— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5. 1977 2 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, Feb. 28,1977 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 756 188 871 51 Last Monday 891 152 723 26 Last Year 725 117 1068 55 Monday’s Auction 764 191 782 51 Last Monday’s Auction 152 691 721 CATTLE; Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers 50 to mostly 1.00 lower; cows firm to 50 higher; bullocks mostly steady, few sales Choice 1.00 higher; bulls steady to firm. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few high Choice and Prime 3-4 1100-1300 lb. 39.00-39.50; Choice 2-41000-1350 lb. 37.50- 38.75, few yield grade 2 38.75- 40.35; high Good and low Choice 2-3 36.00-38.25; Good 2-3 33.25-37.00; Standard 1-2 31.00-33.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 875-925 lb. 35.35-36.00; Good 2-3 775-1000 lb. 32.0035.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 27.25-29.25, few 29.25-30.00; Cutter 1-2 25.50-28.00; Calmer and low Cutter 23.00-25.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1300 lb. 38.0039.50, few 40.00- 40.75; Good 975-1250 lb. 34.50- 38.00, few 900-1050 lb. 30.00- 34.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1600 lb. 34.25-36.25, couple 36.50-37.00; yield grade ~2 1000-1400 lb. 31.00- 33.75 VEAL CALVES: Vealers fully steady although Standard and Good 85-115 lb. 2.00-3.00 higher. VEALERS; Choice 65.00- 74.00, few Prime 75.00-79,00 including one lot 302 lb. 79.00; high Good and low Choice 55.00-65.00; Good 45.00- Standard to low Choice 110-125 lb. 40.00-52.00; Standard and Good 85-110 lb. 35.00- Standard 70-90 lb. 28.00-38.00. SHEEP: Market not fully tested, few sales wooled lambs firm to 1.00 higher slaughter ewes 2.00-3.00 higher on small supply. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE MARCH 15 • 1 P.M. Equipped To Receive Your Livestock 24 Hours A Day, 365 Days A Year. PRIVATE TREATY DAILY LANCASTER STOCKYARDS, INC. (717) 394-2611 Vintage Market Tuesday March 1,1977 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 789 576 14 Last Tuesday 820 582 4 Last Year 732 603 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, although around 35 head Choice mainly 2 mainly to retail outlets steady; cows 50-1.00 higher with some early sales fully 2.00 higher; few sales bulls steady. Supply included 46 per cent slaughter steers and 42 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice afad Prime 3-4 1150-1325 lb.' 39.75-40.75; Choice mainly 21100-1300 lb. 39.75-41.50, around 15 head 41.50-42.00; Choice 2-4 975- 1350 lb. 37.75-39.75, few 1300- 1425 lb. 37.50-39.50; high Good and low Choice '2-3 36.5038.00; Good 23 33.50- 37.00; few Standard 1-2 31.00- 33.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 13 27.5030.25, few mainly early sales 30.50- 31.50, with about 10 head 31.5032.50; Cutter 1-2 25.50- 28.50, few early sales 28.50- 29.75; Canner and low Cutter 23.00-25.50. BULLS: Few yield grade 1 1600-2000 lb. 35.7538.35. FEEDER STEERS: One lot Standard and Good 935 lb. Holsteins 28.00, with couple lots 820340 lb. 25.85-26.85. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to 2.00 higher, with Good to low Choice 3.00-5.00' higher. Supply included 344 in graded sale of which 35 per cent sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Choice 66.00- couple Prime 74.00- high Good and low Choice 54.00-68.00; Good 48.00- Good to low Choice 110-125 lb. 42.00-50.00; Standard and Good 85-110 lb. WOOLED LAMBS: Few head Choice 100 lb. 56.00; couple lots Good 80-85 lb. 46.00- SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility 18.00-24.00; few Good 10.00- Lancaster Auction Wednesday March 2,1977 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 823 98 607 27 Last Wednesday 825 83 . 725 19 Last Year 582 57 825 Wednesday’s Auction 763 142 728 39 Last Wednesday’s Auction 860 86 717 19 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers steady to mostly 50 lower; slaughter, heifers mostly steady, although Choice 725- 825 lb. 50-1.00'lower; cows 1.00 higher; bullocks steady; few sales bulls 50-1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice ad Prime 3-4 1150-1350 lb. 38.35-39.25; Choice 24 1000-1350 lb. 37.10- 38.25, few 950-1000 lb. 36.85- 37.85; high Good and low Choice 2-3 36.0037.50; Good 2-3 33.25-36.60; few Standard 1-2 31.00-33.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Cb'oice 2-3.850-1100 lb. 36.00 38.25, couple 39.00-39.50; Choice 2-3 725-825 lb. 30.75- 32.00; Good 2-3 750-950 lb. 32.00- COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 28.25-30.00, few 30.00-31.10; Cutter 1-2 26.50-29.25; Canner and low Cutter 23.25-26.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1250 lb, 38.00-39.50, couple 40.0040.50; Good 975-1200 lb. 35.0038.00. BtILLS; Yield ‘ grade" i 14002000 lb. 35.75-37.85. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS: Choice 65.00 75.00, few Choice and Prime 75.0079.00; high Good and - low Choice 55.0065.00; Good 45.00- Standard and Good 85-115 lb. 35.0044.00; 30.50-39.50; Standard 60-85 lb. 27.50-31.50, ' RETURNED TO FARM: 85 head 100-115 lb. Standard and Good Holstein bulls 44.5047.00; 35 head Standard and Good 90-105 lb. Holstein heifers 32.00-38.50. SHEEP: No market test. