a*.. wr«*iD , ••nil*’ fgg CONTACT ONE OF THE PURINA DEALERS BELOW TO PLACE YOUR PURINA FLY CONTROL ORDER. TO QUALIFY FOR SPECIAL 10%-20% DISCOUNTS ORDER BEFORE MAY 31st. PHILLIPS FEED SER. INC. R.D.3 Bath, Pa. Phone 215-837-6061 * . itli . KISSLING'S MILL A. A. SPANNUTH & SONS Bernville Pa R.D. 1 Phone 215-488-1976 Myerstown, Pa. Phone 717-933-4655 IRANISSLEY, INC. Box 276 Morgantown, Pa. Phone 215-286-9328 STOVER FEED CO. North 7th Street Perkasie, Pa. Phone 215-257-4613 SPEC Excellent residual fly control. One of the safest residual sprays for use around young animals. Approved for use in dairy barns, milk rooms and pig houses. Can be sprayed on the ceiling over caged birds. Approved for poultry, meat and food processing plants. Approved for use in dairy barns, pig parlors, calf bams; poultry houses and other farm buildings. Effective residual control of flies where sanitation is good. Quick knockdown and kill of flies. Maximum stable fly control. 1. 2. 3. Type of formulation recommended by some college extension departments. Effective against insects which are resistant to other insecticides. wwww Contains an insecticide that has never been used in ll y bait formulations. Better kill because of no fly immunity. No competitive fly bait formulations contain meth omyl. Tested against a leading competitor, Purina Fly Patrol was equal to or superior in performance. Has been proven highly effective against flies re sisting baits containing D.D.V.P. (Vapona). Economical Use only V* lb. per 1000 sq. ft. VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. Shoemakersvilie, Pa. Phone 215-926-2121 PHILLIPS FEED SER. INC. GermansviHe, Pa. Phone 215-767-3810 POTTSTOWN ROLLER MILLS Pottstown, Pa. Phone 215-323-8620 RICHLAND FEED CO. Richlandtown. Pa. Phone 215-536-2555 DURING MAY^ PURINA FLY CONTROL BLITZ ALL NEW PURINA FLY LARVACIDE PREMIX Can be top fed or Mix with your grain ration Kills the horn, face, stable, and house maggots. More economical than blocks Can be fed to lactating dairy cows PURINA FLY LARVACIDE BLOCK - ACTIVE INGREDIENT RABON* •TM SHELL CHEMICAL CO Kills the horn, face, stable and house maggots. Low consumption rate - 2.5 oz/hd/day. Can be fed to lactating dairy cows. PURINA CHECK FLY AND WORMER BLOCK Kills hornfly and face fly maggots. Helps clean up pastures infested with worm and fly eggs. Helps prevent foot rot and lumpy jaw. Easy to use. Excellent for pasture feeding. Palatable. Can be used as a source of feed and salt. Contains necessary minerals, vitamins, grain and salt. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF YOUR FEEDING AND HEALTH PRODUCT NEEDS MAIL TO: I PURINA: Box 266 SS, do Lancaster Farming, J Lititz. Pa. 17543 NAME I ADDI Est. of GEORGE S. SNYDER, INC. KUSER'S FEED AND SUPPLY Athol, Pa. Phone 215-689-5601 PLAIN AND FANCY AG. ENT. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977—17 -ACTIVE INGREDIENT RABON* •T M SHELL CHEMICAL CO .COUNTY .STATE PHONE Hatfield, Pa. Phone 215-855*2131 JAMES R. HOUCK R.D.I Mt. Bethel. Pa. Phone 215-588-4895 DAVIS FEED MILL Rushland, Pa. Phone 215-598-3302 Tamaqua, Pa. fly ! WALTERK. LONG, INC. Center Valley, Pa. Phone 215-282-1412 KOCH'S FARM SERVICE Tamaqua, Pa. Phone 717-668-3849 ALBRIGHT'S MILL Kempton, Pa. Phone 215-756-6101 GEHOANDSON R.D.I Emmaus. Pa. Phone 215-965-9235 fly
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