—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 7, 1977 92 The tent NEWARK, DeL - The tent caterpillars are back again. You can see their ugly nests along any country road now, or wherever the wild choke cherry grows. This is one of the best known insects in our part of the country, yet many people confuse it with another “tent maker”-the Fall web worm. University of Delaware extension entomologist Dr. Dale Bray says one way to tell the difference, even from a car window, is by the tent or nest. The tent caterpillar seldom encloses leaves in its tent. The fall webwofm, on the other hand, spins its nest around many leaves. Don’t let die name of the Fall webworm deceive you-it’s with us from late Spring until Fall, so you can’t be sure of telling the two pests apart by the time of year. Tent caterpillars feed on the cherry tree leaves for a few weeks, enlarging their tents as they themselves get fatter and longer. And then, on a warm day in May, they desert their trees4ents and all. They crawl about the countryside, sometimes climbing up the sides of houses and even entering homes. This understandably distresses homemakers, and such intruding caterpillars are likely to end up in the trash can. Most of the rest find some dark, protected place where they can change from two and-a-half -inch brownish caterpillars with white stripes down their backs into a resting or pupal stage. durable dependable DUAL WH Lok-Rail hook • STRONGEST DUALS MAO • INSTANT MOUNTING • POSITIVE ALIGNMENT • Universal rims and fasteners to fit al power adjust wheels with no welding • Locking lugs on multiple hole rail pi mounting with no wheel alignment pi • Fasteners angle slightly in each direct mg positive loch • No dual slip when tractor shifts ti £ v * ISOplns axle mount Duals Wm tCJ® 1 • New malleable iron hubs give precision Pressed Fit with tracer axle have KA extra thick outer flange with buttressed shoulders to put st.englh where it s \ B r* needed between outer U Bolt and Dual Wheel • 9 special grade 8 heat treated IB studs with lock nuts 1 deep in hub • Double strength 9 hole wheels • 2 high V tensile strength 1 1 /8 U Bolts hold hub to tractor and are spaced aparl to \ am i reduce leverage stress or backward • Duals painted with rust retardant and finish coat •20 year guarantee on hook portion of fasteners 1 (PILOT PIN! If you want to save money on deal with Factoiy Direct Dist Also we have many large tires at low prices. CALL OR WRITE MUMMAU Mount Joy, PA. 717-653-2075 caterpillar is back Each pupa is covered by a sulfur-yellow cocoon. Come June, small reddish brown moths will emerge from these cocoons and fly back to the cherry trees where the females will lay their eggs. Each female lays between 150 and 300 eggs, one next to the other, around twigs in such a way that they look very much like dark, brown, varnished collars. These eggs won’t hatch until next year in late March or early April, when the cycle starts all over again. Old-timers thought that the best way to control tent caterpillars was to burn them with a ball of flaming rags soaked in kerosene. Bray discourages this practice. Not only is this apt to set Are to the whole place, it harms the tree itself. It’s better,, says the en- Lamb care discussed YORK, P*. - The York County 4-H Lamb Club held its April meeting at the home of diarla, Jon, and Susan Janney. Linda Ebaugh and Charla Janney assisted Tony Dobrosky in demonstrating and explaining the selection, feeding, and care of project lambs. The tentative date for the next meeting is May 11 at the home of Donald Flory. The program will be washing show lambs. new and used wheel sei FIRESTONE tomologist, to spray or dust the tents with a small amount of some insecticide when the tents are small. Materials which are ef fective include Sevin, fioidan, Dylox or Orthene at labeled rates. Non-chemical controls lor the pest include destroying egg masses before April, hand destruction of webs and larvae now, or removing the wild fruit frees that harbor them. If you’re going to destroy the nests, do this at dusk while all the cater pillars are gathered inside. When using insecticides, it isn’t necessary to spray the whole tree-just cover the tent and the branches closest to it. In most cases the best treatment is to ignore the insect. In a few weeks, there’ll be more leaves on the frees and all is nice again. AMS/OIL SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS can increase the bottom line, PROFITS! Let me show you how. Call Mel Caldwell (717)872-7324 FIRESTONE ARMSTRONG GOODRICH May 20 deadline set in York for dairy princess applications YORK, Pa. - The York County Dairy Princess and Promotion Committee has set Friday evening, June 24, for its annual pageant. Highlight of the evening festivities, scheduled for the 4-H Center near Bair, will be the crowning of the 1977-78 York County dairy princess. Mrs. Leo Rutter, 53 Lightner Road, York, is coordinating committee plans for the June program. Entiy forms for the pageant are available from Mrs. LC Free Hot Water 12] HPerForm Cooing 3- Mueter-Matic Wasting dE in* heat you re wasting when cooling mllkf • in tha Fra-Haataf, tha ralrigtrant is routed to a specially dasignad con dansar/haat axchanger and its haat is Usnslsrrad to tha wsiwr. ft A thermostatically controlled valve delivers 140* F water to the storage tank A mixing valve also delivers * prepplng ’ temperature water • Teste indicate the Fre-Heater con sumes 10% (ess power than an air cooled system and you get Free hot water! ft Eliminates the most common causes of slow cooling cold-weather start ing problems, and compressor fail ures because 1 There Is no air-cooled condenser to become clogged or tans to fail or generate noise 2 The Fre-Heater is installed in doors 3 The head pressure is vary stable assuring longer compressor life ft A Fre-Heater operating on so* F well water will produce a volume of 140* F water similar to tha amount of milk produced during a milking RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION RDS, Manheim, PA 17545 PH: 717-665-3525 We’ve Been in Business Since 1946 A Selling Milk Tanks Since 1955. Rutter, or from county daily farmers, and must be returned to her no later than May 20. Eligibility requirements for contestants are: -must live in York County. •must be the daughter of a dairy farmer, dairy farm manager, herdsman, or dairy farm owner, or be the owner of more than one dairy animal prior to May 1. -must have completed,her junior year of high school prior to the pageant and not HlPerPorm control syslom with the ef ficient Mueller Temp-PJatal*evaponh tor (cooling plate) Split evapora'or and controls lor dual condensing | Is/XA-T? X C m units • Gentle but thorough agitation aids •If you're still hand washing cooling and an automatic interval Va. ur y° ur valuable timer assures uniform blend of tern- Ijy! tj'ne Is (jwng down the perature and butterfat drain with the wash water • Service-free dependability and longer • Simple, 3-step operation compressor tile due to unique control * Insert the Jet-tube system and factory - sealed pre- 2. Fill detergent container and check charged refrigerant tubing acid level 3 Switch unit "on*' for automatic operation • Wall- If mounted control cabinet for both cooler and Mueller- Matic controls • Mueiler Craftsmanship, 100% stain less steal construction, lower ellipti cal design and large radius comers for easy cleaning • Unique Mueller-Malic jet-tube spray action and precision«metered acid ♦A refrigerant coni rot aystam II- •anltlia a vary Inch of cooler censed under and covered by Interior Milk atone build-up Is Wastinghouse Patent 3.264.C37 and alimlnated and bacteria count is perhaps others sharply reduced be 22 before December 31 1977. ■must be single and neved married. Y -must have parent’s or guardian’s consent. 1 -former county winners are ineligible. -county winner must at tend Summer training seminar to participate m state pageant. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! • Daily use on thousands of dairy farms has provad that Mualtar-Matlc cleans tha cooler consistently better than hand scrubbing • Mueller-Watic gives your cooler a hot water pre-rinse, hot-water and detergent wash, hot water rinse, and a cold water acid rinse all automatically MWI
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