Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS, MACHINERY AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 Beginning at 10:00 A.M. Elmer Rice home, Indian Creek Road, 3 miles from Eldred r Pa., off Rt. 446 West of Eldred. Watch for Auction Arrows! Farm is sold, must dispose of: 9 x 12 braided rug, drop leaf table and chairs, GE refrigerator, freezer (both real nice), recliner, 3 A bed with springs and mattress, two % mattresses, electric sweeper, metal wardrobe, B & W portable TV, heavy duty Hot Point automatic washer, Kenmore dryer (like new), round maple table and chairs, ice chest, bathroom heater, base CB and antenna, milk cans, double barrel Lefever hammerless shot gun, 22 rifle with scope and 2 clips, helmet with shield, wheelbarrow, set of wrenches open one end 3/8 to 11/*I 1 /* (like new), oil lantern, RRlantern, double snowmobile trader. 15 ft. 5 ft. wide horse trailer, trailer hitch and frame, double action air compressor, 2 paint sprayers and gauges, new electric fencer, vise, air operated grease gun for 5 gal. pail, hub wrenches, 12” chain saw, battery charger, extension ladder, 16” tires for farm wagon, fuel cans, creeper, trouble light, garden sprayer, drill, barb wire, wedges, chain binder, lots of hand tools, wood bits, drums, etc. IH 300 loader and backhoe, V snowplow blade, JD baler, H Farmall with 2-way mounted plows~ chains, Case side rake on rubber, MF semi-mounted mower, JD 2-bottom plow, JD com planter, 3-sec. drag, 3 rubber tire wagons, spreader, walking cultivator, 2 saddles (1 real nice western, 1 Army), 6x6 chicken house, 66 sharp fence posts, 6 mallard ducks and many more items tod numerous to mention.! Terms: Cash or good check. Auctioneer: Si Pepperman (814)698-3431 Not responsible for accidents on premises. If you are interested in an auction, call this number. Remember we let YOU decide! PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 14,1377 AT 10:00 A.M. Along Route 225 in the Village of Red Cross, Northumberland County, Pa. across from Mandata Poultry Company; 13 Miles South of Sunbury. FARM EQUIPMENT FarmaU H Tractor with Loader, Ford 8-N Tractor, Int. PTO No. 46 Baler, Oliver 13 Disk Grain Drill, 10” Hammermill, Electric Seeder, 2-Row Cornplanter, Grab Hook, IH Side-Delivery Rake, 3-Pt. Ground Scoop, 3-Pt. Blade and Scorer, Int. Manure Spreader, 2-bottom Trailer Plow, Dump Rake, Farm Trailer, Super 26 M.H. 10’ Self-propelled Combine, as is; 3- Section Harrow, 8’ Disk, Single-Row Compicker, Land Roller, Metal Hog Feeder, Log Chains, Farm Wagon, Grindstone, Buzz Saw, Homelite Chain Saw* Beam Scale, Garden Tools, Hand Duster, Potato Plow, Horse Cultivator and Plow, Small Incubator, Cream Separator, Hay Hook, Belting, Single Trees and Spreaders, LOT HARNESS, Saddles, Horse Collars, Pony Cart, CUTTER SLEIGH with Single and Double Shafts, HORSE BUGGY (both in very nice condition); All State Motor Scooter. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Flour chest, Oak Slant-front Desk, Oak Bed, nice Wooden Butter Chum, (6) Cane Seated Chairs, Cane Rocker, Several 6’ Sections of Decorative IRON FENCE, Tinware, Trunks, Wall Mirrors, Crocks, Jugs, Sausage Stuffer, Meat Bench, Meat Grinder, Lard Press, (2) Butcher Kettles, Butcher Forks and Ladles, Hog Gallows, Waffle Iron, Sad Irons, Model T Coils, Dry Sink, Wooden Washer, Benches, Lanterns, Tub Pump, Wooden Barrels, Wooden Measures, Wall-type Coffee Grinder, Carbide Lights, Wagon Seat, Ice Tong, Wagon Jacks, Milk Cans, Saddler’s Bench, Adz, Broad Axe, Straw Knife, Wooden Pulleys, Grain Cradle, Wooden Wagon Wheels, Cow Bells, Straight Razors, Shaving Mugs, Ironstone Dishes, other items not listed. