Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read thefarmWomenCalendar. L & MTUR & WOOLEN ENTERPRISE jfSjp Quaity Electrified Moulons I Furs Tannery Direct Disl. - Wholesale t Retail | Check our Quality, Price & Services! • Woolen~Hosp. Pads - Natural <■ Ail Colors • Pa. Largest Selection of Woolen Products p Sheepskin Coats at Reasonable Prices • See Us At Meadowbrook Market in Leola 117 W. Summit St., Mohnton, Pa. 215-777-2465 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-1:30: Sal. 9-5 IF YOU WANT A PROFITABLE HARVEST THIS FALL... PLANT GUTWEIN HYBRIDS WE HAVE HYBRIDS FOR YOU! MEL BRANDT RAY A. BRATTON RICHARD BRECKBILL BERNARD J CLARK ELIOETURK DUTCHMAN FEED Mia DANIEL ESH ROY E EVERHART ROBERT L FOGLE. SR ANDREW FRITZ MULFORO GARLAND ROBERT C GREIDER JOHN HERR ELI HOOVER JAMES HUGHES HURST BROS MIU DALE JARDINE CREDON JUMPER WILMERG KRAYBia V IVAN LEHMAN LADY NORMAN. INC For Areas Not Represented By A GUTWEIN Dealer, CONTACT: HAROLD J. DIETRICH RDI. Box 98 (717) 933-4940 Richland. Pa. 17087 THIS SPRING! Dealers To Serve You: Kirkwood, PA PAUL MARTIN STEVE MOLNAR McVeytown, PA RAYMOND MOYER Oxford, PA MURPHY « CLOUSE KENNETH W MYERS EARL NOLT WALTER OCKER HARRY PEIFER HOWARD PYSHER WILLIAM RENNO RICHARD SLAYBAUGH GEORGESTAMBAUGH CHARLES SWAILES H GRANT TROOP ROYWILOESON TOM WILLIAMS WILLIAM YOHE FAE YOUNKIN ARTHUR ZUG Frederick, MD Olcy.PA Ephrata, PA Trout Run, PA Middletown, MD ML Airy, MD Waynesboro. PA Warfordsburf. PA Columbia, PA Grantville. PA RemhoMs, PA West Newton, PA Eaat Earl, PA Carlisle. PA Carlisle. PA Eivcrton. PA Haferstown. MO •iflerville. PA livestock market a Des Moines May 4,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close, beef trade closed slow. Demand light to moderate. Choice steer and heifer beef steady to 1.00 lower. Primal beef cuts heifer hinds and heifer rounds steady. Forequarters unevely steady. No comparable cow beef sales. Sales on 14 loads steer and heifer beef con firmed. STEER BEEF 9 CONFIRMED LOADS Choice 2 600-000 lbs 66.50 Richland, PA Phillipsburg. NJ Manheim, PA Carlisle. PA Union Bridge. MO LowvHle, NY Chambersburg, PA Pine Grove, PA Bangor, PA Danville. PA Bifleralle, PA Newville, PA Willow Hill, PA QuarryviDe, PA Chamberebvrg. PA Middletown, PA Spring Grove, PA Rock wood. PA Port Royal, PA 1.00 lower; Choice 3 600-800 lbs 65.00-66.50, late steady to 50 lower 65.50-66.50; Good 2-3 500-900 lbs 58.50 Holstein type. HEIFER BEEF 5 CONFIRMED LOADS Choice 3 500-700 lbs. 63.75 1.00 lower; Good 2-3 500-700 lbs. 59.75. COW BEEF 1 CONFIRMED LOAD Utility fbrkgl (nthm) 3-4 47.00.' CHOICE 3&4 PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 16 CONFIRMED LOADS Hinds (heifer) 120-170 lbs. 83.75 steady; fores 130-210 lbs. 47.00-50.50, mostly unevenly steady 47.00-48.50; arm churcks 75-120 lbs. 47.00- 48.00; rounds (heifer) 60-85 _lbs. 77.00 steady. BEEF TRIMMINGS 10 CONFIRMED LOADS BEEF TRIMMINGS 50 percent chem lean (fresh) 35.00 Compared to Tuesday’s close, fresh pork cut trade moderae to good, demand moderate to good for loins. Fresh loins steady to 4.00 higher. Picnics steady. Spareribs 2.00-2.50 higher. Boston b u tts 1.25-1.75 Higher. Skinned hams 26 up lbs 50-1.50 higher. Bellies unevenly steady. