14—Lancaster Farmini Lancaster Co . girls [Continued from Page 1] of milk that day. A Cow will be there to show the public just where the milk comes from. All local contestants will be meeting with a beauty consultant prior to their Mall appearance and the contest so they will be at their best as they represent Lancaster County’s largest agriculture industry. Contestants are: Margo Joy Armstrong, 17, the daughter of M. Joan Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong, New Providence El. Margo is completing her junior year at Solanco Senior High School and plans to go into the Navy upon graduation. She is a member of the Explorers club, the Future Farmers of America and the state FFA chorus. She was in the school musical and played field hockey, and is vice-president of the Rawlinsville United Methodist Church - youth group. Her family has a mixed herd of 20 Ayrshires and Jerseys. _ Seventeen-year-old Sheryl Bollinger is die daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bollinger, Lititz R 4, She is' completing her junior year at Ephrata High School where she served as secretary of the Cloister Future Fanners of America and will be their treasurer next year. She is a member of the FFA dairy judging team. As a member of the Lancaster County 4-H Holstein Club and the Lancaster County Junior Holstein Club, Sheryl owns four cows and four heifers. She also belongs to the Ephrata 4-H Supersonic Sewers Club and serves as their news reporter, and is a member of the Ephrata Community 4-H Club, and the Ephrata 4-H Veterinary Science Club. At school she is a member of the' Future Business Leaders of America and the Pinochle Club, and she is active in the Middle Creek Brethren Church youth group. Her parents own a herd of 50 Holsteins. Twila Brubaker, 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brubaker, Manheim R 2. She is graduating irom Manheim Central Senior High school and will be training as a licensed practical nurse at Willow Street Vo-Tech School. Twila was in the homecoming queen court, was November Girl of the Month, is a member of the Future Homemakers of America, is on the yearbook staff, was grappling girl and played powder puff football. She is active in Erismans Mennonite Church youth fellowship and was alternate dairy princess last year. Her parents have 95 registered Holsteins. Seventeen-year-old Linda Coates is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coates, Nottingham R 2. She is completing her junior year at Solanco High School and would like to attend college for physical therapy. In school she was in the drama club, chorus, student senate, National Honor Society, explorer club. She also participated in school musicals. She is a member of the Guernsey 4-H club and the 4-H County Council. Linda is a member of the Wakefield Ambulance crew, the Fire Company auxiliary and the ambulance Saturday. June'4, 1977 auxiliary. She is active in activities at the Eastland' Friends Meeting'in Little Britain. Her parents own 65 Guernseys. T Martha Gregory, 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gregory, Lititz Rl. Martha is a junior at Warwick High School, and is a member of the concert and marching band, the orchestra, the Warwick Chapter of the Future Fanners of America. She is also a member of the State FFA band, the Lancaster County Symphonic Band, the Badminton Club, the Broken Bit 4-H Horse Club, the Brickerville Community 4-H Club and the Lancaster 4-H County Council. As a |datm * 1 M I The All New |f ft BOU-MATIC Milking Unit *■ New BOU-MATIC Little Champ Pipeline Detacher 501 E. Woods Drive Lititz. Pa. 17543 Phone 717-626-1151 New Tripoli Area - Phone (215) 767-7611 Quakertown Area • Phone (215) 536-1935 member of the Lancaster County 4-H Holstein Club she owns three red and white Holsteins. Nineteen-year-old Linda Kauffman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kauffman Elizabethtown RI. She graduated from Elizabethtown High School in 1975 and plans to attend Ecola Hall School for nine weeks in the fall. Linda has been named the 1976 Distinguished Junior Member of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association and is. vice-president of ' _the Lancaster County Junior Holstein Club and the Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Club. She is a member of the Lancaster County Holstein Club’s junior committee and was active in the Lancaster County 4-H Holstein Club. She is a staff member of the WE SALUIE THE DAIRY FARMER GD Whose high standards and hard work do so much for both the health and the wealth of this community. &U-. FEATURED IS KELL NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION OWNED BY BOU-MATIC-* USER - MICHAEL SILVA • '*' BOU-MATIC - THE MILKER DESIGNED FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE JOB OF MILKING. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Bulk Tanks & Therma • Stor After 5 P.M. Call Titus Burkholder 717-859-1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED Ellen Louise Schmuck is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Larry Schmuck, Peach Bottom R 2. She is 18 years old and will graduate from Solanco High School in June. She is in the school chorus and is a member of the Ayrshire, Jersey, Brown Swiss 4-H club, owning three Cows. Her parents milk a mixed herd of about 35 cows. A -member of Calvary Independent Church, Quarryville, Ellen is a member of the choir, and the church youth group. She also teaches junior church. MEANS GOOD MILKING J. r-V V,* -jC > t*** SALES—INSTALLATION—SERVICE Congregational Bible Church’s youth center and is a member of the girl’s softball team at church. This Winter Linda spent two months in England doing mission work. She also teaches Bible School. The Kauffman’s milk a herd of 30 registered Holsteins. v New BOU-MATIC Model 77 Receiver Panel Package Susan Lynn Skiles, 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Skiles, Narvon R 2. She is graduating from Pequea Valley High School and will attend Lancaster General Hospital School of Nursing. In school she was a member of the chorus, band, county chorus, county band, regional and district chorus, dance band, the Chambersingers and performed in “Fiddler on the Roof.” She played field hockey, was yearbook editor, and ■ was on the National Honor Society. Susan was her FFA Chapter sweetheart in 1976-77, and is vice-president of the Lancaster - Lebanon Governor’s Youth Traffic Safety Council. She is president of the Parkesburg Baptist Church youth group, is a junior deaconess, and sings with the gospel group. OMET HAPPY New BOU-MATIC FRA Series I Vacuum Suppliers “All God’s Children.’ parents own a herd Holsteins. Eighteen-year-old ) L. Warfel is the daught Mr. and Mrs. George W; Quarryville Rl. She graduate from Sol Senior High School this and plans to farm with parents. Vickie wj member of the Fi Farmers of America fo: years and served secretary and vice prei of the chapter as w< secretary of the Lant County FFA. She rec the Star Red Rose Fi and Keystone Fa awards. She played wil Solanco band for four and was a member c softball team. She is j in the Chestnut ] Presbyterian Church i [Continued on Page 26) »> if ol i
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