- X'CSt! net .ysbiui^gnumF-! 'is#? sons» 6—Lancaster Farming, Saturda Pa. Auction Summary Harrisburg, Pa. January 21,1977 CATTLE 6037. Compared with 5623 head last week, and 6283 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers & heifers mostly 50 cents to $1 lower. Slaughter cows mostly steady to $1 higher, spots |1.75 higher. Slaughter bulls mostly $1 higher. STEERS: High Choice & Prime 40.50-42.10, Choice 38.0041.35, Good 33.50-38.00, Standard 30.00-34.50, Utility 27.00- HEIFERS: Choice 34.00-39.00, Good 31.00- Standard 28.00- 32.00, Utility 25.00-30.00. COWS: Utility and High Dressing Cutter 26.75 30.50, Cutters 25.00-28.00, Canners 21.00-25.50, Shells down to 18.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 38.50-41.00, Good 34.00- Standard 29.00- 34.00, few Utility 28.0030.50. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2100 lbs. 32.00-37.50; yield grade No. 2 9001600 lbs. 28.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Choice 300700 lbs. feeder steers 30.00-37.25, Good 300700 lbs. 28.0035.00; Good 300-650 lbs. feeder heifers 22.00-30.00, Medium 300750 lbs. 18.0023.00. CALVES 4251. Compared with 3696 head last week, and 3667 head a year ago. Vealers mostly steady to $2 higher. VEALERS: Prime 72.00- 81.00, Choice 65.00-78.00, Good 50.00-65.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 38.00-55.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.00-45.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 25.00- 35.00, Utility 50-100 lbs. 10.00- 27.00, Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 35.00-45.00, few to 49.50. HOGS 6220. Compared with 5333 head last week, and J- B. KELLER & BRO. DAIRY COWS ™ Mount Joy, PA 17552 REGISTERED COWS Woodhouse Answer due 2-12-77,15 t calf, Dam Whirlhill Kingpin Carnation Million Heir due 2-16-77, 4tb calf 4-2 347 20,255 616 4.0 Wif Symbol Pride due 3-15-77 to Merry King milking over 90 lbs. per day Tidy Burke Transmitter due late March, Ist calf, Dam 5-9 361 17,214 698 4.0 Downalane Reflection Emperor due late February, Ist calf. Dam proj. 3-10305 22.879 799 3.5 Simpsons Apostle due late Feb., Ist calf. Arlinda Undy due February, Ist calf Grade Nunesdale Originator due 4-11-77, 3-4 390 18.169 M 777 4.3 Also, High Quality Grade Cows & Heifers Transportation and financing available. STIVE KELLER 808 KELLER 717-653-2284 717-426-1075 Office: 717-653-4851 Jan. 29. 1977 Livestock market 7295 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts 50 cents to $1 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200240 lbs. 41.50- 44.00, few to 45.00, No. 1-3 200 250 lbs. 40.5043.00, No. 2-3 190260 lbs. 39.5042.00, fdw No. 24 260325 lbs. 34.00 41.00, few No. 1-3 140190 lbs. 30.00- US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 28.0035.00, few to 39.00, No. 23 300-650 lbs. 24.0030.00, Boars 18.00-25.00. FEEDER PIGS 985. Compared with 1222 head last week, and 1075 head a year ago. (2355 head graded sales). Feeder pigs uneven, spots lower per head. US No. 13 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 5.00- per head, No. 13 3530 lbs. 12.00-24,00, No. 13 50-100 lbs, 20.00-29.50, Utility 2030 lbs. 9.00-17.00 per head. SHEEP 328. Compared with 310 head last week, and. 640 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter lambs steady to weak. Choice 60-110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 49.0036.00, few to 60.00, Good 60-100 lbs. 38.50-50.00. Slaughter ewes 10.00-20.00. Lancaster Feeder Catde Friday Jan. 21,1977 Today Last Friday 277 TREND: Feeders not fully tested, bulk of supply sold in lots of three or less, although around 70 head mixed Good and Choice 930-1030 lb. weak to 50 lower. FEEDER STEERS: Mixed Good and Choice 930- 1030 lb. 34.60-36.00; few Good 550-885 lb. 31.00-33.50. Compared to Wednesdays close: Fresh pork cut trade fairly active, demand good. Loin 4.004.25 higher on 14-17 lbs. skinned hams 1.50-2.75. higher; Bellies 12-14 lbs. 2.00- 3.00 higher. Picnics, Boston Butts, and spareribs not well established. LOINS 14-dn lbs. 83.00- 83.75, 14-17 lbs. 82.0033.75, 