—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Am 8 AUG. 15-21, 1977 Heavenly soup, that's the poop. Cat nights commence and dog days end this week Will Rogers died m plane crash Aug 15,1935 First quarter of the moon Aug 21 Average length of days for the week, 14 hours, 48 minutes Moons of Mars discovered Aug 17,1877 Christopher Columbus left Spam for New World Aug 21, 1492 To be an agreeable guest one need only enjoy oneself Ask the Old Farmer: My Detroit A wether is a male sheep which has been gelded after which the critter has no interest in sex Vie believe that is what your grandmother was driving at Home Hints: It is said that a pickle or lemon eaten at night after you have had coffee will prevent sleeplessness OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Sunny and warm to start, Tuesday through end of week, moderate rams and cool Greater New York-New and cool all week Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with some rain and cool through Wednesday, remainder of week variable with heavy showers Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Sunny and hot with showers through Wednesday, week's end sunny and hot, showers west (All Rights Reserved, Yankee Inc, Dublin NH 03444) Omaha Cattle Omaha, Neb. August 11,1977 Compared with the previous week’s close: Closing prices on slaughter steers firm to 50 higher. Heifers steady to 25 higher. Cows 1.00-2.00 higher. Bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Four day receipts 15,900 compared to 13,900 previous week and 13,800 a year ago. The fed cattle trade followed a rather stable course during the week under review with day-to day price variations minimal, although marketings still were not well distributed over the trading period. The overall finish of the steer and heifers supply on Monday was fairly attractive with an increased percentage choice, but on later days there was a large share good to average- Choice. Best demand still centered on Choice 1050-1300 lbs. steers and Choice 925- 1023 lbs. heifers. Slaughter steers made up ap proximately 46 per cent and heifers 37 per cent. Cows OLD ME« WANA comprised 11 per cent and feeders short 5 per cent. STEERS: Four loads Choice and Prime 3-4 1165- 1212 lbs. 41.25, several loads same grade 3-41107-1237 lbs. 41.00 during week. Choice 2-4 1050-1300 lbs. closed 40.25- 41.25; Choice 3 975-1050 lbs. 39.50-40.75. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1250 lbs. 38.50- 39.75. Good 2-3 35.00-38.50, load holsteins 35.50. Stan dard and Good 2-3 32.50-34.00. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for Choice 980- 1100 lbs. steers this week 40.22; Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 40.60. Average weight steers first three days 1105 lbs. compared 1111 lbs. last week. Average weight heifers first three days 946 lbs. compared 961 lbs. last week. HEIFERS: Early, load and part loads Choice and Prime 3-4 and load Choice 2-3 965-1087 lbs. 39.50. At mid week, load Choice and Prime 3 950 lbs. 39.25 and load Choice and Prime 3-4 1048 lbs. 39.00. Choice 2-4 900-1025 lbs. 38.25-39.00; Choice 3 825- 900 lbs. 37.50-38.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 750-975 lbs. 36.50-37.75. Good 2-3 33.00-36.50. Small lots ist 13. 1977 Compared to Tuesday’s dose: Beef trade moderate with 18 loads steer beef confirmed by the USDA. Choice steer beef steady to .25 higher no comparison cow beef. Choice primal armchucks 1.00 higher. Spring lamb 2.00-4.00 higher with very good demand. Prime special fed veal steady. Good and. Choice boning veal steady to 2.00 lower. Fresh pork lions .75 to 1.25 higher in active trade. Other pork cuts untested. Choice 3: 600-800 lbs. 66.50- 66.75 steady to .25 higher. Good 3: 600-800 lbs. 61.25 load. Canner-Cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 54.50 load. CHOICE 3 PRIMAL BEEFCUTS 5 Loads ARMCHUCKS: 90-130 lbs. 49.00-49.50 1.00 higher. STEER ROUNDS: 70-90 lbs. 75.00. FULL PLATES: 32.50. SHORT PLATES: 31.50. OFFAL AND VARIETY BEEF LIVER, Selected: 23.25. SPRING LAMB CARCASS, CHOICE AND PRIME 3-4 6 Loads 75 lbs. down 102.00-105.00 2.00 to 4.00 higher, few loads early 100.00-101.00. VEAL CARCASS HIDE ON Prime (special fed) 180-250 lbs. 112.00-115.00 steady. Good and Choice boning type northeastern suppliers 65-75 lbs. 57.00-58.00, 1.00 to 2.00 lower; few 54.00; 55- 64 lbs. 55.00-56.00, 1.00 to 2.00 lower, few 52.00; 45-54 lbs. 53.00-54.00, 1.00 to 2.00; few 50.00; 35-44 lbs. 51.00-52.00, 1.00 lower; 34 lbs. down 49.00- 50.00, 1.00 lower; few 46.00. MIDWEST AND WEST COAST SUPPLIERS 70-80 lbs. 58.00-60.00 steady to 2.00 lower; 60-70 lbs. 56.00- 58.00 steady to 2.00 lower; 50- 60 lbs. 54.00-56.00, steady to 2.00 lower; 40-50 lbs. 52.00- 54.00, steady to 2.00 lower. