—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 5, 1977 94 Moil Box Market Mail Box Market For Sale - 1972 Ford Maverick, 2 door, 6 cylinder, standard shift, good con dition-$B5O. PH: 717-354-9308. For Sale - Cub Cadet. 147 hvd reostatic, lights, electric lift with 48 inch mower, ex cellent condition-$1295.00. PH: 717-432-4597. For Sale -1966 F7OO truck, 18’ steel bed, 20 ton hoist, good condition. Phone 717-235-4093 after 4 PM. For Sale - used chicken equipment, nests and feeders. Henry K. Fisher 717- 393-6530 evenings and Saturday 397-7870. ■- For Sale - Neepco automatic chicken feeder, chain croft and corners, complete. Phone 717-653-5630. Wanted - GTS7O grain dryer in good condition. For Sale - Holland fifth wheel for truck tractor. Phone 717-876-1255. For Sale - 10 x 50 mobile home, good condition, practically new gas furnace, must be moved-$l5OO or best offer. Phone 717-464-2430. For Sale - three axle tag along trader. Schramm air compressor with hoses and tools. One ton black top roller. Ph: 215-267-5096. Save Fertilizer Dollars by using poultry manure. Delivered for $15.00 per ton. Peat Moss and Mushroom soil delivered for $65.00 per dump trailer load. 717-733- 0052 For Sale • Used gas refrigerators. Call 717-393- 6530 HOOF TRIMMING - by a professional. Have tools will travel. Write Pete Hubbell, R 3, Malone, N.Y. 12953 Landrace and Duroc Boars and Gdts. Pure or Crossbred on order Harold Mununert. 717-741-2170 Interested in saving fuel and get more H.P. and less friction. Use Conklin products in gas and fuel, diesel, and furnace oil. Eli B. Stoltzfus, Rl, Strasburg, Pa. 17579 May Post Office Road Wanted - Currier & Ives and other good prints. Please send price and condition to P.S.Snannon, Box 502, Schoharie, N.Y. 12157 For Sale - Plow shares and parts; 1 to 8 horse trees and neck yokes. Also wooden Tongues. Daniel S. Click, Windy Tor Road, % mile Northeast of Bards Crossing. Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562. Photographer • National advertising, weddings, brochure. Newswanger’s Studio, 1028 Penn Grant Road, Lancaster. Phone 464- 2221 or 394-4219 For Sale - Registered Shropshire Sheep. Rams, lambs, and ewes. Large flock from which to choose. Warn Menhennett. Cochranville, Phone 215-593- 5726. Wanted to Lease - Small farm with home and barn or out buildings. Pasture suitable for dairy goats. Must be within 20 mile radius 215-935-2587 ror bale - Baby Chinchillas with cages. Grey $4O Beige *5O 717-284-2127 For Lease - Productive 334 acre dairy farm. Suitable for 60 cows. Harvestore - other silos. Excellent bams (607) 849-5545 evenings weekends. For Sale - A-C Dl9 diesel with turbo charger, WFE, good condition. PH: 717-284- 3205. For Sale - Alfalfa and reeds canary hay, made young without rain-$B5 at the farm. For Rent - house, pasture or entire farm. PH: 717-354- 9634. For Sale - single bed spring and mattress, $10; electric butter chum, $7; Phone 717- 367-7354 after 4 PM. For Sale - 5,000 bu. sh. com 5 per cent mold-$2.45 bu. Fertilizer 10-20-20 $l4O ton; 10-20-10-$125. Noble seed oats, $3.00; clover $55, timothy-$2O. Beef by side 66 cents pound. Ph: Jl7-444- 3968. For Sale - McCormick- Deering alfalfa and grass seed drill on steel, 20 tubes, good condition. PH: 215-863- 9591 after 5 PM - $125. Reliable man to sell agricultural supplies, farm background helpful. Bet ween Middletown and Millersville.Write Russel H. Hitz, Box 20, R.D. 1, Lebanon, Pa. 717-273-7229 For Sale - JD 45 combine, good condition, 235 corn head, 10 ft. grain head-$3OOO. PH: 301-758-2074. For Sale - beautiful dintland seed oats, certified seed sown April 10, 1976, heavy in weight. PH: 215-683-3039. For Sale - 4 Hereford steers, about 1100 pounds; NH baler No. 66, PTO, $525. Timothy Hay, no rain, $7O a ton. PH; 717-225-5058. For Sale - IH No. 510 grain drill and New Holland 10 ft. fertilizer distributor. Also wanted to Buy - Feeder steers approx. 400 lb. 14 to 16. 