J *• * * x n. vnsi' ■; 20—Lancaster Farmihgr Saturday, May 7 f 1977* My Thoughts And welcome to them By JOANN* SM HB Associate ffrfltor Some people have ceramics elephants, marble balls on pedestals, or even fancy lamp posts decked out in flowers to accent their well manicured lawns, but on the farm, we have grape arbors adorning the yard (which I sometimes mow, so at those times it’s more scraggly than well manicured). Personally, I like our choice of paraphenalia the best. When I was a small child, all three of the rather large pole supports were dressed to the hilt with grape vines. And, every Fall they dangled the luscious, juicy purple grapes, which I used to squeeze between my thumb and forefinger to propel the gelled green, sweet interior into my mouth. There's nothing that can spoil an appetite better than sweet purple grapes just before dinner. The time did come, however, when the stalks got just too old to keep producing the lavender scrumptious jewels, and the arbors slowly defoliated to show the heavy wire supports underneath. .But, that didn’t daunt my spirits any. Just like a child who finds her dream castle in a deserted, run down old “ghost house, ” I made the culinary misfortune into a rare find. Although I never had ail the gymnastic equipment like my town friends, I made up for it with the arbors, on which I learned to “skin the cat” and climb around. It was great - when it came to the parallel bars in gym class, 1 led the way. Then came my downfall. Mother decided that she was going to Have “something just for pretty" growing on the arbor, and planted a wisteria stalk. At first, it only kept me from climbing around on one end, but then it started to take over, and eventually pushed me right off the arbor. Fortunately, my interest in skinning the cat waned at the same time the wisteria got greedy for the whole structure so we were all happy. And today, as I look at the peaceful, grapelike bunches of flowers, and smell their sweet calming scent, I’m more than glad that I had to give up the grape arbor to the wisteria. Each May, their beauty signals the coming of a lovely summer-something a ceramic elephant could never do. BAIMVEL DISTRIBUTOR | Successful on millions of acres where corn Is the major crop, the Bonvei + Lasso herbicide combination can give you "near perfecTcontrol of o wide spectrum of grassy and broodleof weeds, when used according to label directions. Donvel + Losso herbicide is compatible with most fluid fertilizers. It needs no ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR P. L. ROHRER & BRO„ INC. .- - “ Smoketown, PA Pre-emergence tank-mix controls grassy and broadleof weeds without carryover DanveT+Losso o giant first step toward total weed control in fieN com ROYSTER CO.fS 500 RUNNING PUMP ROAD ROHRER’S BANVEL SEE OPPOSITE PAGE LANCASTER, PA. 17601 717-299-2541 « t i *• f ' r l'f ( Phone 717-299-2571 incorporation. There is no carry© Take o giant step toward total w control. Call about the Danvel + I combination. Remember, the ”ne< perfect" herbicide is the on build...storting with Bonve herbicide...from Velsicol. *The combination is effective on ad mojo types, except light sandy soils. Lasso is < registered trademark of Monsanto Com To achieve best results, be sure to read, understand and follow the lobe). i* j * Company.
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