—Lancaster, Farming, Saturday, June 4. .1977 128 The Capp family poses with the first red and white Holstein they ever raised. From Ifeft to'right the family members are: Debbie, Donna, William, Sr., Billy, and Elsie Capp. Red Holsteins (Continued from Page 127] pounds, which is up there with the others,” Mrs. Capp notes. She also pointed out that of those animals which milk over 100 pounds, the butterfat test is 3.8. “So, I think they’re just as good as the black and whites,” she concludes. When Elsie Capp talks in the first person, saying “I got interested,” and “I think,” and calling them “my animals,” there is a reason - she is mainly responsible for the introduction of the red and whites into the family herd. FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RD 4 Ephr.it.-i, Ponn.i 717 354 4271 Store Hours Mon thru Fn 7 30 to & 30 S.iturciuy 7 30'to 300 “Those red and whites weren’t my idea,” stated William Capp during an interview with Lancaster Farming. “They’re really her cows,” he said, looking over at Ids wife and giving her the credit. William Capp had always been a black and white fan, but his wife had other tastes. “I always wanted a red and white, she recalls, thinking back to her life on her father’s dairy farm. “But, whenever a red calf was bom, it was sold right away because it was considered a freak,” Although she never had a red and white, 'she still harbored the desire to own one some day. Then, in 1970, one of the Capp’s Ivanboe cows had a red and white bull calf by a fluke of nature, and Elsie Capp thought she had her red and white. “But, our artificial breeder came in and offered us $2OO for him, and he was gone,” she remembers. The price of the animal coupled with the thought of nearly having one for herself after all those years, however, made Elsie more determined that she was going to have red and whites. And, it didn’t help that a neighbor and business acquaintance was developing one of the largest herds in the state riglit before her very eyes. Then, in November of 1973, the Capp’s bought a bred heifer which gave birtlr in January of 1974 to a red and CONVEYS AND FEEDS Jamesway Convey-N-Feed cattle feeder, two ma chines in one, is *‘loaded’ * at silo end for straight-out conveying and feeding. Adjustable incline and de cline add flexibility. Feeds' silage fast. We also install silage distributing-unloading, venti lating, and manure-handling systems . AGRI-EQUiP. RD2, Farftersville. Ephrata, PA 717-354-4271 ROY 0 CHRISTMAN HENRY S. LAPP KUI U. UIKIdimHII rdi, Cams, Gap, PA 17527 RDI (Shartlesville) Hamburg PA 19526 717-442-1134 215-562-7211 or 215-4 M-1904 ERB»HENR y equip INC. PA 22-26 Henry Avenue, New Berlmville. PA 717 77A 215-367-2169 white heifercalf which Elsie had waited for for so long. “That calf turned out to be the most spoiled animals we have in the barn,” she says with a wry turn of her head and a silent laugh at her indulgence. “We let her run loose in the bam and she grew up on dog food,” she continues. “It used to be cute, but it’s not so cute anymore when she gets loose and starts eating up all the dog food.” That statement was verified later in the day whenj during milking, the “spoiled brat,” got loose and headed straight for the dog food. “See what I mean?” Elsie asked with a helpless shrug of her shoulders. This pet of Elsie’s, however, is the second highest red and white producer the Capps own. At three years old, her production record is 21,195 pounds of milk and 794 of fat. I. G.'s AG. SALES Rt 113. Box 200, Silverdale. PA 215-257-5135 The only- red and white Pinelee_ Rich Gift, ha. .animal to top this record is a record ‘of 24,314 ’four-year-old owned-by 13- milk add 782 of fat. fh year-old Bill, Jr. '’‘Miller’s figures topped most of Rinnie,” the daughter of [Continued on Page 13^ & ; t *■ ' V Pr jv x 5. •* LANDIS BROTHERS INC. 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster. PA 717-393-3906 y M. $. YEARSLEY I SON 114 E. Market SI West Chester. PA 19380 215-696-2990 HARRY L TROOP Rt 1 Cochranville, PA 19330 215-593-6731 SWOPE t BASHORE, INC; Fryslown Rl. Myerstown. PA 717-933-4131 DEPENDABLE MOTORS Honey Brook. PA 215-273-3131 lose the
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