pa. August 31,1977 CATTLE 345. Supply in cluded 75 head feeder cattle. Compared with Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers weak to $1 lower. Slaughter cows 25 cents to 75 “Selectively” Provides More Feed to Top Producers Stale cents higher. Slaughter bulls weak to 50 cents lower. Couple High Choice & Prime 1140 and 1215 lbs. slaughter steers 41.50 and 42.00, Choice 1000-1275 lbs. 38.50-40.35, few 41.00, 850-950 lbs. 38.00-39.50, Good 36.00-39.00, few Standard 32.25-34.35. Few Few Choice 750-1025 lbs. slaughter heifers 34.00-37.35, few Good 30.00-33.00, one Standard at 29.00. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 26.60-28.00, one 28.50, Cutters 24.00- Canner & Low Cutter 22.50-25.00, Shells down to 18.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at 37.00, few Good 34.00-35.50, few Standard 32.00-35.00, few Utility 27.10-31.00. Yield Grade 1000-1500 lbs. slaughter bulls 31.25-35.00, one at 35.60. Choice 400-J950 lbs. feeder steers 38.25-42.50, few medium 500-900 lbs. 32.00- few Good & Choice 380-770 lbs. feeder bulls 33.25-42.50. CALVES 231 Vealers grading High Good & Choice $2 to $lO higher; Standard & Low Good $2 to $3 lower. Few Prime vealers 63.00-70.50, -.mpK «gi._ - will activate the feeder motor as she places her head into the feeder Cows without a magnet are unable to get feed NORTHCO f SYSTEMS 'mam of k n moo umacnm comm, auction news vealers 52.00-63.00, Good "39.00-46.50, few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 34.00-38.00, S-9/3 Choice 53.00-63.50, Good 40.0055.00, Standard &Good 110-130 lbs. 36.00-47.00, 90-110 lbs. 25.00-33.00, Standard 70- 90 lbs. 22.00-29.50, Utility 55- 100 lbs. 15.00-25.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 29.00-39.00; holstein heifers 90-110 lbs. 28.0058.00; slaughter calves, grading Good & Choice 230-435 lbs. 35.50-42.00. HOGS 248 Barrows & Gilts $2.50 to $3 lower. One lot US No. 1-2 235 lbs. barrows & gilts 45.00, No. 1-3195-230 lbs. 44.6045.00, few to 45.75, few No. 2-3 200-255 lbs. 44.00- 44 50, one lot No. 24 290 lbs. 46.50, No. 1-3 120-185 lbs. 40.0043.75. US No. 1-3 290540 lbs. sows 33.75-35.50, few No. 2-3 420530 lbs. 28.25-32.75. Few Boars 25.00-26.75. FEEDER PIGS 196 All prices per hundred weight. US No. 1-3 1555 lbs. feeder pigs 94.00-110.00 cwt., No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 90.00-98.00, No. 1-3 55-70 lbs. 64.00-80.00 cwt. SHEEP 25. Few Choice 75- 110 lbs. spring slaughterlambs 52.00-53.00, -few Good 50-55 lbs. 47.00- 48.00, few Utility 50-55 lbs. 46.0047.00. Slaughter ewes 10.00-17.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. August 30,1977 CATTLE 295. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good& Choice about steady. Slaughter cows steady to mostly 50 cents to $1 higher. Choice No. 2-3 950-1175 lbs. slaughter steers 33.00-40.60, couple to 41.00, Good 35.00- 37.50, few Standard 31.35- 35.10. Few Choice slaughter heifers 36.35-37.00, few Good 32.85-35.50, few Standard 30,25-31.50. Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 25.60-28.60, Cutters 25.00- 28.25, Cahner & Low Cutter 22.10- Shells down to 16.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at 37.75, few Good 34.10- few Standard 30.00- few Utility 27.35- 31.10. Few Yield Grade No. 1 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.00- CALVES 250. Choice Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Sei 90-110 lbs. 30.00-35.00, 44.60, No. 15 180-190 lbs. Standard 7055 lbs. 25.00- 43.0044.50. US No. 15 360550 29.00, Utility 5050 lbs. 10.00- lbs. sows 33.00-35.75, few No. 25.00. Farm calves, holstein 2-3 400500 lbs. 30.5053.50. bulls 90-120 lbs. 31.0046.00; Few Boars 26.1050.75. holstein heifers 85-110 lbs. FEEDER PIGS 18. Lot US 30.00-36.00. No. 15 20 lbs. feeder pigs HOGS 398. Barrows & 22.00 per head, lot No. 1-3 45 Gilts $3 to $3.25 lower. US lbs. 34.00 per head. No. 1-2 200-220 lbs. barrows & , SHEEP 33. Choice 70-105 gilts 45.1045.50, No. 15 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 200p240 lbs. 45.0045.50, few 46.5052.007 Good 45-70 Ibs lots No. 25 220-260 lbs. 43.00- 40.0046.00. Bitler receives crop award from FFA foundation ELVERSON, Pa. - Harvey Bitler, 20, the son of Mrs. Virginia Bitler of Mohnton, Rl, and a 1976 graduate of Twin Valley High School, has been named as the winner of the Pennsylvania Future Farmers of America Crop Production Proficiency award, sponsored by Funks Seed Company. This award is presented annually to the FFA member who has done the most outstanding job of producing field crops as part of his supervised farming program. ' Hitler has had field crops as part of his farming program since ninth grade. He has produced hay, oats, field com, sweet com, and tomatoes, as well as wheat. While the hay, small grain, and part of the field com has been used as feed for his livestock projects, the tomatoes and sweet com have been sold to local stores and through contract to processors. While in high school, Hitler served on many FFA committees and participated in many FFA activities. He won the Berks County FFA Greenhand quiz contest while in ninth grade, as well as the local creed contest. He won third place in the county public speaking contest as a junior and placed first in his senior year. His project record book received first Wl o rJ‘^== —T' X fAAi Be . Bird species throughout the world have dwindled from 1.5 million to about 10,000 in the last 70 million years. tember3.l977 Harvey Bitier place in both 1975 and 76 and he won a gold award and the county Production Credit Award in 1976. He participated on the chapter parliamentary procedure team, received the DeKalb award, and placed sixth in the state «agricultural mechanics contest as a senior. He also was an active member of VICA at the Berks Vo-Tech East, serving as a member of its parliamentary procedure team, and as vice president. Bitter will receive his award at the FFA mid winter Convention, in January. He will receive a $lOO check from Funks. 13
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