3&—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 12, 1977 Lebanon Co, Extension holds 60th dinner meeting By JOANNE SPAHR MT. ZION, Pa. - For 27 years Jacob M. Smith, Annville R 2, has been working closely with the Lebanon County Extension office, and on Tuesday evening, at the Extension Service’s 60th annual meeting, he was honored for his support of that organization. Marion Deppen, assistant director of the Capital Region, presented a certificate of recognition to him. Smith served on the executive committee of the organization in 1950 and has been closely lined in other capacities since then. Deppen was also called on to give the Capital Region administrator’s report. In that report he noted that Lebanon County farms produce enough milk for 400,000 people, enough eggs for 300,000 individuals, and enough poultry for 200,000. Individual staff members also gave short reports of the past year. Greg Solt, county agricultural agent,made note of a dairy project he has started in the county in the past few months. Stemming from extensive research he did at Penn State University, Solt believes that calves can be successfully fed once a day, and with the help of several fanners from the county he has set up a pilot project to corroborate that fact “At last report, there were 15 animals on test, and so for, farmers seem happy with it,” he said. “If this works'out, Lebanon County could beat the nation to the punch, so to speak, because this research hasn’t been published in journals, as yet” At Penn State, this program of feeding the calves fermented colostrum once a day did prove suc cessful, but as Solt observed, the test herd at the university is different than an actual on-farm herd. He will be able to judge how the program has succeeded by this Summer. Dennis Hoke, county agricultural agent, spoke on Johnsongrass control. He said that the county-began to I I MORE! M-C Dryers Give you MORE CHOICES • 3 types ot — Continuous Automatic Batch Recirculating Batch • 11 models • More M-C Dryers in Operation than any other make • More Capacity per dollar of investment • Gasoroil—eiectncorPTO Available throufh Dealers near I • you __ Call or write ’ j HIP M-C Representative: j UJIB Robert Fletcher j RD#l Brofue, Pa. 17309 Telephone- 717-927-6341 Jacob Smith, (second from left) receives a certificate of recognition from Marion Deppen, assistant director of Ex tension Service, for his support of the focus in on this problem last season, and that a demon stration plot was set up with the aid of a county farmer and a chemical company. He also noted that the county agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service is initiating a cost sharing program for Johnsongrass control, and that the Ex tension Service will hold a training meeting to teach proper cultural practices and use of herbicides for control of this weed. WE DID IT AGAIN WE PURCHASED THIS STOCK OF SPRING GREEN TRACTORS AT OLD PRICES JBRANDNEWJ DlOO-06 DEUTZ ; ? D 7206 DEUTZ ? D 5206 DEUTZ ? D 3006 DEUTZ ? DEUTZ TRACTORS - 24 MONTH ENGINE WARRANTY 1876 A 1976 FIRST f OUI STROKE CYCLE f MOW Pat Krall, 4-H agent, told of the county’s pilot 4-H program for the mentally retarded children. That program meets during school days in the Cedar Crest Middle School with the children doing two beginning projects. Miss Krall also expressed the hope of starting a club for children with Cerebral Palsy. Aletta Schadler, Lebanon Co. Extension director, We're passing the savings on to you STAUFFIR DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Nioin bt New Holland, PA Ph. 717-354-4181 organization over the years. Looking on are Alletta Schadler, Lebanon County Extension director, and Alfred Brandt president of the Lebanon County Extension Association. spoke briefly on Lebanon Co.’s new nutrition program. The county now has two nutrition aids who go into homes and teach families how to get the most nutritional value from foods. Following the staff reports, Dr. Jerome K, Paste, associate dean of Penn State University, and Dr. James E. Van Horn, professor of agriculture and home economics Extension, presented a program on the Tractoi life of Evan Pough, first president of the agricultural college of Pennsylvania. The program began with slides on the background of Pugh’s life, and concluded with the acting out of Pugh’s speech to the Cumberland County Agricultural Society, Carlisle, in 1860. Paste, who researched the subject off and on for a period of two years, played the role of Dr. Pugh. This particular FARMS We offer prompt delivery to our customers. We keep large quantities of LP Gas m storage. For dependable service . call today. CALL (717) 665-3588 HAVER'S METERED A GAS SERVICE, A imc. mm P.O. BOX 71 V TUP MANHEIM. PA 17545 — l ~™t*m program has been enacted over 40 times in the past year. At the close of the meeting, the results of the voting for this year’s officers were announced. All incumbents were reelected with Alfred Brandt, Lebanon R 2, president; Richard Kreider, Lebanon Rl, vice president; Clair Gerberich, Jonestown Rl, treasurer; and Orpha Bomberger, secretary. ' o
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