Livestock market and auction news East Coast Car lot Meats March 2,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close: demand good, com mitment on 31 loads of steer and heifer beef late. Steer beef 1.00 higher no com parison on heifer beef. Choice arm chucks in limited test firm. Cow beef generally steady in good demand, no comparison on boneless beef. Fresh pork loins steady. Lamb compared to last week 1.00-3.00 lower. STEER BEEF (21 LOADS CONFIRMED) Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 6050 1.00 higher; 4 600-900 lbs. 5775 no comparison; Good 3 600- 800 lbs. 5750 no comparison HEIFER BEEF 10 LOADS CONFIRMED Good 3 500-700 lbs. 5675 no comparison COW BEEF 7 LOADS CONFIRMED Utility Bng 1-2 600 lbs. up 5350 no comparison; 1-3 600 lbs. down 5000-5100 no comparison; canner-cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 5450-5650 BULL CALVES For Sale At Farmers Prices From All Registered Herd. We have bulls ou of & cows bred to top sires including: Astronaut, Elevation, Arlmda Chief, Glendell, Gay, etc. Contact lARMAC FARMS R 6 Box 107 Dover, Dela. - Owner - . Mgr. - A. James McCabe Jr. Daniels. Mast 201-836-1590 302-734-5056 generally steady; BRKG Utility fores 34 170-200 lbs 4400 no comparison CHOICE 3, PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 3 LOADS CONFIRMED Steer hinds 145-190 lbs. 7350 no comparison; arm chucks 90-130 lbs. 4750 firm; short plates 1500 no comparison GOODS PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 1 LOAD CONFIRMED Arm Chuck 90-130 lbs. 4500 LAMB CARCASS, CHOICE AND PRIME 34 14 LOADS CONFIRMED Compared to last week; 55 lbs down 104.00-106.00, bulk 10400; 1.00-2.00 lower; 55-65 lbs. 9400-9500, bulk 9400; 1.00- 3.00 lower; 65-75 lbs. 8400- 8600, bulk 8400; 1.00-3.00 lower FRESH PORK CUTS Loins 14-17 lbs. 7800 steady; skinned hams 17-20 lbs. 8000 no comparison CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS St. Louis Cattle St. Louis, Mo. March 3,1977 Receipts this week 8000: Week ago 7800: Year Ago 6800 As compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers 50-1.00 lower, cows 50 to mostly 1.00 higher. Bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Supply mainly mixed good and Choice 2-4 1000-1200 lb. slaughter steers, around 40 per cent heifers and 10 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 24 1050-1200 lbs. 36.75 to mostly 37.00, one load 37.25. All on Monday, not tested late. 34 1100-1250 lbs. 36.00-36.50, also on Monday. Choice 24 950- 1300 lbs. 35.00-37.00, Closing 35.00-36.50. Mixed Good and Choice 24 900-1200 lbs. 34.00- 35.75. Good 2-3 32.00-34.50. Standard to Good 2-3 1000- 1400 lb. holsteins - 9.50-32.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prune 24 900-1000 lbs. 34.75 to mostly 35.00, Part load 35.25. All on Monday, not tested late. Choice 24 800-1025 lbs. 33.00- 35.00, closing 33.00-34.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 32.00-33.75. Good 2-3 29.00-32.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-4 25.00-28.00. Boning Utility 1-2 28.00-28.50. Canner and Cutter 1-2 23.00- 3 LOADS CONFIRMED Skinned hams 16-19 lbs. 8350 1.50-2.00 higher BONELESS BEEF 6 LOADS CONFIRMED 90 pet chem lean, fresh 7550-7700 no comparison; 85 pet chem lean, fresh 6800- 7150 no comparison 26.50. Low dressing canner 18.00-23.00. BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 975-1500 lbs. 26.00-33.00, closing 27.00-33.00. In dividual YG 1 1800 lbs. at 34.00. Feeders (including around 2000 at Thursday Auction.) Feeder steers and heifers weak to 1.00 lower. Demand moderate. Normal buyer attendance. Supply largely Choice and Mixed Good and Choice 400-700 lb. steers and heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300400 lbs. 38.00- 40.25, 400-500 lbs. 37.00-39.75, 500-600 lbs. 36.0038.50, 600- 700 lbs. 33.75-36.25. Mixed Good and Choice 500-600 lbs. 32.75-35.75, Couple lots good 835-875 lb. Holsteins 28.00- 29.