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS: 14 lbs. down 89.50; 14-17 lbs. 88.50 .75 to 1.25 higher. Standard and Good 2-3 31.50- 33.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-4 25.00-27.00. Canner and Cutter 21.50- 25.00. BULLS: 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 31.50- few individual 1 34.50- East Coast Carlot Meats August 10,1977 STEER BEEF 18 Loads COW BEEF CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 13 Loads SKINNED HAMS: 16-19 lbs. 79.50 SEMI BONELESS HAMS: 14-17 lbs. 10L00 1.00 lower. BONELESS HAMS: 13-17 lbs. 121.00. - FRANKS 70 BEEF, 30 Pork 1 lb. pack 60.00 steady. BOBOGNA 70 BEEF, 30 Pork 1 lb. pack 64.00 steady. BEEF TRIMMINGS 5 Loads 50 percent chemical lean, fresh 28.00-31.50 generally steady. Leesport Auction Leesport, Pa. August 10,1977 CATTLE 366. Supply in cluded 67 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers mostly steady to 25 cents lower. Slaughter cows strong to $1.50 higher. Slaughter bulls mostly steady to 75 cents lower. High Choice & Prime No. 3-4 1010-1330 lbs. slaughter steers 39.60-40.85, Choice No. 2-4 975-1250 lbs. 38.75-39.85, one at 40.60, High Good to Low Choice 38.00-39.10, Good 34.85-38.00, Standard 32.00- 34.25, few Utility 30.00-32.00. Choice slaughter heifers 34.00- Good 32.00-34.60, few Standard 28.00-31.00, few Utility 26.00-28,00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.60-27.75, few to 28.75, Commercial 23.00- Cutters 25.00- 26.60, Canners 22.00-24.75, Shells down to 18.25. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 35.00- Good 32.00-34.10, few Standard 29.00-31.75. Yield Grade No. 1 1180-1615 lbs. slaughter bulls 30.25- 33.75; yield grade No. 2 1085- 1450 lbs. 30.85-33.85. Good & Choice 350-600 lbs. feeder steers 36.75-39.50, Medium 300-650 lbs. 28.00-34.75; Good & Choice feeder bulls 290-600 lbs. 30.50-36.50, CYBOH 400 T EMIC IHSECTICIOL Protects ALFALFA From Potato Leafhopper DAMAGE THE POTATO LEAFHOPPER CAUSING YELLOWING/REDDENING AND STUNTING OF NEW SEEDLINGS AND ESTABLISHED STANDS OF ALFALFA SEEN DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER ARE PRIMARILY CAUSED BY THE POTATO LEAFHOPPER, NOT A LACK OF MOISTURE, AS MANY BELIEVE. Why CY6OH? Because CYGON Gives Yon Yield Protection.... Contact action for quick results. Residual activity on the leaves. Systemic action for control from within the plant. tainers. ♦TRADEMARK KERR-WGEE CHEMICAL CORPORATION Located at Rt. 322 & Reservoir Roads Honey Brook, Pa. Phone (215) 273-3546 Atglen, Pa. CALVES 226. Vealers mostly $1 to $4 higher. Few Choice '&■ Prime' vealers 58.00- Choice 50.00- 56.00, Good 40.00-50.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 35.00- 90-110 lbs. 32.00- 38.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 24.00- Utility 50-95 lbs. 10.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 35.00- HOGS 356. Barrows & gilts steady to 75 cents lower. US No. 1-2190-220 lbs. barrows & gUts 45.50-46.25, No. 1-3 200- 240 lbs. 44.25-45.85, No. 2-3 190-250 lbs. 43.00-44.35, few No. 2-4 260-290 lbs. 42.00- 43.00, No. 1-3 155-185 lbs. 38.0043.00. US No. 1-3 275-540 lbs. sows 33.00-35.50, few to GREEN DRAGON v*v LIVESTOCK SALES §£/ 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA cows cows cows BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Ray Kyper, Bob Kennedy, Dale Brewer and Ed Stover plus local consigners. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and veal calves 11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call; Office 717-733-2444. Walter H. Risser, Proprietor @ CYGON4OD SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE BREAK YOUR YIELD BARRIER! FOR CUSTOM APPLICATION CALL: Harry J. Hostetter, 39.75, No. 2-3 425-550 lbs. 28.00-33.50. Boars 22.00-26.00, few stock boars 30.00-33.50. FEEDER PIGS 225. All sales per hundredweight. Two lots US No. 1-2 38 and 45 lbs. feeder pigs 86.00-93.00, lot No. 1-3 16 lbs. 101.00, No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 79.00-96.00, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 65.00-78.00, few No. 1-3 65-80 lbs. 47.00-60.00, few No. 1-3 90-145 lbs. 38.00- 40.00 cwt. SHEEP 17. Few Choice 75- 105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 47.00-51.00, few Good 55 lbs. 40.00-46.00. Few slaughter ewes 12.00-13.00. • Moderate toxicity. • Low cost per acre, and availability in easy-to-use five gallon con- 215-593-5346 cygdn 400 INSECTIC |O I<
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