—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 26, 1977 16 Livestock malice Valley Livestock Vafley Livestock Auction Athens, Pa. Monday, March 21 Reported receipts of 618 calves, 127 cows, 24 bulls, 31 heifers, 95 hogs, 15 steers, 16 sheep and four goats. Cattle market steady with last week’s market. Calf market weaker. Veals 60.00 - 73.00; bobs 15.00 - 30.00; grassers and feeders 25.00 - 35.00; lambs 20.00 - 34.00; sheep 10.00 - SSI™- Q| DECK CAGE SYSTEM FEATURING CONTROLLED AUTOMATION WITH THESE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES IN STARTING AND GROWING PULLETS • High Speed Champion Feeding • Hart Cup Watering System • Automatic Air Inlet Control • Automatic Dropping Board Scrapers • High Capacity Feed Bins and Augers AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR 14.00; hogs 20.00 - 36.50; pigs 15.00 - 25.00; heifers 26.00 - 32.75; steers 28.00 • 36.50; bulls 27.00 - 39.00; cows, good 27.00 - 29.50; cows, med. 25.00 - 27.00; cows, poor or small 18.00 - 24.00; goats 15.00 - 26.00. Easter Sale to be held April 4. om su; Dutchman. • Total Ventilation Public I Continued from Page 1] works part-time for LARA, it was learned. Conducting the court-room style bearing was attorney 1907 70th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 197 THIS IS OUR YEAR*: IT CAN BE TOURS TOO! ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MARCH SPECIAL . „ Model L-225 Utility Loader ’5995 1 Only k NH 268 baler w-thrower NH 717 harvester NH 5717 harvester YOUR HOLLAfSD mwer C. E. WILEY & SON INC. Tom Goodman, Township solicitor. Although the hearing wasn’t slated to start until 7 p.m., people began to arrive an hour earlier, and by the time proceedings started, the 880-seat auditorium was packed. A few dozen* people GUARANTEED USED EQUIPMENT No. 8 crop carrier N.H. 327 spreader - Hawk 180 Bu. spreader FREE FINANCE ON MANURE SPREADERS TILL AUG. Ist, 77 101 S. Lime St Quanyville, Pa. Phone: (717) 786-2895 Hhey equipment COMPANY, INC. Manor chose to stand m the rear. The lobby was plastered with signs such as “Give n helping hand to save the farm land.” The slogan turned out to be Fpid,” ,and mailed appropriate in more ways'" Commonwealth Na than one since three well- D . , known Lancaster Countians >lt 11 SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PUNE TREE DRIVE UNCASTER. PA. 17603 (717) 393-5807 Route 30 West at the CentenriHe £xh 6 ft. (24 disk) harrow N.H. 469 Haybine N.H. 275 Baler had announced the before that a legal fund had been mii Checks - may be . payable to “Save Our di iti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers