Pennsylvanians [Continued from Pate 15] lflo it can’t be purchased o t re speculation. The , tx must be prepared to v and work on his parcel roust be totally com [tgjj to improving and Mooing the land. Another •requisite is that the or buyer has skills to sr. jrazil’s dedication and tential are exemplified in sprawling and modern pl tai - Brasilia. A city neb was totally planned dlayed out in a wilderness ■a - 800 miles inland from . former capital, Rio de neiro, Brasilia is a ■tropolis which literally nmg up from nothing to a y of over a million people. \ t new capital was igugurated in 1960 with pes of having 500,000 ople in it within the first i years of its life. When it decade ended in 1969, its CIRCULATING FANS ALL FANS COMPLETE WITH CORD AND SWITCH. Equip., Agri Rd 4EPHRATA,PAI7S22 (FARMERSVILLE) population exceeded one million. Brazil would like to lead its agricultural position on a similar path, and is in fact doing it if trade and por duction figures are any in dication. The government encourages and invites settlers to come into the hinterland. The country’s predicament is that it has a population of 120 million which is primarily con centrated along the coast, when there is still a lot of land left to settle further inland. Taking charge of the initiative to develop rural Brazil is an organization known as INCRA. They arranged mericans to come to Brazil and for Brazilians to come to the United States. A key phase of Brazil’s drive for greater produc tivity is education. Ac cording to Ruth, formal schooling is now required by HOT WEATHER REDUCTION HANGING MODEL 24" - Reg. $78.00 One-Third H.P. Motor 20" - Reg. $68.00 V* H.P. Motor ALSO AVAILABLE PEDESTAL MODELS CALL FOR PRICE Inc. offers complete • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE law, and 16-year olds and over are required to work during the day and further education during non working hours. Promising youngsters have their educational expenses paid for by the Brazilian government so long as their grades are worthy of the stipendium. Brazil’s climate and topography are suited for high agricultural produc tivity, the Pennsylvanians reported. According to Ruth, some regions, especially the southern portion of Brazil, are very much like southeastern Pennsylvania. Some of these areas are already very advanced, and the North Americans acknolwedge having learned as much from the Brazilians as what Brazilians might be learning from them. The common consensus is - whether you talk to a Brazilian or Pennsylvanian who has visited Brazil - that there is an awful lot of un tapped farming potential in Brazil. *66.°° $ 57.“ PHONE . BUS. 717-354-4271 Fruit may be in short supply WASHINGTON, D.C. - Cool weather in May delayed marketing of early har vested fruit this year. Light rains in California also slowed ripening and harvest. It now looks as if this sum mer’s harvest of early season deciduous fruit (excluding dried prunes) will be 1 percent smaller than last season’s but 3 percent larger than in 1975. Supplies of freestone peaches will be slightly above last year’s crop in most producing areas. Earlier forecasts for South Carolina and Georgia were reduced because of dry weather in May. The production of clingstone peaches in California is expected to total 3 per cent above the 1976 crop. The West Coast Bartlett pear crop will be down, as will apricots. Nectarines will be down from last year’s record Herd ratings changed in Angus program ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - In- For breeders enrolled in dividual rating, formerly the the Individual Rating classification program of the Program prior to the June American Angus board meeting, their herds Association, has been ter minated as a part of the A.H.I.R. Program and is now incorporated into a herd analysis program on a daily fee basis. 'The decision followed discussion at the recent June meeting of the Association board of directors. Under the provisions of the new program. Individual Rating, or the Classification Program as some breeders know it, will still be an op tional part of the new herd analysis at a cost of $l5O a day, or any portion thereof, plus expenses. Included in the herd analysis will be assistance to breeders in starting a herd production LIQUID Now we can apply liquid fertilizer and leaf hopper spray all in one application on your alfalfa stubble. WHY LIQUID FERTILIZER? READY AVAILABLE. • EVENLY APPLIED. 2020 HORSESHOE RD., LANCASTER, PA PHONE 717-397-0035 P.S. We have liquid nitrogen and fertilizer available for all farm crop uses crop. Sweet cherries are down one-fourth, while tart cherries are nearly one-half above last year’s crop. California plums are up 17 per cent from last year. Even with the January freeze in Florida, estimated total production of this season’s citrus crop will still be record large. The June 1 citrus crop is forecast at 15.5 million tons, 5 per cent above 1975-76. The increase is shared by most of the citrus crops. Because of the Florida freeze, a sub stantially larger quantity of citrus was harvested early in the season. Thus, remaining supplies of most citrus are moderately less than last year. Stocks of frozen con centrated orange juice are smaller than a year ago, reflecting strong demand and smaller packs due to lower juice yields as a result measure program or studying the results of records already received; advisory work in the area of sire and within-herd selection; feed and health management; National Angus Sire Evaluation and merchandising. The program goes into effect immediately and will be administered by the regional manager in each territory. Breeders who wish to have their herd rated or classified can still do so with the same form used in In dividual Rating. This form illustrates subjective scores for frame, structural soundness, muscling, breed and sex character and trimness. Therefore, it will be continued as an optional part of the new herd analysis program. FERTILIZER FOR ALFALFA • ONLY ONE TRIP OVER THE FIELD. • CAN BE USED WITH INSECTICIDE AND WEED KILLERS. RICHARD R. FORRY of Florida’s freeze. Canner list prices have been raised since the freeze and now are substantially above a year ago. If the rate of movement continues large for the balance of the season, carryout of frozen con centrated orange juice at the end of the season would be the smallest in several years. Prices for fruit are ex pected to be higher this summer than a year ago. Prices received by growers for fresh and processed fruit have steadily advanced this year to a record level in the spring, up about a fifth from the year-earlier levels. With smaller remaining supplies of fresh apples and citrus, and smaller soft fruit production in prospect this summer, grower, wholesale, and retail prices are ex pected to remain moderately to substantially higher than last summer. will be rated under the earlier system at $1.50 per herd or a minimum of $25 per herd. Any breeder interested in the new Herd Analysis Program should contact the Performance Department of the American Angus Association or his regional' Cf Ua i x&J LIQUID FERTILIZER
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