B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 26. 1977 MARCH 28-APRIL 3, 1977 April fool runs hot and cool. Spray your shrubs now Knute Rockne killed in air crash March 31, 1931 Full moon April 3 Eiftel Tower finished March 31, 1889 .. Average length of days tor the week, 12 hours, 40 minutes .. First U.S Cremation Society founded April 3,1874 Corn was $2 a bushel in 1817 Newfoundland joined Canada March 30, 1949 .. Let thy discontents be secrets. Ask the Old Farmer: What knowledge or opinion do you have on the origin of th». expression that a thing, person, or custom has "gone by the boards" 7 HJ, Water town, N.Y Originally a nautical expression with the same meaning as "gone west," but in this case aver the side In other words, dead or finished Home Hints: Place a charcoal briquette in each compartment of an egg car ton, close the container, and fire up By the time the cardboard is burned away, your coals will be burning nicely and be just about ready for your food - OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Qoudy with flumes, then rain on Thursday; clear and warm over weekend Greater New York-New Jeraey: Light snow and rain through Saturday, clearing and warmer on Sunday. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Sleet, cloudy, showers, then rainy and warm on Friday; weekend starts to clear. Piedmont & Southeast Coastal:. Cold snap, rain west through Saturday; Sunday brings sun (All Rights Reserved, Yankee, Inc, Dublin, N H 03444) Middleburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. March 22,1977 CATTLE 236. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers weak to $1 lower. Slaughter cows steady to $1 higher. Few High Choice slaughter steers Woven Wire Farm FENCING for Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hois, Poultry, etc. Genuine Keystone Red Brand Carload just arrived and extra discount for large orders. Win deliver in area Also Barb Wire. Steel Posts, Metal Gates, smooth bracing Wire, Staples, nails, etc TOBACCO MUSUN, Tobacco Seeds, Moth Balls, Michigan Peal, shredded wood ex celsior, etc. Special quantity price on MICHIGAN PEAT SHREDDED BARK FOR MULCHING. Sold in Bulk at 60c per bushel bring your containers. LP • GAS Service W. L ZIMMERMAN & SONS Phone 717-768-8291 INTERCOURSE. PA. is oats seeding time Certified Clintford Oats Order Your Williams Soybeans Now Other Varieties Available SAVE WITH REIST SEED DEIST SEED COMPANY Finest Quality Seeds (Since 1925) Mount Joy. Pa. Ph. 653-4121 OLD ME« MANX' 38.50-40.60, Choice 2-4, 1100- 1300 lbs. 37.75-38.50, Good 33.85-36.85, Standard 31.25- 33.75. Few Choice slaughter heifers 34.75-36.60, Good 29.75-33.25. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.00-33.35, individual at 34.50, Cutters 27.85-30.50, few Canners 26.85-28.10, few Shells down to 22.50. Couple Good slaughter bollocks at 35.00. few Standard 33.10- 34.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1100-1525 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.0040.75. Good 400-700 lbs. feeder steers 37.00-43.00, Medium 500-800 lbs. 32.00- 40.00. CALVES 197. Vealers $3 to $8 lower. Choice vealers 56.00- Good 40.00-52.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 29.00-38.00, 90-110 lbs. 25.00- Standard 70-85 lbs. 22.00-26.00, Utility 60-90 lbs. 16.00-22.00 HOGS 555. Barrows and gilts $1.50 to $2 lower. US No. 1-2 200-225 lbs. barrows and gilts 37.25-38.80, No. 1-3 19Q -250 lbs. 36.00-37.25, No. 2-3 250-270 lbs. 33.60-36.00, No. 1- 3 160-180 lbs. 30.00-35.20. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 26.00-32.00. Boars 18.00-25.00. FEEDER PIGS 181. US No. -13 25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 29.00-39.00 per head, No. 1-3 40-75 lbs. 38.0043.50, Utility 50-75 lbs. 27.00-30.00 per head. SHEEP 6. Couple Choice 40 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 65.00-66.00. CATTLE 26L Compared with last Tuesdays; market, slaughter mostly steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter cows steady to $1 higher.FewHigh Choice and Prime 3-4, slaughter steers 38.60-39.10, Choice 2-4, 36.85-38.50, one to 39.00, Good 34.00-36.75, Standard 31.25-34.60, few Utility and Low Standard 29.50-31.00. Choice and Prime 34, slaughter heifers 37.10-38.50, Good and Choice 33.75-34.50, few Standard 31.85-33.25, one Utility at 29.35. