I Bill Spahr W. L. Mummert Company White Oak Mill Barbara Batz Imtr Wholesale Specialty Feed Distributor WSUk -0 *Sf "- jf yjk !r Tw/£ ,y Harry Gundrum Walker Company Wafer's Food Hi 1977 20% of daily herd George Underwood, owner the Pioneer Valley Farm northeast Maryland, has 115 head dairy herd feeding program. Of cows milking, 23 - 20%- produce over Underwood feeds Wayne 16% Test Cow dairy pellet in the parlor. He feeds Wayne 16% Test Cow feeder to 50 lbs. or more. Wayne 16% Test Cow Pellets contain: High energy • to balance low energy level of hay Low fiber - to balance high fiber of hay Mineral fortification - to balance hay mineral levels Underwood also feeds 4 Ibs./head/day of Sweet Bulky to his milking cows. ..Irvin Leaman iffer & Sons in a magnetic all cows milking of in Wayne on a his 106 or over 20,000 Wayne 4 Lee Manifold & diaries Shenk He top-dresses Wayne Bulky on a 60-40 mix corn silage and haylag Wayne Sweet Bulky is palatable ration that in creases intake and pr Add to all this the 6 I alfalfa hay Underwood each head daily, and P-12 Mineral free-choice, you’ve got a Wayne de program that’s hard to lbs. r : :’. : -WmjEED nw*d^|<g| "' /•:' 87-44 Z-4169 ,'S+ # JAMES : / ' , <■+ ' Gap, PA Wholesale Specialty ftfei&tgtwlir ttmtieim, PA mmmi - ' » SONS 1 1 717-393-136$ DUTCRMWH^iMeKWC. Rl Stewns, pa ’' K ... I SON, . 7* '' ' s Anderson Bros. milks over 20, First CaH Heifer Milking 9 month - 63.8 lb. of milk last test Predicted - 20,510 ■V* -• J ** M X ‘ An. '•A prewar .MANOR • ÜBitmasKi" WUHAN'S Rol,N6il« han ' W WALTER’S Rotftes43, forest Hill. KOZ IBSI ANDES Kurferk, PA 17352 SStHENS Ste««rMi* 57 * "t* * ; m u
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