717-385-4998 For Sale - ’6B John Deere 4020 D, new tires on rear, low hours, excellent condition (10,000. Also 5B plow semi mounted, good con ditions $l,lOO. 215-933-8247 after 5 P.M. For Sale - 1970 Dodge truck 318 V-8,10 ft. aluminum van body, dual wheels, 11,000 GVW, 4 speed, new tires. $900.00. 215-679-2439 For Sale - IHC 2000 loader with materials bucket. Bracket fits 656 utility. All hyd. 717-866-4286 Wanted - 4 row corn planter and manure loader for 430 Case. 717-292-2297 For Sale-2 used round utility poles 36 ft. long. Milton, Pa. $12.50 each. 717-649-5320 Wanted - Tractors 8N 9N Ford Deere A & B. Also 3 pt. equipment 301-775-7607 or 301-848-5236 For Sale -1 automatic fruit and vegetable juicer like new stainless steel, blade and basket. Write Russell Herbster, Calvin, Pa. 16622 For Sale - Used J.D. 40 motor $2OO. New A.C. 190 power PTO clutch with shah, oil lines, controls $l5O. 717-354- 8606 For Sale - 3 late model 50 lb. Conde milker units in good condition price $4OO. Also 2 nice tan Chihuahua puppies for sale. Ephraim S. Esn, 197 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. 17540 Mail Box Market r or bale - Large brown 6 yr. old standard Bred carriage horse, very tame $450. 717- 859-2374 For Sale - 12 volt DeLaval magnetic < pulsator system with reastatic EPM control. Also 12 volt pony pump. B.K. Fisher’s Show, Ronks, Pa. 17572 For Sale - A.K.C. English Springer Spaniels, male and female. Also pups. Sheepi manure. We’ll load on your truck. 215-267-5796 For Sale - Kohler generator 15,000 watt 115-230 volt single phase. Powered by 6 cyl, Waukuesha engine, gasoline and propane. Almost brand new. 717-464-4179 Wanted - Carburetor to fit John Deere Cydone B. 215- 269-1191 after 6 P.M. For Sale - 1-9 ft. Brillion sprocket packer, new bearings; 1-24 ft. Smoker elevator complete with % HP motor. 717-865-2946 For Sale - All terrain vehicle $350. 717-665-4931 For Sale - Clover seed (home grown). A.N. Rowan, Whiteford, Md. 21160, 301- 452-8655 For Sale - 13 in. Dellinger cutter with 4 set knives and pipe. John K. Stoltzfus, RonksßDl, Box 56, Pa. 17572 For Sale - Guinea pigs, white 50 cents each. Norman R. Hoover, Brethern Church Road, Leola, Pa. 17540 For Sale -192 gal. John Blue anhydrous ammonia tank and set u% complete. 2 bottom plow and cultivator for A.C. WD 45. Wanted a few Guinea bens. Joe Beebe, RD4,' Box 226 Towanda, Pa. 18848 For Sale - Allis Chalmers WD, WD4S, WC, B, and power unit with PTO. Farmall A, Oliver 60 with cult. Coats 10, - 10 tire changer, tobacco cutter with engine. 733-8708 For Sale - 400 bales hay, 200 bales straw, no rain 350. ton. two young beef cows ready to drop calves $3OO and $350. 717-354-0880 For Sale - A good family cow, also a butter cow. Also a 500 .gal. fuel tank in good shape and painted. John M. Esh, Myerstown RDI, Pa. 17067 1 mile North of Myerstown first farm on right along 501. For Sale - A.C. 66 combine PTO with bin, make offer. 717-432-9046 For Sale - Parts to a John Deere silo unloader No. 900 some parts new others used. Call after 7 P.M. 814-364-9448 For Sale - Hand operated cream separator, purebred Registered Nubians and Alpine kids, Farmall Cub and dll equipment 717-432- 5920 For Sale • 203 combine 10 ft. grain and 2 row corn heads. A. 4 row no-Till complanter. J.D. 14T baler. 215-495-7265 For Sale - 2 chicken houses. 856-7616 For Sale - 1 cultipacker in fair condition. 717-548-2321 For Sale - Farmall A with cultivator very good con dition; 72 Kawasaki 500 cc motor cycle, extras, ex cellent cond. Old fashioned sugar pea seeds 76 crop. Call after 5 P.M. 215-856-7661 Wanted - Feed bin 3 to 5 tons cap. 717-259-0636 Mail Box Market For Sale - Model 600 Lines Bean rake. Also Bean pullers to fit Farmall H or M. Also Bidwell bean combine w-V4 Wisconsin engine. 717-784- 4034 evenings. Wanted to Buy - New Holland 469 or 479 haybine. Also N.H. hay rake. Parkesburg, Pa. 215-857-3460 Used wire egg baskets, 25 cents ea,- PH: 717-225-4181. Martin Turkey Farm, RD 6 York, Pa. 17404. For Sale - MM Model D PTO com sheller; Jamesway 330 gal. direct expansion milk tank, complete. PH: 302-422- 8935. For Sale - Red Clover seed, Pa. state tested, $5O bu; chicken feeders and nests, good cond., $3 ea. PH: 717- 425-2234. For Sale - NH Model 54A bale thrower for 273 baler; 420 JD tractor w-cult., orig. tires and paint, like new. PH: 717- 656-9013. For Sale - 4-yr.