4 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 9. 1977 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, July 4, to Friday, July 8 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thors. Ex. Large H 68 65 65 66 Large 0 63 60 60 60 Mediums L 50 46 46 46 Pullets I 35 35 35 33 Peewees D 23 23 23 21 BROWN Large A 69 69 69 69 Mediums Unquoted Peewees Unquoted OFF GRADE Large Y - 56 53 53 53 Checks 33 33 32 32 Tone - Jumbos and extra large short, large steady, mediums ample with demand improved. Copyright 1977 Urner Barry Publications. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, July 5,1977 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS (+) 76-84 70-77 58-65 39-46 Mostly 7T-78 71-72 59-60 4041 NEWHAMP 71-87 65-71 53-59 3440 Mostly 75-76 69-70 57-58 38-39 R.I. 80-81 74-75 62-63 4344 VERMONT 78-85 72-82 60-73 80-62 74-78 62-65 78-80 72-74 60-62 Mostly MAINE + Includes Central and Western Sections only. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: New Weight Classification Per Case Wednesday Friday Extra Large 51 lbs Class 1 - Large 48 lbs. Class 2 - Large 45 lbs. Class 3 - Medium 42 lbs. Class 4 - Small 39 lbs. Breaking Stock 48 lbs. Checks 48 lbs. | { jlancfster perming $ * J * P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 X J Office: 22 E. Main St, Lititz, PA 17543 J J Record-Express Office Building X X Phone: Lancaster7l7-394-3047 X or Lititz 717-626-1164 * * Robert G. Campbell. Publisher * £ Dieter Krieg, Editor Ht Joanne Spahr, Assistant Editor He H* Kendace Borry, Associate Editor Hr * Laurel Schaeffer, Berks County Correspondent^ ■¥ Joyce Bupp, York County Correspondent Hr Hr Hr Subscription Price; M $6.00 per year; $lO.OO - 2 years £ * * * ¥ ¥ $8 per year outside of - PA, NJ.MD.DE, NY.VA&WV J Established November 4,1955 * X Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming J ¥ Lititz, PA J ¥ Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 ¥ ¥ J For Address Change form or new subscription ¥ X see Classified Section. X ¥ Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Fa. Newspaper ¥ Fubfishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. ¥ Fri. 41-43 50 51 43 44 34 34 29 28 39 38 32 32 Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, July 6,1977 Ready-to-cook movement very good for immediate needs. Slaughter schedules at near record levels at-most plants. Todays LTL asking prices mostly 46 on plant and 47 on tJS Grade. Advance interest good but generally undermined. Live supplies adequate at desireable weights. Undertone firm. Current broler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: US Grade A 45-47; Plant Grade 44-45%; Premium X US Grade A 51.00; Premium X Plant Grade 49.00. WTD Avg: US Grade A 45.79; Plant Grade 45.10; Premium X US Grade A 51.00; Premium X Plant Grade 49.00. X-Includes special ser vices, selected competitive brands, etc: Eastern Pa. & N, J. Poultry Wednesday, July 6,1977 Prices held unchanged on light type hens. Demand unaggressive as plants occasionally closed while others operating short hours over the holiday period. Offerings fully adequate offerings of heavy type adequate for a light call. Prices Paid at Farm: Light type hens 8-9 Vz ; Del Plant 11-11 %. Heavy type hens TFEWR. Fogelsville Poultry Sale of Tuesday, July 5,1977 Poultry Recieved - Mon. 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Tues. 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Hens, heavy type 15-30, mostly 20-27; Pullets 39-45, mostly 39-44; Roasters 15; Ducks 35-40%; Rabbits SO SO; Guineas 1.20; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.40-4.00; Total coops sold 125. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, July 6 Demand slow to fair. Supplies adequate on large, ample on mediums. Cartoned eggs: prices to retailers, state graded (minimum one case sale) white: Grade A Large 67-70; Grade A Medium 53-57. Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday. July 6 Prices steady. Cartoning demand fair. Offerings of Extra Large and Large . barely adequate, Mediums ample. Undertone steady on , larger sizes weak on balance. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered: store door: A Extra Urge 63-69; A Large 62-64; A Medium 49-51. Hay Markets Vintage Hay July 7,1977 Price per ton. Cltfver 65.00; Oats 64.00;' mixed hay 60.00-71.00. ‘ New Holland Hay Monday, July 4 Hay and straw prices fully steady with last week’s market. Prices per ton. Total 45 loads. Alfalfa 75-95; two loads 105; Alfalfa mixture 70-77; straw 73-95; mixed hay 60- 85; timothy hay 59-81; ear com 70-73,1 load 75.50. PACMA-FACTS The following market is , supplied by PACMA-FACTS, 1 a direct marketing \ organization affiliated with i the Pennsylvania Farmers’ ] Association. Participating < poultrymen are members of | PACMA, which employs a I fowl marketing agent - The Farmers’ Agricultural Cooperative Trading Society (FACT) - to sell members’ fowl. PACMA works directly with die PFA poultrymen in the program. Farm point prices prevailing for fowl to be marketed by members during the week of July 4 were 9 to 9%, mostly 9%. .talk to a neighbor "THAT'S A BIG 104 ON TO NEXT DELIVERY OF MOYER'S PULLETS, GOOD BUDDY!” Whether your order is for 300 or 30,000 pullets we can handle it. Gehman and Clyde Moyer are part of our crew of courteous, knot pullet handlers. If your preference is for locally grown and fed pullets - give us a shout! 7ftaef r &i& CHICKS, INC. ipi Ouakertown, PA. 18951 brown & white 536-3155 -EGG LAYERS Harvey Z. Martin Wednesday, July 6,1977 80 Loads Alfalfa 72 to 102,2 loads 49 and 57; Timothy 61 to 88; Clover 1 load 58; Mixed Hay 59 to 100; Grass Hay 1 load 48; Straw 12 loads 76 to 88; Ear Corn 8 loads 55 to 71; Barley 2Joada 1.65 and 1.80 per bfiT Oats 2 loads 1.25 and 1.55 per bu. FOR All YOUR NEEDS IN 1 FARM SCALES.. I GARBER SCALE COMPjJ * SALES ft SERVICE* 121 Witmer Rd., Lancaster. PA 17602 Phone'24 Hours FARMERS AgC CORP. 9 East Main Street, Litib, PA 717/626-4721 MOYER'S IS MOVIN' ON! Green Dr; Market report not, Market report not Markets not avi holiday. Markets not avt holiday. (717) 393-1708 ‘ai Regional Baltimoi USDA Greencast Auction HI Wl Bl
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