—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Am 16 Two-Way radio enables a grain inspector to more efficiently use his time and they can report or get instructions on problems that must be remedied before helps to keep grain moving. Once samples are taken, the inspection crew can get the grain may be moved, immediate directions from the supervisor on the next load to be inspected. And Grain inspected at U.S. ports A massive effort is underway to re vamp the inspection and weighing sys tem for grain, the American farmer’s most important export. Last year, Congress wrote a new law to prevent short-weighing, misgrading and other abuses that can tarnish the image of United States grain exports. Lancaster Co. poultrymen [Continued from Page 1] Senator George McGovern from South Dakota. The 79-page government study which recommends that the general public decrease consumption of meat, butterfat, eggs, and other high cholesterol sources in the effort to reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease, has been a source of great concern for eggmen, cat tlemen, and dairymen in general. The egg industry, however, has felt a par ticular blow, since one of the recommendations made by the Senate Select Committee is that the American people should reduce cholesterol consumption to 300 milligrans per day. Ac cording to the egg industry figures, this recom mendation will severely cut egg consumption in American diets since one egg contins approximately 250 milligrans of cholesterol, alone. The National Commission on Egg Nutrition is also concerned because the booklet gives an implied promise that these recom mendations, if followed, would lower the incidence of coronary heart disease - a fact which has been highly controversial for years and which goes unsupported by scientific facts, today. One of the many other just 13, 1977 concerns of NCEN stemmed from the fact that the booklet referrs to all Americans unqualifiedly, and does not disclose that there are large segments of the population for whom egg avoidance is not warranted. On July 26, the poultry industry was able to testify before the committee, however, and present its points. Five noted industry representatives represen tatives testified for several hours, urging the committee to withdraw “Dietary Goals” from circulation. According to reports, Dr. Robert E. Olson, professor and chairman of the department of biochemistry and professor of medicine at St. Louis University School of Medicipe, stated, “I disagree with the basic premise of the report as to reducing the cost of health care, morbidity or mortality, as listed in ‘Dietary Goals.’ There is not any proof that dietary changes alter morbidity.” He also stated that “diet may be important_for some people and not for others. The goals are directed at 10 per cent of the U.S. population at best...” He later stated, ‘T cannot support adoption of these dietary goals as published. I don’t agree that diet is a chronic problem, and we can’t prove that adoption of these dietary goals will As a result of the new authority, a U.S. Department of Agriculture agency, still in its infancy, has been hiring and training a large force of inspectors and weighers to oversee the quality of export shipments at ports, and grain movement at major inland termi nals such as Minneapolis and St. Louis. achive the stated objectives. I recommend you make major changes in these goals or that they be withdrawn.”. According to other tran scripts, Dr. Norton Spitz, professor of medicine at the New York University School of Meidicne, said, “The effects on heart diseaseand overall mortality of diets with low cholesterol and decreased saturated fat (with only minor manipulation of the polyunsaturate content; is unestablished since well controlled studies specifically designed to investigate this question have not been carried out.” And, the American Medical Association has stated, “We believe that it would be inappropriate at this time to adopt the proposed national dietary goals as set forth in the “Report on Dietary Goals for the United States.” The evidence for assuming that benefits to be derived from the adoption of such universal dietary goals as set forth in the report is not conclusive and there is potential for harmful effects from a radical long term dietary change as would occur through adoption of the proposed national goals.” Also during the testimony the July 26, figures were stated showing that, based {Continued on Page 17] Grain firms have cooperated—many voluntarily— in developing closer controls over the quality of their shipments. Time will tell how effective the new effort is, but USDA reports already indicate that there are fewer complaints from foreign buyers about grain quality.
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