VOL 22 No. 29 Crop data required by ASCS WASHINGTON, D.C. - Anticipating changes in farm legislation, the Agricultural, Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) will require fanners to report their 1977 wheat, barley, corn, sorghum and tobacco acreage. Both congressional agriculture Committees have reported on farm bills which provide that if a set aside is implemented for 1978 crops, the acreage required to be set-aside may be based on a the acreage planted, for harvest in, 1977 r Neither (Continued on Page 36] KMMC serves da&ymen By JOANNE SPAHR ' HARRrSBURG, F«. • Accordingto statistics from Harrisburg, nearly three quarters of all the milk produced in Pennsylvania for fluid use is consumed within the state. Based on total population and per capita consumption of 134 pounds of fluid milk products, Pennsylvanians consume 3,357,' 200,000 pounds of milk annually. Realizing this fact, a group of individuals coming from all phases of the dairy industry, banded together to form the Keystone Milk Marketing Council, Inc., to help Pennsylvania maintain' a viable milk industry within the state. Incorporated in the Spring I Continued on Page 20] ' Ice cream standards questioned By DIETER KRIEG LANCASTER - New ice cream standards being Proposed by the Food and yrug Administration are designed to give Manufacturers a little more flexibility with ingredients ‘jnd price ranges, but some dairy groups feel it’ll put Mem in a tod. The issue has created somewhat of 'a controversy and a hearing on me matter may have to be failed as a result of it The federal people have until June 13 to decide whether or n °ia bearing wffl be held. Heading the fight on behalf ot Pennsylvania’s dairy industry is Agriculture Secretary Kent Shelhamer, Itotfnwd anPace 19] Serving and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas - Also Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware Tvi/ila Brubaker ■■DWa Kauftown Sue Skiies Linda Wood €flen Schmuck Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4,1977 Lancaster Co. girls vie for princess dream By SALLY BAIR Feature Writer LANCASTER, Pa. - Ten young dairy enthusiasts will vie for the title of Lancaster County Dairy Princess at the county contest to be held June 18 at 6:30 pjn. at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. The evening will begin with on the patio, with dinner following at 7 p.m. The 10 contestants will be providing musical entertainment, and will be interviewed on stage before the final selection is made. Judges will meet with the girls earilier in the day for individual interviews. The 1977 winner will be In this Dairy Issue Once again, Lancaster Fanning salutes the area’s dairy industry. Within these 160 pages you’ll find news on herd health, breeding, feeding, aqd much more. There- are features on dairy farmplants, youths, and adults. special page for the ' • ~ P®“ks* someddpf; to color, and more 1 fan. ?$Wi! t fand feature*,. -other information pertinent to today’s dalry indtiirtry' throughout Lancaster Farming’s 1977 Dairy Issue. Farm Calendar 10 Editorials 10 Homestead Notes 42 Ida’s Notebook 43 Children’s Page 52 Classifieds - 55 Lancaster PHIA 82 ACA Farm Line 107 YorkDHIA 122 Embryo transplants tried in Pennsylvania By DIETER KRIEG KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. - Veterinarians at the New Bolton Veterinary Medical Center, near here, are helping to perfect a method of reproduction which could allow a top cow to have as many as a dozen or even three dozen calves per year. Known as “embryo transfer,” it’s a theoretically simple process involving a donor cow and one or more recipient cows which serve as “incubators” or foster mothers. The research was made possible by a grant from Atlantic Breeders Cooperative, funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and the cooperation of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association. Essentially, the procedure involves bringing the donor 1 Continued from Fa|e 241 Chocolate firm is surprising milk user By LAUREL SCHAEFFER Berks County Reporter HERSHEY, Pa. - Amost everyone in this region knows offiershey Foods and their vpiy popular product, but not mppy people see this fMdnatkf mittrafacturer of “the Great American Chocolate Bar” with it’s beautiful gardens, park, and amusements, as an important aagment of our area's dairy industry. Stop and think of what MILK chocolate is made from. Coooa beans, sugar and MILK. So much milk that Handiey has over 1000 dairy farms within a 10 county area stepping their milk regularly to this immense manufacturer. Lancaster County along has approximately 265 shippers. Not all of this mitt goes into making chocolate, however. Some rook, that which is not processed at the ICoehMd en ft* 2t] crowned by the 1976 Lancaster County Dairy Princess, Debra Kreider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kreider, Manheim R 5. Two alternates will be named. Contestants will get some first-hand experience at meeting the public when they participate with Deb Kreider at a dairy promotion at Park City Mall cn Saturday, June 4 from 1-4 p.m. Mrs. Fred Crider,' who is co-chairman of the county milk promotion program with her husband, estimates that the 10 contestants will hand out nearly 1500 glasses (Continued on Page 14) My Thoughts 125 Joyce Bupp 129 Dairy Princess _ Contests 133,135,142 Plant Lovers’Corner 146 News Nutrition ' 148 Sale Reports 157 Public Sales Register 158 Linda Coates Margo Armstrong Vickie Warfei Sheryl Bollinger Martha Gregory $4.00 Per Year Dry spell threatening Pa. crops LANCASTER - Lack of rain in Pennsylvania and adjacent states is beginning to worry fanners and other agricultural specialists. Agriculture Secretary Kent Shelhamer sees the situation as approaching the critical stage, although no specific area has readied that point yet. For some commodities, however, the hot and dry weather has been damaging. Farmers in the southeastern and southcentral Pennsylvania -region appear to he hit the hardest, according to reports received at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. [Continued on Pace 3-1) Peggy Staub to work for Dept, of Ag By JOANNE SPAHK NEWVILLE, Pa. - Peggy Staub, Newville, began her Summer job last Tuesday, just like many other college students on Summer break. But, unlike many 19-year-old females, she won’t be punching the cash register or waiting on hungry travelers. Instead, for five days a week, she will be providing a service to every dairy fanner in the state of Pennsylvania. That’s a pretty big order for a college junior-to-be, but Peggy will handle the work load just as she has been doing for the past % of a (Continued on Page 25f Solanco dairy teams rate high By SUSAN KAUFFMAN QUARRYVILLE, Pa. - This Spring the Solanco dairy judging team captured first place at the Penn State Dairy' Exposition as they have done for five of the seven years of the club’s existence. The record of the club’s performance includes 1971, ‘72 and ‘73 first place teams at the Penn State Exposition, first and second place teams and second highest individual in 1974, and high Holstein and Ayreshire judges in 1975. The high Arysbire judge, Joe Winters, went on to Columbia, Ohio, to capture the high individual score in the North-American IGon&MMd an Page IS]
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