—Lancaster Farming r ,Saturday, March 5, 1977 140 Public Sales Register Robert L. McAllister, At torney. Victor Pimmg and Son and Robert Shaylor Auctioneers. Sale by James P. Pirrung Wayland, New York 716-728-2520. WED. APRIL 13 -10 A.M. An Antiques and Collectibles Auction at Smokey Glen Farm, 16407 Riffleford Road, Gaithersburg, Md. Sale by Farm & Home Antiques Co. Tom Cawood and Ralph Zettlemoyer, Auctioneers. THURS. APRIL 14 -11 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Garden Tractor, Truck, Car. Due to quitting farming sale will be held on the premises located in Fairview Township, York County, Pa. take Route No. 83 to exit 14 than turn East onto Route No. 262 Valley Road IVz mile to sale. Sale by PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, INCLUDING ANTIQUES SATURDAY, MARCH 12,1977 4 miles Southwest of Waynesboro, Pa., along Old Hagerstown Pike or Legislative Route 28004. At the above time and place, the undersigned will offer for sale the following: Ford 1971 senes 106-% ton pickup truck, power steering, radio, less than 22,000 miles, m fine condition; John Deere 2520 diesel tractor power steering and fully equipped, roll bar and encloser cab for same; Ford 961 narrow front tractor with power steering, front and back cultivator for same; Ford two-row mounted corn picker for 1961 Ford tractor; N.H. 271 baler with PTO bale thrower; Case two-row com planter with fertilizer attachments and 3 pt. hitch; Ontario 13-7 tractor grain drill on steel; J.D. silo blower and pipe 3 pt. hitch; N.I. PTO 150 bu. manure spreader; Grove self unloading wagon; two Grove wagons and flats with bale racks; Grove wagon with flat and grain sides; Grove wagon chassis; 18 ft. wagon flat; D.B. wagon and flat; Grove wagon with Kilbros steel gravity bin; N.H. 451-7 ft. mower 3 pt. hitch; N.H. 56side rake; Woods 6 ft. rotary mower 3 pt. hitch, new; N.I. hay crimper; Brady flail chopper; N. 1.36 ft. bale elevator; small grain elevator with motor; drag elevator; Hanson 100 gal. fiber glass field sprayer 3 pt. hitch; Lely hopper fertilizer spreader 3 pt. hitch; 7 ft. 3 pt. hitch scraper blade; J.D. three 16 in. bottom automatic reset plow; Oliver 3 bottom trip plow 3 pt. hitch; Ford two bottom trip plow; Coby 10 ft. cultipacker; I.H.C. 10 ft. disc used 2 seasons; I.H.C. 8 ft. heavy duty disc; two 24-tooth harrows; Mueller 300 gal. stainless steel bulk milk tank with new 3 hp. compressor; Delaval magnetic milker pump, pipe and stall cocks; two stainless steel Delaval milker units; stainless steel wash-up tank; galvanized water troughs; feed carts; steel cattle bunker hay feeder; hog feeders; aluminum 30 ft. double ladder; PTO tractor seed sower; J.D. 524 garden rototiller; air compressor; % in. electric drill; bench grinder; electric drill press; B and D skill saw; Stewart cow clippers; super 98 electric fenders; Agway 10-20-10 and 0-25-25 fertilizer by the ton; ensilage and any hay or straw that is left on the farm; platform scales; vise; new 2x6 tongue and groove lumber; block and tackle. HOUSEHOLD GOODS i ANTIQUES 2 gal. lard press; 3 cast iron butcher kettles; stone crocks; chest type deep freeze; two-piece dutch cupboard; harvest table; oak extension table; library table; window air conditioner; humidifier; fireplace andirons and screens; metal clock; oak rocker; 6-piece bedroom suite, including twin beds; love seat; studio couch; 3-piece modern bedroom suite with poster bed; wicker stand; dinner bell; milk cans; oak barrels; flour chest; antique counter scales; large pot belly stove; coal wood range; blacksmith tongs and ham mers; copper apple butter kettle. Order of sale, household goods first; small tools; farm machinery. Edgar J. Stull, Auct Harshman and Stull, Clerks Maxwell & Maxwell, Attys. Auctioneer’s Not-' condition. Maurice A. Hutton, Owner, RDI Etters, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 16, 1077. Lebanon Area Fair Con signment Sale. Held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. Carl