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS 14-DN lbs 74.75; load export 79.00; 14-17 lbs 72.50-77.00; 2.75-4.00 higher TRIMMED 80.00-81.00 17-20 lbs 66.50-68.25; 20&up lbs. 63.75 steady. PICNIC 4-8 lbs 37.75-39.00 stcddy BOSTON BUTT 4-8 lbs 54.25-54.75 1.25-1.75 higher - SPARERIBS 3-DN lbs 95.00-96.50 2.00-2.50 higher SKINNED HAMS 14-17 lbs 65.00-66.00; 17-20 lbs 65.00- 65.50; 20-26 lbs 65.00; 26-30 lbs 65.00 50-1.50 higher BELLIES, SDLS 10-12 lbs 55,00; 12.14 lbs. 56.50-57.50 steady to 50 higher; 14-16 lbs 56.00 50-1.00 lower; 16-18 lbs 55.00; 18-20 lbs 51.00 BNLS CT BUTT lbs 85.00; 3-6 lbs 82.00 SHANK MEAT 67.00 BONELESS PICNICS 62.00 OFFAL & VARIETY: - MELTS 10.50 FEET 16.50. KIDNEYS 10.00. Golden Harvest, Seed Corfi In Stock Located at Rt. 322 & Reservoir Roads Honey Brook, Pa. Phone (215) 273-3546 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977 nd Belleville Auction Belleville, Pa. May 4,1977 CATTLE 152. Compared ' with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows mostly steady to 50 cents higher. Couple Good slaughter steers 34.85 and 35.00, few Standard 32.85- 33.60. Couple Good slaughter heifers 33.75 and 34.35, few Utility 30.00-32.50. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 27.50-31.00, few Commercial 25-75-27.75, Cutters 26.50-28.50; Canners 24.50-25.85. Couple Good slaughter bullocks 33.75 and 35.10, few Utility 31.00-31.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1200- 1800 lbs. slaughter bulls 35.35-35.75. Few Choice 400- 700 lbs. feeder steers & bulls 34.00- CALVES 132. Vealers grading Standard & Good 70- 105 lbs. $2 to $4 higher. Few Choice vealers 59.00-60.00, Good 48.00-58.00, Standard & Good 90-105 lbs. 28.00-36.00, Standard 70-85 lbs.' 22.00- 28.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 30.00-40.00. HOGS 236. Barrows & Gilts $1.25 to $2.25 higher. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. barrows & gilts 40.00-41.40, one lot 41.60, No. 1-3 195-250 lbs. 38.00- 39.10, few lots No. 2-3 245-255 lbs. 35.60-37.00, few lots No. 1-3 170-180 lbs. 35.50-38.10. Few US No. 1-3 350475 lbs. sows 29.00-31.50. Boars 17.50- 25.00. FEEDER PIGS 413. US No. 1-3 15-20 lbs. feeder pigs 18.00- per head, No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 21.00-32.00, No. 1-3 45-75 lbs. 33.00-42.50, Utility 50-75 lbs. 28.00-36.00 per head. SHEEP 2. Not enough of any one grade to establish a market. K m KBU-urmimKenLeaiPoamaii Honey Brook, Pa. 10% OFF SALE! Because of Large Seed Corn Inventory, We Announce 10% Discount Sale On All DDED SPECIAL auction news Ail 12 l Aga.4pt BARBED WIRE Reduced to *24.50 per roll New Holland Horse New Holland Sales Stables Monday, May 2 Reported receipts of 415 horses, mules, and ponies. Market steady with last week’s market. Two loads of riding, driving, and work horses out of Tennessee. Driving 460- 580; single work horses 675- 985; and riding 405-850. Local work horses 500-700: driving horses 175-900; riding horses 175-275; lightweight 24-26; better horses 325-880; heavyweight 33-35; mares 20-55; colts 10- 3; geldings 20-50; larger ponies 65-150. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, May 4 Reported receipts of 79 cows, 61 heifers, and two bulls. Market steady with last week’s market. Load of Pennsylvania fresh cows 430-725; load of Butler County springers 480- 645; Load of Franklin County springers 735-825; load of Pennsylvania fresh cows 625- 1050, springers 650-770; Load of Pennsylvania fresh cows 510-690. Locally consigned cows 450-780; springing heifers 525-650; open heifers 250-310; bred heifers 420-565; bulls 380460. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Lancaster Friday, April 29,1977 Feeder Cattle 486 Today Last Friday 1048 TREND: Compared to last Friday, small supply feeder steers 1.50-2.00 higher. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 625-900 lb. 40.00-41.00; mixed Good and Choice 550- 900 lb. 38.75-40.00, couple lots 435485 lb. 40.0041.75; Good 600-750 lb. 38.00-39.00; one lot Standard Holsteins 32.85. 9
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