>—Lancaster Tarmini Neat rows of jars display the harvests of the land. Kutztown festival draws thousands y LAUREL SCHAEFFER Berks County Reporter KUTZTOWN - Interested ople of all walks of life aveled from near and far to tend the Kutztown Folk Jstival, held here earlier is month. The Folklife Society has were continuous demon id this festival annually strations of threshing with Youth attending Summer STATE COLLEGE, Pa.— fteen boys and girls have «n selected to represent lams, Franklin, and York lunties at the Pennsylvania ssociation of Farmer operatives Summer In titue at Shippensburg State illege. 4-H and FFA embers selected to attend e institute as first year holars are: Daniel Ken* ell, Timothy Baker, ussell Redding, Nina offman, of Gettysburg; avid Dillon, Orrtana; Pat ;er, York Springs; Bryan rove, Red lion; Joyce emminger, Glen Rock; in Miller, Seven Valleys; jm Perry, York; Kay vartz, Hanover; Lori olford, Broqueville, and avid Wise, Spring Grove, arvin Krone, Glen Rock; id Peter Slusser, Jr., anover, will return to the stitute for the second year s agribusiness explorers. Representatives were lected on the basis of their towledge of the business Saturday, July 16,1977 for 28 years to demonstrate and display some of the lore and folkways of the Penn sylvania Dutch. On eihibit were many displays featuring Men nonite culture and earlier ways of farm life. There institute enterprise system in America and on activities in school, community, church and youth organizations.. At the institute, which runs' from Sunday through Wednesday, youth scholars will leam more about the American Business En terprise System, leam about career opportunitites in agribusiness, and receive instruction in leadership responsibilities. Climax of the four-day conference will be the selection of 10 delegates to attend fee American In stitute of Cooperative annual youth conference at Texas A & M University, College Station, Tex., on August 15 - 18, 1977. This local youth program is sponsored by the Adams- Franklin-York Council of Farmer Cooperatives in cooperation with the Penn sylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives and the Pennsylvania State University. an old threshing machine, and post bole drilling and wood sawing with old belt driven equipment which was powered by large one cylinder engines. Other demonstrations featured woodworking and carving, weaving, coppering, Fraktur, ap» plebutter making and many, many other activities. A quilting contest was held for the 13th year at the Folk NO FINANCE CHARGES until March 1,1978. RR FUCKER & sons me. Maxatawny one (215) 683-7252 Festival. More than 1600 quilts were entered and on display. All were hand sewn by 400 or 500 contestants who had entered the contest. Most of fee quilts came from Lancaster, Berks. Lehigh, and Northampton Counties, with a few from out of state. Visitors of fee festival could purchase any of these beautiful quilts, and could see quilts actually being made during the festival. Special savings, too, if you buy now • MF23O • MF235 • MF246 • MF255 • MF 265 • MF 275 Offer ends July 29,1977 KELLER BROS. PAUL I. EICHERT Ridge Road' £ CIMi Perkasie, Pa. « Ph: 215-257-5698 RDI. Orwigsburg, Pa. or 257-5864 Ph: (717)943-2304 Winning quilts on display at the Kutztown Folk Festival Also of interest to many visitors was the farm produce exhibits of local Granges. Many kinds of home canned produce were on display, along wife dairy products, samples of grain andhay, and other aspects of farm life. By far one of the most popular features of the festival was one on Penn sylvania Dutch cooking. There were always crowds pf Personalized HAT financing. MARLIN W. SCHREFFLER Pitman. Pa. (717)648-1120 people waiting to feast on popular Dutch foods such as chicken pot pie, baked ham, potato filling, apple dum plings, shoo fly pie and corn pie, served family style. Visitors could see these and other Dutch foods being cooked on an old wood stove. Other activities ranged from educational seminars by Ursinus College to games for children, puppet shows and hoedowning. M.M. WEAVER ftSffliS &880, , AND SON North Groffdate Road 312 Park Ave. wt Grove. Pa. Leola, Pa. 17540 Quanyviile, Pa. (215)869-9440 Phone: <717) 655-2321, Phone <717) 786-3521 869-2214 -sr trU ' FINA A.LHERR S. G. LEWIS ByKENDACE BORRY LANCASTER, Pa. Thirty-five Lancasi County fruit growers ton Lancaster County trickle irrigation with the farm of Richard T want to try in their Buys "X,. There never wa get field-proven Ferguson comb You get exclusi features you ca high-yield ham finance charges Offer ends July tficxcf > f and s«r LEBM MRU 7001 Ric Phone: ( A<
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