LIFE on the farm By Dieter Krieg 9 Editor By DIETER KRIEG Having missed my scheduled flight for a brief visit to my parents’ farm in Florida, 1 waited for the next available connections. That made me decide to re-schedule the return flight as well, leaving the sunny South a full six hours later than I had originally The trip home was absolutely no fun. Sitting towards the rear of the DC -9 late that night all that was keeping me awake was a severe pain in my ears which was the result of frequent ICALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR Get hot water without using any electricity or fuel with.. DARIKOOL THERMA-STOR 5? ■V v \ MODEL DKE SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. Woods Drive NewJopoli Area - Phone (215) 767-7611 BOU-MATIC GIVES THE SALES-INSTALLATION—SERVICE After 5 P.M. Call Titus Burkholder 717-859-1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched altitude changes. This particular flight made several en-route stops About half-way to Baltimore, the pilot informed the handful of weary midnight travelers that weather conditions in the Maryland- Pennsylvama area were miserable The plane would be able to land, but there was much snow on the ground and it had just recently been topped with freezing ram. “I'll have a great time driving home," I thought to myself. Marvin was expecting me home Sunday night If I vu JC5> *k : A \ I m k u OMHt Lititz, PA 17543 Quakertown Area - Phone (215) 536-1935 RESULTS DAIRYMEN ARE LOOKING FOR • Higher Milk Production • Better Udder Quality • Less Mastitis • More Profits STABLE OR PARLOR Make Plans Now for Next Seasons I Grain-Handling Equipment % Bins - Augers - Diyeis, etc. f Phone 717-626-1151 As the airplane approached the airport, the lights and dimly-lit scenery looked out-of-place There had been no snow here less than 48 hours ago Now the place looked like a refrigerator which was in desperate need of defrosting What a lousy thing to come home to l It was 2am Home was 50 miles to the north I needed a dogsled, but all I had was a 7-year old car. The lights of Baltimore were soon behind me as I headed north on four lane highways It wasn’t bad going As the night grew darker due to the vanishing of city and highway lights, the view through my windshield appeared even colder than it was - especially since I was the only fool out on the road this early in the morning Instead of allowing myself to settle way back in the driver's seat, as I usually do, I had both hands on the steering wheel and was crouched forward for whatever advantage that might give me for visibility. Snow was s ~' ' -V. • Makes 50 Gallons 01 Hot Water At Up To 190 Degrees Every Time You Milk • Makes A Gallon Of 110 Degrees Water For Every Gallon Of Milk Cooled • Stores 140 Gallons Of Hot Water Without Extra Storage Tanks • Completely Eliminates Fan-Cooled Con densers • Has Stainless-Steel Heat-Exchanger And Storage Sections For Maximum Corrosion Protection 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED [Continued from Page 10) subject several tunes over even presented while the the past few years. However, opposing thoughts are we 54111 hear of Restock presented strongly. When it P roducer s who get hurt comes to issues concerning because they allowed left - agriculture, and especially over chemicals to get into land use and the preserving th , e hands of child ren or of good farm land, we urge aUowed livestock to get to farmers and folks in the 4hem - We su §6 est separate rural area to become very ? tora S e buildings or rooms active and let officials know * or ma^ei *ial and should their opinions and n ®vcr be left on the bam suggestions. Otherwise, oor ’ 4be garage, or in the agriculture will continue to feed aUe y- 1116 livestock be the loser. industry is at the point for rn KFITP TM producers where it is very tot iru with difficult to make much profit i amu Airime on 44)6 operation. When these careless losSes do occur - i 4 reluctant to come forward and state their opinion on ft.-i?.,,,f- a^e4y public issues, whether they 15 * 5 important as fire or concern agricl£“ or nl However," under present ****» trends and transactions we feel that farmers have every right and actually have a duty to let their legislators and officials know what they are thinking. In many cases the fanner viewpoint is not It will never be outdated. Especially organic food. In the soon coming great depression, vegetables and soybeans will be more economical for the grower and consumer both, than feeding to animals and then eating the animals. Large distributors will want loads of produce if we can fill their truck at our warehouse. We’ll start in June or July or maybe before. Plant acres of strawberries and dwarf fruit trees at once. Our products will keep them healthy without the serious sprays at least. We have premium organic markets and good partial organic markets. We have good contacts far and wide. 381-A East Jackson St., New Holland, PA 17557 Phone 717-394-9917 Open Mon. thru Fri. We have a complete line of fertilizer, various NPK formulas, soil minerals and enzymes which have been lacking; Lactobase foliage spray, Agnserum, Wex Basic H, seed moculant (a wonderful new product)' garden seeders, dusters, natural insecticides, and electronic seed treatment for bigger roots’ and healthier crops (more drought resistant). Complete a^r° n ». eXChai i Be by NATURE’S WAY FARM in Michigan. More to say. Watch our ads every week or come and see us. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5,1977 — falling and the windshield wipers were flipping back and forth. The beams of my headlights swerved from side to side on occasion as the back end of my Oldsmobile fought for better traction. Each mile beyond Interstate 83 came as a surprise. The tires kept chewing the snow The headlights kept their aim towards Woodbine. Eventually a point was reached when I boasted; “From hereon, I don't care if I do get stuck, I can walk the rest of the way!" The last half-mile was all uphill. It was 4; 30 a m Slowly, but steadily, the car continued to stay on course towards the farm. The familiar sights sure looked friendly all of a sudden. And then there was a most pleasant surprise There, ahead of me and to the right, was the cow stable with all the lights turned on. Inside was Marvin, getting ready to milk. What’s more, he was getting started an hour early. “I thought you might not get back with the snow and all,” the hired man explained matter-of-factly. “Thanks, Marv, if you were a girl I’d kiss you,” I said with genuine ap preciation. Now is the time FOOD VnU. BE IN BU DEMAND ORGANIC CENTER TRY A CLASSIFIED 21
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