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 lbs. 30.50- 33.50, 500-600 lbs. 31.00-33.25, 600-700 lbs. 30.25-33.00. Mixed Good and Choice 350-600 lbs. 26.50-30.50, few lots good 450- 600 lbs. 24.00-26.75. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5,1977 — Oklahoma City March 3,1977 Thursday Feeder cattle auction Estimated Receipts 6,300 Same day last day last week 5,990 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves steady to firm; majority receipts Choice 400- 775 lb. feeder steers and 300- 650 lb. feeder heifers, feeder steers over 800 lb. scarce, small percentage receipts from wheat pasture. Very large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Few Choice 300-400 lb. 43.00-45.75; 400-500 lb. 40.50-43.00,58 head 403 lb. at 45.00; 500-600 lb. 38.25-41.75; package 536 lb. at 42.20; 600-700 lb. 37.50- 38.50, two part loads 605-611 lb. 40.00-40.75; 700-800 lb. 36.50-39.00; Mixed good and choice 300-500 lb. 37.00-39.75; 500-600 lb. 38.00-39.50, few Sale reports Green Dragon Market & Auction Friday, Feb. 25,1977 Market high compared with last week’s. STEERS: Good to Choice 34.00- Standard to Good 31.00- Other 28.00-31.00. HEIFERS: Good to Choice 28.00-32.00, Other 25.00-28.00. FEEDER STEERS: Good to Choice 32.00-36.00, Stan dard to Good 30.00-32.00, Other - Holstein steers 25.00- 28.00. BULLS: 33.50-36.00, 28.50- 33.00 COWS; High Choice to Prime 28.56-29.25, Good to Standard 26.00-28.50, Utility 26.50-28.50, Cutters 22.00- 24.00 CALVES: High to Choice 55.00- Good to Choice 45.00- Standard to Good 30.00- 117 Dairy cows and heifers. One load Butler springing cows 525-605, heifers 350-500; one load Pennsylvania cows fresh, two top fresh cows $l,OOO, balance at 540-600; one load Pennsylvania fresh S4O-725, one purebred cow $1600; one load Western Pennsylvania cows and heifers fresh 600-640, springers 450-560; Locally consigned cows 450-550, few to 600; locally consigned heifers 450-550. Danville Livestock Auction February 28,1977 STEERS: Good to Choice 31.25 to 34.00; Standard to Good 29.25 to 31.00. HEIFERS: Good to Choice 30.00 to 33.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Box 100, Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 or 768-8204 EVERY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON Hay, Straw t Grain Sale Wc have plenty of good buyers each week. We need consigners. Contact - L Robert Frame, manager Oklahoma 650-790 lb. 35.75-37.00; Good 400-500 lb. 35.25-37.25 ; 600-315 lb. 33.50-36.00; few good 580- 740 lb. Holstein steers 28.50- 30.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: 300- 500 lb. 32.50-35.25, part load 314 lb. 35.90; 500-700 lb. 32.00- 34.00, part load 708 lb. at 32.50; mixed good and choice 450-740 lb. 31.00-31.75; few good 390-615 lb. 30.00-31.25. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feed cattle and c-400 lb. poor lb. closed near steady; cows closed steady to firm; bulls closed mostly 1.00 lower; salable receipts near 16,300 head compared to 15,693 head last week and 25,209 head this same week a year ago. Cows and bulls near 9 per cent of cattle receipts, feeders near 88 per cent of the total. BULLS: 28.25 to 34.35 COWS: High Choice to Prime 30.00 to 31.10; Good to Standard 28.40 to 30.10; Utility 25.60 to 28.00; Cutters 23.00 to 26.00. CALVES: High to Choice 55.00 to 66.00; Good to Choice 40.00 to 55.00; Standard to Good 20.00 to 30.00. HOGS: 39.10 to 42.00; SOWS: 28.00 to 34.00; BOARS; 18.00 to 26.00. Approximately 65 people attended the hog sale at Paul R. Martin, R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. on Feb. 28, 1977. Some buyers came from New Jersey and Maryland. Bred sows, $2BO-$305 each; Feeder pigs $49-$57 each; open gilts, average $110; York boar, $2lO. Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneers. v< » ■ \\ OUR ANSWERING SERVICE IS UNDER REPAIR... ThUS i IS A PERSON i SPEAKING - 9
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