S. Buf fenraeyer, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 16, 1:00 PM. Maryland Jersey Calf and Heifer Sale, Frederick Fair Grounds, Frederick, Maryland. For catalogs contact Mrs. Jean Fender, Route 1, Box 305, Keymar, Maryland 21757. SAT. APRIL 16 - Public sale of farm machinery, tools, coins, antiques, household goods. Located 1 mile east of New Bloomfield, Perry County, Pa. off Route 849 on Dix Hill Road. Floyd S. Fry, 9A.M. FARM MACHINERY MRS. RICHARD L MILLER The farm machinery is in good Owner; Art Klmg, Auc tioneer. SAT. APRIL 16, 1:00 PM. Maryland Jersey Calf and Heifer Sale, Frederick Fair Grounds, Frederick, Maryland. For catalogs contact Mrs. Jean Fender, Route 1, Box 305, Keymar, Maryland 21757. SAT. APRIL 16, 1977, 10th Annual Feeder Steer Sale, 135 steers, V* mile east of East Berlin, Pa. York Co. C. L. “Cot” Jacobs, Barry L. Jacobs. Clair Slaybaugh, Auctioneer TSD. APR. 20 - 9:30 A.M, PUBLIC SALE OF 600 HEAD FEEDER Pigs 3 WAY CROSS SATURDAY, MARCH 12,1977 Farms located 1 mile North of Goodviile, East Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale No. 1 1:00 P.M. 350 Head Feeder Pigs by— John J. Zeiset Sale No. 2 2:00 P.M. 250 Head Feeder Pigs by- Ervin M. Sensenig All pigs wormed, louse treated and tails docked. Terms by, JOHN J. ZEISET R. 2, East Earl, Pa. Elton & Alvin Horning, Auct. FARM KUCHIHERV AT PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1977 Located 13 miles North of Middleburg, Snyder County, midway between Penns Creek and Troxelville. Sale signs along Route 104 at Penns Creek. Farmall 706, full power, 2 pt. hitch, good rubber, good cond.;lnt. 4-14 in. semi-mount plows w/Super Chief bottoms; Int. 350,2 pt. hitch tractor, good rubber, good cond. w/new torque and clutch; Int. 311, 3-14 in. mounted plows, fast hitch, Super Chief bottoms; Farmall Super C, new rubber, good cond.; 2-12 in. mounted plows; Int. mounted 7 ft. mower; Int. 2 row, front mount com planter; Int. 2 row cultivators, (all above equipment for Super C); N.H. 270 PTO baler, good cond., no thrower; N.H. 56 semi-mount rake; Int. 225 10 ft. Hayswather, 4 yrs. old, good cond.; Int. 2 pt. hitch, balanced head, 7 ft. mower; 2-Int. 100 wide-track wagons w/flat beds and side boards; Gehl 5 ton, wide track wagon; N.H. 30 ft. hay and grain elevator; 1 h.p. electric motor; Gehl G5OO wide track wagon, “chassis only”; 100 bu. McCurdy gravity bin; N.H. 717 forage harvester, 9 knife w/sharpener, com & grass head, good cond.; N.H. front & rear self unloading wide track wagon, double drag; N.H. 23 silo blower w/30 ft., 8 in. pipe; McCormick 16 single disc grain drill on rubber w/grass seed attachment; Int. 46, 10 ft. porto-disc, good cond.; 10 ft. spring tooth harrow; 10 ft. single cultipacker; David Bradley side delivery rake on rubber; Int. 5 flail chopper; Forney 180 amp welder; 13-38 to 16-38 tractor chains; Onan 1-KW self starting generator. Also a lot of the usual miscellaneous items found around the farm. Terms-Cash or good check. Lunch Owners, MR. AND MRS. RICHARD L MOYER Ph. 717-837-3551 Keister & Stahlnecker - Clerks Long Bros. - Auct. R.D.2 Port Royal, Pa. Ph. 717-527-4784 Consignment Sale to be held at David H. Good’s, */2 mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lan caster Co., Pa. Watch for sale signs. Auctioneers - F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. Wolgemuth, J Fry & L. Horst. THURS. APRIL 21 - 6:30 P.M. Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pig Consignment Sale to be held at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Rt. 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. Art Kling and Larry Long, Auc tioneers. 12:00 Noon SAT. APR. 30 - 12:00 Noon. Consignment Horse Sale to be held at Keister’s Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc., Rt. 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. Art Kling & Larry Long. Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 30, 1977. By Irvin Copenhaver, midway between Elco School and Richland (Lebanon County). All kinds of antiques, a few antique cars and other items. Copenhaver and Weik, Auctioneers. n SAT. MAY 7 - 10:00 A.M. Kentß Ferrell, Jr Churchville, Md 21028 301-734-6050 or 7105 PUBLIC AUCTION 2 DAY COMPLETE DISPERSAL DAIRY CATTLE AND FARM MACHINERY SALE To settle the Estate of CLIFFORD B. SMITH, SR. (late of Harford Co.), the undersigned, widow, will sell the following on the premises located on Troyer Road- Vi mile West of Black Horse at the intersection on MD. Rte. 23 (Norrisviile Road) - 8 miles Southwest of Maryland Line via Exit 36 of U.S. Rte. 83 (Baltimore-Harrisburg Expressway) and MD. Rte. 439- 15 miles Northwest of Bel Air via Jarrettsville (Md. Rte. 23) in the Northwestern section of Harford County, Maryland. 170 HEAD OF HOLSTEW DART CATUE ON FUMY, MARCH 11,1977 at 10:30 A.M. (EST) 100 Head of Mature Cowa in all stags* of lactation some recently fresh and dose springers. 90 Brad Heifers for summer and fall freshening. 40 yearling and younger heifers. This herd shows type, con formation and size with good udder placement and production. All cattle tested for out of state shipments. Individual information available on day of sale. Lunch served by the Jarrettivllle Vol Fire Co. Lcdie* Auxiliary. TRACTORS, FARM MACMNERY AM EQUIPMENT. TRUCKS AMI FEES ON TUESDAY, MARCH 15,1977 at 10:30 A.M. (ESI) TRACTORS: JD 4430 (new); JD 4010; IHC ISO; IHC Super ‘M’; Case SMB loader; Bobcat skld-steer loader; Oliver bulldozer; Oliver 680 w/NI 503 loader. FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: MF combine 750 w/13 ft. grain and 4 row corn heads; IHC 720 plows 5x20”; IHC 720 plows 5x16”; JD 12 ft. disc; 14 ft. Bush Hog disc; IHC cultimulcber; JD 7000 4 row com planter (new); JD 17 disc grain drill; John Blue 300 gal. Liquid sprayer; John Blue fertilizer spreader; 6000 gal., 2000 gal., and 1000 gal. liquid Nitrogen tanks; NH 9 ft. haybine; NH 7 ft. mower; NI semi-mount mower; IHC chisel plow, 10 ft,; Bush Hog 13 ft. rotary mower; 2 NH side delivery rakes; NH 278 baler w/thrower; 4 hay wagons w/ bale racks; JD 125 chuck wagon; JD 115 chuck wagon; MF chuck wagon; NHB9O field harvester w/2 row com and pick-up heads; Fox ensilage blower; Little Giant elevator; NH grinder mixer, PTO; 14 ft. easy feed, 20 ft. Van Dale and 20 ft. Fickes silo unloaders; Win-Power, PTO generator w/cart; NH dual wheel liquid manure spreader; NI dual wheel regular manure spreader; Shaver PTO hyd. post driver; 3 pt. scraper blade; JD 237 mounted 2 row com picker; 3 pt. PTO com sheller; truck tail gate hyd. fertilizer auger; MF Hi-pressure washer; 48” lawn sweeper; 2 Magnet Norco feeders; 20 ton Stormor feed bin; electric welder; Acetylene welding torch and tanks; tarpaulins and canvases; Misc. Hand farm and shop tools and supplies. TRUCKS: ’72 Ford F-8000 diesel 3 ton w/18 ft. flat dump; '72 Int’l. 1600 IVz ton w/14 ft. flat dump; ’67 Diamond T 5000 2% ton w/18 ft. flat dump. FEED: 30 tons of Mixed hay; 20’x60’ silo of com silage and haylage. Lunch served by the Bethel Church Women’s Association. Note: Practically all the machinery and equipment has been purchased within the past two years, some new and unused. Terms: Cash or approved checks. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. MT. PLEASANT YU FARM RUTH A. SMITH, Widow White Hall. Md. 21161 301-692-6278 Alan Getz, Attorney Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Sharp. Public Sale of Fine Early Antiques,,, Car, Household Goods, Tools. To be- held at- 830*Madison Avenue, York, Pa. Reuben E. Lauer Sr. Executor. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. MAY 19, 20, 21 - Annual 3- Day Spring Carriage and Antiques Sale. Watch paper for further details. Martin Auctioneers. Mima SAT. JUNE 4 - Public Sale of Antiques. To be held at 14 South Park St., Richland, Lebanon Co., Pa. Sale by Ella Reed. John Breidegam & Ben Habacker, Aucts. John H. O’Neill AUCTIONEERS *£f Hm ’ Md -301-83K59K)
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