-old female Irish Setter, AKC, to good home; has been gunned. PH: 717-626-8373. For Sale - Ford 14” 4-bot. Blow, real good cond.; also tter carrier with 70’ track. PH: Lewisburg 717-524-2673, For Sale - 500 bales corn fodder, baled dry. PH: 215- 856-7208. For Sale - 2-row 56 Int. com planter w-new Gandy in secticide hoppers. PH: 717- 762-6715. Wanted - Strong made cattle racks for % ton Chev. 6xB’ pickup, 4 wh. drive 1976. PH: 215-469-6695. For Sale -5% ft. baby grand piano, rebuilt. PH; 717-724- 1344. For Sale - Home grown Red Clover seed, $45 bu. Hagenbuch Bros., Danville, Pa. PH: 717437-2457. For Sale -1500 bu. Williams Soybeans for seed, untreated and unclean; Fox Forage Harvester w-3 heads. PH: 302-3684159. Wanted - Hammermill with good belt and screens. A.J. Wellings, R. D. 1, Nicholson, Pa. 18446. Wanted - herd of registered Holsteins, 50 or less on DHI test with 14,000 lb. herd avg. Phone 609-894-9715 evenings. For Sale - antique comer cupboards, jelly cupboards, pie safe, primitives. Public Auction April 23. Send S.A.S.E. for sale bill. Thrush, R. D. 2, Quakertown, Pa. 18951. For Sale - farm, 113 a. all tillable, bank barn, im plement shed, pole bam, 2 silos, 5 bedroom house, l-% baths, 4 room 2nd house, Phone 301-842-2351. For Sale - Yost corn head, 6 30” row No. 763 for 815 or 915 combine. Phone 717-682-3894 after 6 PM. For Sale - 2 registered Holstein heifers, due March. Sired by Rocket and Royal Design. Christian Zook 717- 442-4316. Wanted - self-cleaning wire rabbit hutches in good condition. Used pea huller, new type. Phone 717-354-7739. For Sale - ADGA Lamancha kids, black breeding lambs and Easter lambs. Wanted • 20 or 30 roll-away nests, heated water fountain. PH: 215-489-9015. JUST ANNOUNCED Waiver of Finance on New & Used Combines Forage Equip. - Hay Equip. - Manure Spreaders THREE WAIVER OF FINANCE SPECIALS I.H. Model 540 Spreader, 185 Bu. 1-Only $1875 int. 990 Mower Conditioner 1 only - $3500 510 Massey Ferguson Combine w-4-row narrow corn head and 13 ft. platform, quick attach, diesel, big rubber, excellent condition. THINK AND GO WHERE THE ACTION IS SUPPLY YOUR SPRING EQUIPMENT NEEDS WITH US NOW. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT No. 55 chisel plows, trailing & mounted, all sizes 770 disk harrows, 10 ft. 4 & 12 ft. 500 disk harrow, 12 ft. 5 475 disk harrows, 11 ft. 6 & 13 ft. 5 NEW TRACTORS 574 D.R.C. 686 D 886 D 986 D 1486 D IN STOCK FOR SPRING PLANTING 400 Planters, 4 & 6-row 56 Planters, 4-raw 1 -18 X 7 Grain Drills 1 * 21 X 7 Grain Drill TWO BIG SPECIALS A.C. WING DISK HARROW 16 FT. W-DUALS (LIKE NEW) NEW - (2) I 574 DIESEL ROW CROPS, JUST PURCHASED FROM IH AT 76 PRICES Used Tractors, Trucks & Equipment 454 w/2050 loader, low hours 63 F 500 w/refrigerafed van, excel for hauling produce 63 Int. 1800 V-345, 5-speed 9:00 tires, 26000 tag, $l3OO Farmall A w/Sickle Bar Mower Farmall H Farmall M Diesel TD9 91 series Drott loader, engine and power train overhauled John Deere 3020 diesel wide front Farmall 350 Farmall M w/side mid. mower Farmall 350 w/mower, plow and cultivator Farmall 1066 diesel w/cab, less than 700 hours MF 165 Diesel (Low Hours! 400 Air Planter • 4 Row READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORT^ 350 disk harrow, 11 ft. 6 401 spring tooth harrow, 12 ft. 315 packer mulchers, 12 ft. 4 & 13 ft. 8 710 4F 18” semi-mtd. plow r , t* Oliver 4 Bot. 16” Auto. Reset Plow N.H. No. 66 Engine Driven Baler Papec Blower { I.H. 56 Blower I.H. 550 plow 5-16”, new bottoms IH 700 5 F automatic reset plow Calhoun Forage Box Grove Forage Box John Deere 494-A, 4 row planter 13 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill 1454 w/heavy duty loader 13 x 7 OFiver Superior Grain Drill I.H. No. 37 Disk Harrow 350 Disk Harrow 11 (I. 6 A.C. winf disk harrow 16 ft., w/duals
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers