■ . vcfc'f .i*jl •«> *. -- 1 50—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26,1977 My Thoughts And welcome to them By JOAMMM SPAHtt I get some interesting comments on “My Thoughts” from time to time. They range anywhere from com pliments to good natured teasing to other peoples’ versions of the same type of events that happen to-me. For instance, last week a Lancaster Farming subscriber, as well as personal acquaintance of mine, told me a story about her Siamese housecat. She’d read the story I wrote on how we pamper ours, and she had a cute story of her own to tel(. She said that her daughter had Valley Grange to hear talk on Penna, legislative trends LEWISBERRY, Pa. - Two state legislators - Senator John D. Hopper and Representative Eugene R. Geesey - will discuss legislative trends and issues hi Pennsylvania at an open meeting of Valley Grange No. 1360 of Lewisberry Making Sure A tough top sergeant glared at the rookie recrmt and shouted, “What’s the first thing you do when you clean a rifle?” “Look at the serial number,” was the meek reply. “Why do you do that,” demanded the ser geant. “To make sure I'm cleaning my own rifle,” the recruit explained. ERTH-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCK, INC. ROl, Gap, PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 always wanted a Siamese, but that it had never been feasible since the daughter was in school all day, and since she (the mother) was a school teacher, and her husband a full-time farmer. Therefore, no one would have been in the house to take proper care of the cat during the day. This fact, however, never daunted the daughter's spirits because one day she asked her mother, again, to have - a Siamese. “You know we can’t," her mother explained patiently, “because I’m Monday, February 28. The meeting will be held at the Grange hall in Lewisberry at 7:30 p.m. David M. Scott, master of Valley Grange, said the meeting will be open to all residents of the area and urged them to attend to hear “this pertinent discussion of current issues that are of importance to everyone.” A question and answer period will follow the presentations of the legislators, he said. Both Hopper and Geesey represent districts that comprise portions of York and Cumberland counties. The program was arranged by the legislative committee of Valley Grange, William K. Traver, chair man. teaching and there is no one during the day to take care of it.” Without batting an eyelash, the daughter came up with the solution to the whole problem. "You could quit teaching, you know” she said with a smile. Yes, it seems all Siamese cat lovers are the same - crazy. The Patz Slurry Manure Pump provides the ultimate solution to the moving of slurry liquid manure from dairy, beef, hogs or poultry installations to manure storage facilities. The new Patz Slurry Pump can move slurry and 'liquids up to 150 feet. The manure is supplied to an underground hopper with a gutter cleaner or scraper and is forced into al2 inch P.V.C. pipe by means of an 8 inch by 15 inch plunger. The Patz exclusive roller chain drive unit drives the plunger at a rate of 21 strokes per minute. get the PATZ FACTS FIRST Call the dealer listed below for costs and availabilities. George Heath, District Manager, 2618 Arcona Road, Mechanicsburi, PA 17055 697-5466 ALEXANDRIA MAXISENBERG 669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC - 845-2261 BELLEFONTE LUCAS BARN EQUIPMENT 814-383-2806 BELLEVILLE MACLAV4SON 717-935-2101 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 EAST EARL ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445-6409 HAMBURG H DANIEL WENGER 488 6574 KIRKWOOD LANDIS A ESBENSHADE 786-4158 This family, by the way, does have a Siamese cat, now. And, whether the mother quit teaching to take care of it or not is something that shall always remain a mystery, because, to tell the truth, I was afraid the answer might confirm my suspicions that we Siamese lovers really are crazy. -f.V J * * ■* ' 5 ■, $ s Vx' as-'-JC' The 8 inch by 15 inch plunger forces the manure through a PVC pipe to storage facility. McALISTERVILLE MILLERSBURG MILTON KEWVILLE PIPERSVILLE STREET MD THOMASVILLE - Plunger sleeve can be removed from sleeve chamber for servicing without breaking out concrete. LEBANON MARVIN HORST 272-0871 SANER FARM SYSTEMS 463-2606 LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 FRED B. McGILLRAY 776-7312 MOYER FARM SERVICE 766-8675 WALTER WEBSTER 452-8521 KENNETH L.SPAHR 225 1064
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