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Library Table, Maple Sofabed, Clothes Tree, New Ice Cream Freezer, Gun Rack, Books, Radios, Elec trolux Sweeper. George N. Delbert, Auctioneer 717-425-3313 Owner; ELMER MCE EARL A. SCHREFFLER MYRL K. SCHREFFLER Owners ANNAPOLIS, Md. - “Shortage is not something Maryland fanners believe in,” says Secretary of Agriculture Young D. Hance, who commented on a series of production reports showing that the mainstays of Maryland agriculture are setting new records. “The Eastern Shore’s broiler producers in 1976 raised a record high 199 million birds which pumped $lB3 million into the State’s economy. Our dairy farmers produced 130 million pounds of milk in March demon- AUCTION C(T THURSDAY EVENING, Mr MAY 12,1977 5:30 P.M. FURNITURE, COLLECTIBLES AND HOUSEHOLD Early walnut wardrobe, coverlet, Gone-With-The- Wind Lamp, Copper Spittoon, mantle clocks, early Springfield rifle, Jansson Sons & Co. 16 gauge Precussion, treadle sewing machine, robe bed, miniature kitchen cabinet, miniature china closet, slaw cutter and lots more. No coins on this sale. ESTATES AND ANTIQUES WILBUR H. HOSIER 306 Owl Hill Road, LitiU Harold K. Galebach, Partner HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION-CALL 626-0254 Receiving Honrs: Monday, Noon to 9 P.M.; Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Tuesday, Pickup Day. Positively No More Garage Sale Leftovers Will Be Received. Lunch. Having sold the farm after many generations of cattle breeding, we will sell At the farm. New York Route 34 and Buck Road, Lansing, New York, 7 miles north of Ithaca, New York, 30 miles south of Auburn, N.Y. 103 Registered and Hi Grade Holsteins, 53 mature cows about VJ> registered with three registered daughters of Astronaut, one from a VGB9 Roburke dam with 650 F, a double bred Roburke cow, a Butch from a VGB6, 30,000 lb. dam, 2 Paclamar capsules, 2 Buddy Burke’s others represented by sires such as Sieling Rockman, Rockdale President, Harborcrest Sunshine, Peter’s Farm Markman, Ivanhoe, Penn State Starman and others. Herd not now on DHIA but plenty of the 70-80-90- pound kind. 15 fresh cows, 15-18 handling balance for fall and various stages. 10 bred heifers, 26 open heifers, 11 started calves, 3 registered bulls. A good portion of the heifers are by a son of Astronaut. Necessary cattle vet examined. Cattle tested for unmediate interstate shipment. Auctioneer’s note: Mr. William Davis has been noted for having some real milky cows with good udders and pedigree. He has sold a top bull to A. I. Service. Here is a place to buy top replacements. Farmall 706 D, Farmall Super M, NH 1469 self propelled haybine w/cab, Int. 550 chopper w/2 row com and windrow head; new 1976 NH No. 8 crop carrier w/heavy duty running gear and a complete line of good farm machinery. Terms: Cash or good check. Lunch Available. Howard W. Visscher, Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer Nichols. New York 607-699-7250 Farmers produce DAVIS LAWN FARMS COMPLETE DISPERSAL TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TUESDAY, MAY 10,1977 At T'P.M. Sharp FARM MACHINERY strating their quick recovery from the ravages of the Winter. Actually, the dairymen have been ship ping more milk for each of the first three months of this year than they did in 1976. “But despite this good news of the production front in terms of more food for people to eat, there are some hard economics involved. The broiler growers produced 11 per cent more birds last year than they did in 1976, but the cash income from those birds declined by one per cent. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7.1977 — more, earn less “And our dairy farmers, while producing and ship ping more milk, are, so far, getting less. In March of this year they received $9.42 per hundredweight compared to $9.72 paid for the milk a year ago. “Something has to be done to reward the farmer for his bountiful production and I hope that Congress will seriously consider the economics of preserving Price Index up 3 points WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Price Index Received by Farmers increased three points (IVz per cent) during the month ended April 15, according to figures released on May 2 by the United States Department of Agriculture. At 193 per cent of its January-December 1967 average, the Index was up four points (two per cent) above a year earlier. This marked the fourth straight monthly increase in the Index, which stood at 179 in December, then moved up to 183 in January, to 187 for February and to 190 in March. It’s at its highest point since last July. Higher prices for soybeans, cattle, oranges and potatoes were mainly responsible for the gain. Lower prices for vegetables, hogs, eggs, cotton, and com $l.lO per Cwt. to $34.90, while hog prices declined $l.lO to $36.00. Soybeans advanced $1.55 per bushel to $9.38; oranges advanced from $1.46 per box in March to $2.09. But, com was down three cents per bushel to $2.32; eggs were off mtISQIFIItHHUMniV CONSIGNMENT SALE RAIN OR SHINE KEELERSBURG, WYOMING CO. SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 10 A.M. ED KAPOLKA FARM Located: Along the Susquehanna River, 9 mi. South of Tunkhannock, 3 mi. East of Cen termoreland and 4 mi. North of Falls, Pa. A late season sale, but we do have an excellent variety of new and used tractors and machinery consignments. This sale promises to be our best to date. Make plans to be with us, on this day. Sale will be held rain or shine, so come prepared. SPECIAL SALES NOTE; There will be some NEW TRACTORS featured at this sale site, displaying special sale prices for those of you are thinking of new tractors this spring. Don’t miss this great opportunity. Some promised partial listing: Tractors; JD 4020, A, B,; MH 81, 44,30; IH Super M, Ford; BN, 1954 w/plows & mower; JD B w/2 way plow, cultivator; plus many more by sale day. BALERS: Oliver w/kicker, JD 14t w/kicker, IH 37 w/kicker, Case and a NEW IH Big Roll baler. HAYBINES: Gehl, NI, NH, JD plus more. Mowers; Crimpers; Hay rakes; bale wagons; PLOWS: JD 4b pull type, MM 3 pt. 3b trip, AC 3 pt. 4b trip, IH fast hitch 3b trip, MF 82 3 pt. 5b trip, plus 3 pt. 2b and more. MANURE SPREADERS: several PTO and gr. drive. CORN PLANTERS: AC, IH, and Oliver 2 row and more. NEW Case 4 row cultivators; Stone picker; Discs; Harrows; Com pickers. CHOPPERS: NH Super 717, IH 9 knife and more. MH Clipper 50 combine; Woods triple blade rotary mower. BLOWERS: IH, AC, NH, NH hopper plus more. NH forage wagon, like new. Yellow devil weed sprayer, plus many more items too numerous to mention. Some items may be sold by sale day and more added. Refreshments. Tent. Terms: Cash or approved check. WAYNE E. WEAVER, Auctioneer, Manager RD2 Tunkhannock. Pa. 18657 333-4194 agriculture when it deals with major farm legislation this year. “The soybean market is strong, so our farmers say they will plant 20,000 more acres o! beans. This year, we are aiming at a repeat of 730,000 acres of com, and if we get better weather, we should beat last year’s record high production,” Hance concluded. 3.5 cents per dozen to 55.3 cents; cotton was off from 69.8 cents to 67.3 cents per pound. Meanwhile, the Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Commodities and Services, Interest, Taxes and Wage Rates moved up three points (IMs pet.) to a record 204. It was 13 points above a year earlier. The Ratio of Prices Received to Prices Paid remained at 95. It was 99 a year ago. Under the old 1910- 14 formulas, Prices Received advanced nine points to 483; Prices Paid advanced eight points to 693. The Parity Ratio advanced one point to 70. 121
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