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.50-31.60, few to 32.85, few Commercial 28.60-32.85, Cutters 27.60-29.75, Canners 26.25-27.85, few Shells down to 23.00. Standard and Good slaughter bullocks 32.60- 35.25, one Utility at 28.85. Yield Grade No. 1, 1300 and 1780 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.75 and 34.50. CATTLE 251. Supply in cluded 46 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to 75 cents higher. Slaughter cows $2 to $2.50 higher. Few High Choice & Prime No. 3-4 1020- 1220 lbs. slaughter steers 39.35-40.10, Choice No. 2-4 900-1300 lbs. 37.75-39.75, one at 40.25, Good 34.75-37.35, Standard 32.75-35.10, few Utility & Low Standard 29.75- 3135. Few Choice No. 2-4 slaughter heifers 34.50-36.75, few Good 32.00-34.50, few Standard 30.00-31.75, one Utility at 29.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 30.00-32.10, one at 32.50, Commercial 29.00-31.60, Cutters 28.00- 30.35, Caimers 26.50-28.35. BARGAINS FARMERS!! BRUSHLESS PTO AND DIESEL DRIVE ALTERNATORS No. 1. statically excited with power boost for excellent motor starting No. 2. brushless excited solid state for quick surge response No. 3. farm tested under actual emergency conditions at a confined dairy operation No. 4. dependable gear drive to withstand shock loads No. 5. SLOW SPEED • long lasting, 1800 r.pjn. operation 15.000 Watts *1390 25,000 Watts *1590 28.000 Watts *2276 40,000 Watts *2560 CONTINUOUS DUTY ALTERNATORS YOU BUY QUALITY FOR LESS MONEY AT BYLER'S DIESEL REFRIGERATION & PLUMBING Star Route, Rt. 655 Belleville, Pa. 17004 Phone Peachey 717-483-6646 Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. March,22,1977 Leesport Auction Leeiport, Pa. March 23,1977 CALVES 188. Vealers uneven, mostly $1 to $3 lower. Few Choice vealers 64.50-72.50, Good 42.00-50.00, Standard and Good 110-125 lbs. 35.5044.50, 90-110 lbs. 28.00-34.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 20.00-27.50, Utility 60-100 lbs. 10.00-23.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 37.0047.90; few Holstein heifers 90-105 lbs. 37.5044.50; few Beef cross bulls and heifers 90-110 lbs. 40.0045.00. HOGS 260. Barrows and gilts 50 cents to 75 cents lower. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. barrows and gilts 38350-38.85, No. 1-3 195-255 lbs. 37.60- 38.50, few No. 2-3 240-255 lbs. 36.85-37.85. Few US No. 1-3 350480 lbs. sows 30.25-34.25, one 595 lbs. at 24.00. Boars 20.25-27.50. FEEDER PIGS O. NO SALES ON OFFER SHEEP 1. One Slaughter ewes at 14.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at 38.25, few Good 35.00-36.25, few Standard 31.00-34.00. One Yield Grade No. 1 1630 lbs. slaughter bull at 36.25; two yield grade No. 2 1190 and 1690 1b5,35.75 and 35.85. Good & Choice 425-650 lbs. feeder steers 39.50-44.00; few Good 565-650 lbs. feeder heifers 28.25-31.50; Good 600-900 lbs. feeder bulls 33.00-34.50. CALVES 161. Vealers mostly $2 to $3 lower. One Prime vealer at 65.00, Choice 65.00- few High Good & Low Choice 54.0CM66.50, Good 44.00- Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 38.0045.50, 90-110 lbs. 28.00-32.00, Standard 65- 95 lbs. 22.00-28.50, Utility 60- 85 lbs. 15.00-23.00. Farm calves active, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 32.00-46.50. HOGS 351. Barrows & Gilts steady to SO cents lower. US No. 1-2200-240 lbs. barrows & NPW TTnllonr) gilts 38.50-39.35, 2 lots 39.75, -- JL fWliailCl No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 38.00- HOFSe 38.75, -No. 2-3 195-260 Ib& « lbs. 32.00-36.85. JFew US No. Reported receipts of 1-3 300430 lbs. sows 28.25- horses, mules and 5 273 33.75, NO 33 243535 lbs. KS 26.00- one at 21.50. week’s market. Boars 20.00-23.50; few light Load of horses out of inn, weights 25.50-26.50. 375 - 635; S of rid!* FEEDER PIGS 99. One lot horses out of TennesseeS g US No. 1-315 lbs. feeder pigs 1175. See 500 * 16.00 per head, No. 1-3 20-35 Load of work hm-c* „ . lbs. 25.00-35.00, few No. 1-3 i owa o ne pair H 75 u<£ f 50-70 lbs. 35.0045.00, Utility singles 570 - 975 50 ' 15-25 lbs. 7.00-24.00 per head. Local work horses son ooe SHEEP 74 Choice 5043 few pairsTlo lbs. spring slaughter lambs 410 -575; driving horses m 60.00- one at 85.00, 625; riding horlssl75 ® 2' Choice 70-120 lbs. wooled better riding horses 325-550’ slaughter lambs 50.0081.00,2 lightweight 24 - head 125-140 lbs. 41.00 and heavyweight 30 - 32- m, 26 ’ 44.00. Slaughter ewes 12.00- 20 -STcolte 10 - 30; geK 15.50, one at 8.00. 20-55; larger ponies 75 -150. INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTION! LEASE QUALITY DAIRY COWS DHIA HERDS AVAILABLE DAIRY FARM LEASING COMPANY 1700 DUPONT AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55403 CALL 612 377-1489 TODAY! r m<
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