Church group slates MOUNT PLEASANT, Pa. - Current issues affecting far- will be discussed next month at an “Affirmation of Farming Event” to be held at the Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, near here. The program is sponsored by the church group and will be in progress for three days. Registration begins at 5 p.m. on March 11. At 6:30 p.m. supper will be served and an hour later it’s “get acquainted time.” Participants are asked to bring a set of six to 12 slide photographs to introduce their farming operations. The week-end retreat is billed as providing fanners from farm issues forum The LaurelviUe Mennonite Church Center is both a program share aM >— related to changing with the seasons in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of corporation and partnership modek, estate m terms weste Vp e rmsylvania. It o£fers a wi de variety of options in of new tax laws, and how the new., administration foori service WO rshin exneriences and nWram Washington is likely to affect farmmg, The group will also look at the increasingly important role of the farmer as world Farmers y inte f ested attending the program Should con- P RSoSeSS io lead discussions on the above topics include Hubert Schwartzentruber, Delton Franz, Orlandl Gingerich, Dwight Stoltzfus, Dieter Krieg, and Arnold 2056 ‘ 1116 registration fee for 4116 program is $8 per person. Cressman. Aside from the above topics, those in attendance are en couraged to bring up agenda items of their own. SHARON “ag" BUILDINGS 40’ X 90’ X 10’ FOB Factoiy ’6,490. 26 ga. Enameled Sheeting MORE USABLE SPACE FOR LESS COST SHARON "AG* BUILDINGS • Economically Designed • Soundly Engineered • Quickly Erected Imi l • Quality Materials W | "v l|M| • Straight Sidewalls I I H in CALL COLLECT TO I JACK McMULLEN 717-761-1863 OR WRITE SHARON METAL BUILDINGS 1500 STATE ST.. CAMP HILL, PENNA. 17011 '' y g >" >T"L" ' WZ, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26.1977 Lamb club holds meeting YORK, Pa. - A tentative schedule for the York Fair sheep show was drawn up at the February meeting of the York County 4-H Lamb Club. The group met at the 4-H Center near Bair, Pa. Mac McGuigan, a dealer of READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Families return [Continued from Page 56] them know that having them was a beautiful experience,” Mrs. Blank says. “And, it is - it may be the most beautiful experience of a couple’s life.” Also, when the husband works with the wife in the classes, he learns to un derstand her moods and why she reacts to situations in the manner in which she does. “Sometimes he can even make a Joke out of it,” Mrs. Blank says. a nationally known brand of feed, showed a filmstrip on sheep. He also gave away a few door prizes. The next meeting of the group will be on March 3. Docking and castrating of lambs will be the main topic. In her series of classes, the fathers are required to come to three evening sessions with their wives. Mrs. Blank also holds a fourth half-day session just for the mothers in which they practice exercises together and have a simulated labor. This exercise meeting is optional, and as long as the couple comes to three consecutive meetings, they receive a certificate for completing the course. If the women choose to have their babies in the hospital, Mrs.-Blank also makes sure they have a tour of the maternity ward. And, if the pupils wish, there is a film on childbirth available at the hospital for them to see. Amazingly enough, in creasingly more couples are preferring to not have their children in hospitals, but are having their deliveries at home or in the doctor’s of fice. One doctor in the area makes Mrs. Blank’s course mandatory if his patients are going to deliver in his office. She also gets referrals from several other doctors which have heard of her through their patients. “At first I wasn’t sure if I could teach without being a registered nurse, but I have taken childbirth courses in the many hospitals in the area, and I am a member of the International Childbirth Education Association,” she says. She’s also sup ported by doctors and nurses. It seems that more and more doctors hear about her all the time and send their patients to her. Often times her pupils are really appreciative of her classes because they are Christian oriented and personal. She also has an obvious enthusiasm in helping mothers leant this rewarding method of giving birth to their children. The joy she finds in the miracle of birth is seemingly boundless. “If I could, I’d have 20 babies!” she says with a delighted laugh, again amused at her own over zealousness. When a down to-earth woman makes a statement of that magnitude it shows how highly she regards the experience of childbirth - a feeling which can’t help but be transmitted to those she teaches. 57
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