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 11 A.M. HOG SALES WEEKLY - WED. A SAT. 9 AM. STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE - IST I 3RD THURSDAY, 1;00 P.M. ($l.OO a head Commission) EVERY THURSDAY - 12:00 PJW. HAY & STRAW SALE Get calves in early for grading & weighing. No weight loss. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-768-8204 Home Phone 215-458-5060 L Robert Frame, Manager Box 100 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 New Holland Thursday, March 3,1977 Cattle Calves Sheep Today* 741 570 ,3 Last Thursday 1069 490, 1 Last Year CATTLE: Compared to .20 last Thursday slaughter - steers steady on small supply, although few sales Choice 2 25-50 higher; cows 2.00-2.50 higher; bullocks steady; bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Supply.included 29 per cent slaughter, steers, 54 per cent cows, 11 per cent bulls with the balance mainly heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice mainly 210501225 lb. 40.0041,50, couple 41.75- 42.00; Choice 24100013251 b. 38.0040.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.00-38.50; Good 2-3 34.0037.00; few Standard 1-2 28.75-32.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 8501125 lb. 35.5037.25; Good 2-3 7501000 lb. 30.25-34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial l-3_ 28.75-31.50, around 20 head 31.60-32.00 with 10 head 32.1032.35; Cutter 1-2.27.0029.50, few 29.5030.25; Canner and low Cutter 23.75-27.00. BULLOCKS: Good 1000 1250 lb. 34.00-36.00, few Choice 36.00-38.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 11001700 lb. 35.00-37.50, few 37.75-38.60; yield grade 2 10001450 0T.i2.0035.00. VEAL CALVES: Choice and Priraewealers 1.003.00 lower, although Standard to low Good steady to firm. VEALERS: Choice 67.00- 75.00, few Prime 78.0041.50; high Good and low Choice 55.00- Good 45.00-55.00; few Choice 125-140 lb. 55.00- 65.00; Standard to low Choice 115-125 lb. 42.00-48.00; Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 33.00- few Standard 60- 90 lb. 28.00-35.00. few Standard 70-90 lb. 27.00- 34.00. SHEEP: Market not fully tested; one lot Choice 64 lb. new crop lambs 7'0.00-end one lot 70 lb. 62.50. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Cattle Calve* This Week 3500 1450 Last Week 4153 1307 Last Year 3393 - ',1287 CATTLE: Slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, - although Choice yield grade' 2mainly to retail mostly steady; cows 1.00-2.00 higher with' extremes as much as 2.50 higher; bullocks steady; bulls firm to 1.00 higher; Supply included 48per cent slaughter .steers, 26 per cent, cows, 0 per cent bulls, 6 per . cent heifers with the balaftce feeder steers; >; ,„ ' SLAUGHTER SOBERS:. High Choice and Prime 34 1150-1350 lb. 39.0040.75; Choice mainly 21100-1300 lb. , 39.7541.50, around 50, head 41.5042.00; Ounce U 1000- 13251 b. 37.0038.50, few 38.50 39.50; high Good-.and -low. Choice 2-3 Good: - 2-3 33.50-37.00; Standard 1-2 31.0033.50, few 9001(100 lbs. 28.75-30.00. .' - • 996 510 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: . Choice 2-3 875-1100 lb. 35.50- '38.25, couple 39.00[r39.50;' Choice 2-3 725-825 11). 30.75- 32.00; Good 2-3 750-1000 lb. 30.25-35.50. COWS; j John Bowman. { Ph; (717) 653-5728 Ron Ranck Ph: (717) 656-984? Eight tractors, twelve trailers ready to serve you ... 40’, 45’ and Possum Belly trailers. S. K. SHOTZBER6ER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY'S ACTION; 8:00 A.M. - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M Horse Sale 11 00 A M - Hay Straw & Ear Corn 1:30 P.M. - Fat Steers, Bulls. Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY’S ACTION; 12*00 Noon - Hay Straw & Ear Corn 12.30 P.M. - Davy Sale 1:00 P.M. - Feeder Pig Sate THUISOArS ACTION: 11.00 AM - Beet Sale Order of Sale: Bulls Fat Steers. Cows. Veal. 6:30 P.M. - Calf Sale NEW HOLLAND SUES STABLES INC. NewHobnd.PA Abram W. Diffenbacli, Manager Phone: 717-354-4341 Paradise. PA - v Lancaster 'Weekly Friday, March 4 LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK BRMHCEF; INC. I 1 mile East of ~- Fredericksburg alongßoute22. PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P t M. starting with feeder cattle i WKttrWIWWK ■■■■■MHMMBai Utility and B & R CATTLE CO. Washington Boro,.PA 17582 . ' OHicePßone : < - ' ' '> = Specializing in Stockers Feeders; .Commercial 1-3 28.50-31.50, several 51.5042.00, about 15 head 32.00-32.50; Cutter 1-2 26.00-29.50,% Canner and low Cutter 23.00-27100. BULLOCKS; Choice 1000- 13001 b. 38.00-39.50, few4o.oo - Good 975-1200 lb. 34.00- 38.Q0, few 900-1050 lb. 30.00- 34.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1600 lb. 34.25-37.50, few 37.75-38.60; yidd grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 31.0035.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00-2.00 higher, although Prime 1.00-2.00 -lower than last week's high dose. VEALERS; Prime 75.00- 81.50; Choice 65.00-75.00; high Good and low Choice 55.0045.00; jSOod 4fc0055.00; ■ Standard to low Chtdee 110- 125 lb. 45.0 D-55.00; ‘Standard and- Good 90-U0 lb. .33.00- 44.00; few Standard 60-85 lbs. 27.5032.00. RETURNED TO FARM: ft. head 100-115 lb. Standard and Good' Holstein bulls 44.50-47.00; 35 head Standard and Good 00-105 lb. Holstein heifers 32.00-38.50. f
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