—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1977 26 While it's still chilly outside, this lamb is getting the most out of his wool sweater. ATTENTION ■ MR. FARMER "w*™ ■ WE HAVE AGRINITE FOR TOBACCO BEDS CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY Division of Carnation 27 N. CHURCH ST. QUARRYVILLE, PA 786-7361 APPRECIATION DAY IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. BAG OR BULK Ifor prompt courteous SERVICE GIVE YOUR LOCAI IINDEPENDENT RED ROSI DEALER A CALL! WATCH FOR Broilers up HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania poultry production was up slightly during the week ending February 26, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. Placements of broiler chicks were 1,661,000. The placements were four per cent above the previous week, and 21 per cent above the corresponding week a year ago. Average placements during the past 10 weeks were 27 per cent above a year earlier. Placements of broiler chicks in the previous week and six per cent above be same week in 1976. Start With Quality Sires: BUCK, PA 284-4464 USDA (1/771-133 Daufhters in 93 Herds Averse 15.327 M 3.61% 553 F Predicted Difference |tt% rpt.) +555M +s3l -IF H-FA Type: 39 Cbssified Dans. Ave. 10.5 tact.) 11.6 [aie-adj.]; +l.Ol PDT Sire: Hifltop Apollo hranhoe - VG[I9J A GM Dam: Anderson Von Performer Vel|e • EXJ92I-2E Victor - and more Profit-Makers - are available daily from all our Professional Technicians. -Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE Hl A* NAAB V— i>*y w A I I V Suppii* t M 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Nos. for Service Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Lancaster 569-0411 Apples -down HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania apples in cold storage on January 31, 1977 totaled 70,396,000 pounds, down 44 per cent from the same date last year, ac cordingtotbe Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. Indicated disappearance during January amounted to 31.106.000 pounds. The 70.396.000 pounds in storage converts to 1,676,059 boxes of apples of 42 pounds each. Working Women A woman heads about one of every eight families in the U.S. Four out of every 10 female workers in this coun try are alone and supporting themselves. Last year, the median Income of working women was 57 per cent of the median wage-for men, according to U.S. Labor Department statistics. TRY A CLASSIFIED Average placements in the 21 poultry states during the past 10 weeks were six per cent above a year ago. MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 A.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider. Aucf LIVESTOCK SERVICES 4-H club holds meeting STEWARTSTOWN, Pa. - Approximately 35 members attended - the - February meeting of the Stewartstown 4-H Community Club held at Fix’s Restaurant, here. Helen MarsteDer, president, took charge of the meetingr~ 100% PURE AUSTRALIAN HONEY NATURES NATURALS FOOD Delivered anywhere in Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon, Schuylkill County for $9.00 per gallon or $8.75 per gallon in 5 gallon lots plus $1 charge for delivery in any amount. Call 717-733-1738 Or Write: A. GROFF 123 Lincoln Avenue Ephrata. Pa. 17522 iT * === ~ =:- *" EASY ™ way to UH, make hay Rotary Scythe • Mows and conditions in 1 trip. • Non-stop. No plugging. • Saves rain-soaksd hay crop. • Handle any hay crop bettar. Three mowing widths 7 ft., 9 ft. and 12 ft. NAL Affiliated Breeders Member - Business as usual was transacted and IBM forms were filled- eut- THe next meeting of the club will be at Fix’s Restaurantwon March 22 at 7 p.m. New members are urgedfcratted: I §s k k Mi iooT Su ?«• ■«■ .£ 3 § ■W ' r s CQ «- fig CiSt LU ;§£* mI ®* 5 =j s|* as ~ i 15H139 Curtis-Haven Apollo VICTOR Good Plus & Type Qualified (Feb./77) Mate-Rite Strengths: sharp and strong good udder shape teats have correct size, shape, & placement strong bone, good set to legs flat rumps with wide pins Del. & Md. 800-233-0216 n<
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