4.004.25 17-20 lbs. 78.7530.00 PICNIC 43 lbs. load 43.00 BOSTON BUTT 43 lbs. 58.50 load SKINNED HAMS 14-17 lbs. 68.0039.00 1.50-2.00 higher, 17-20 lbs. 68.0038.50 1.50 higher, 20-26 lbs. 67.0037.25 2.00-2.25 higher, 26 & up lbs. 66.0036.75 2.00-2.75 higher BELLIES, SDLS 8-10 lbs. 45.25, 10-12 lbs. 47.00, 12-14 lbs. 54.00-55.00 2.00-3.00 higher, 14*16 lbs. 52.50 load, 16-18 lbs. 52.5033.00; load 52.00 frozen, 18-20 lbs. 46.25 load, 20-25 lbs. 42.50 load BNLS CT BUTT 1 **3 lbs, 85.00 PORK TRIM 50 lean 35.50 OFFAL AND VARIETY TONGUES GREEN BONELESS 48.00 HEARTS 30.75 Compared to Wednesdays close: Beef trade slow. Demand light. Midwestern winter storm increasing transportation difficulties, carcass beef sales on 35 loads of steer and heifer beef confirmed and 1 cow beef load. Steer beef had most interest - 50-1.00 higher, heifer beef steady to 1.00 higher. Primal beef cuts; heifer hinds 1.00 higher. Feeder Cattle 337 WEEKLY FEEDER Midwest Carlot Meat Trade Jan. 27,1977 FRESH PORK CUTS INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTION! LEASE QUALITY DAIRY COWS DHIA HERDS AVAILABLE DAIRY FARM LEASING COMPANY 1700 dupont Avenue south MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55403 CALL 612-377-1489 TODAY! NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Sale To Start Promptly At 1 P WE WILL RECEIVE YOUR PIG State Graded Until 12 Noon. AH pigs inspected by Slate Approved Veterinarian. State tags available at our office for you to tag pigs at home to save 25* tagging charge. Tags delivered if you cafl 717-354-4341 our office in advance. NORMAN KOLB 717397-5538 COW BEEF - no com parable sales. STEER BEEF -22 CONFIRMED LOADS Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 59.50- 60.00 late 60.00 50 higher Choice 4 600-900 lbs. 57.50 50 higher Choice 2 600-800 lbs. 60.00 Good 2-3 600-800 lbs. 56.00- 56.25 75-1.00 higher Good "2-3 500-900 lbs. 55.25 Holstein type HEIFER BEEF- 13 CON -13 CONFIRMED LOADS Choice 3 500-700 lbs. 59.25 25 I.oo' higher Good 2-3 500-700 lbs. 54.75 Steady - 50 higher COW BEEF - 1 CONFIRMED LOAD Utility (brkg) (NTHRN) 3- 4 45.00 CANNER & CUTTER 48.50 CHOICE 3 PRIMAL BEEF CUT 6 CONFIRMED LOADS HINDS (heifer) 120-170 lbs. 70.75 1.00 higher FORES 130-210 lbs. 51.00 ROUNDS (steer) 70-95 lbs. 75.00-75.75 BEEF TRIMMINGS - 10 CONFIRMED LOADS Beef trimmings 50 chem lean (fresh) 25.00 For the-week: compared to late last week: steer beef 50- 2.25 higher Heifer beef steady to 50 higher except goods 50 lower. Cow beef steady to 2.50 lower. Fresh pork trade: loins 1.00-1.25 lower. Skinned hams steady to 50 lower, bellies 12-14 lbs. 1.50-2.00 lower. No comparison available on picnics, Boston butts and spareribs. 12 miles east of Lancaster on Route 23, New Holland, PA. PIG CALF SALE TO BE HELD IN NEW SALES PAVIUON EVERY THURSDAY AT 6:30 P.M. I & M FUR & WOOLEN ENTERPRISE Qua Sty Electrified Motilons 4 Furs Tannery Direct Dist. - Wholesale 4 Retail Chech our Quality, Price & Sendees! • Woolen Hosp. Pads - Natural & AH Colors - • Pa. Lariest Selection ot Woolen Products p Sheepskin Coats at Reasonable Prices • See Us At Meadowbroofc Market in Leob 117 W. Summit St., Mohnton, Pa. 215-777-2465 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-8:30; Sal. 9-5 BEEFAU) HYBRID CATOE 45 UMOUSIN-HEREFORD CROSS COWS Bred Beefalo Due In Spring For Sale - Rapid gains on grass and roughage. - 55-65 lb. Births - up to 1100 lb. yearling. - Test data show 62 percent carcass dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. SEMEN *l2 an ampule NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR V. BULLS & HEIFERS. BEEFALO N & J 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association ANYTIME FROM 7 A.M. WED. MORNING ABE DIFFENBACH CONSIGN YOUR HOGS TO McCOY CATTLE COMPANY FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 1,1977 Sale time 1:00 P.M. Note to Buyers Reputation Breeder Consignments Your Market Prices Protected By Experienced Brokers McCOY CATTLE COMPANY Lancaster Stockyards PH: 717-397-1411 717-393-4464
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