—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 29, 1977 4 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, Jan. 24 to Friday, Jan. 28 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Ex. Large 86 86 86 86 66 Large 86 86 86 86 86 Mediums 82 82 82 82 82 Pullets 59 59 59 59 59 Peewees 41 41 41 41 41 BROWN Large 86 86 86 86 86 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 77 77 77 77 77 Checks 48 49 49 49 49 Tone—About steady. Copyright 1977 Urner Barry Publications. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, January 25,1977 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS (+) 89-96 87-93 83-91 56-63 Mostly 90-91 88-89 84-85 57-58 NEWHAMP 84-91 82-89 78-85 51-58 89-90 -93-94 Mostly 87-88 - 83-84 R. I. 91-92 87-88 VERMONT NOT AVAILABLE MAINE 91-93 89-91 85-87 58-60 (+) Includes Central and Western sections only. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were New Weight Per Case 31 lbs. 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks •/.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. ,v.v«v»v. Baltimore Eggs Thursday, Jan. 26 Market steady. Demand spotty with most accounts buying cautiously. Supplies are ample. Tuesday Thurs. 76 75 75 72 72 70 -51 - 51 59 58 50 49 Cartoned Eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (min. one case sale) white: Grade A Large 90-93; Grade A Medium 86-89. Delmarva Poultry Fri. Wed. Jan. 26 Ready to Cook movement spotty ranging light to only occasionally fair. Slaughter schedules reduced in line with decreased demand. Todays LTL asking prices mostly 38 on Plant and-39 on US Grade A. Advance in terest taking a wait and see position. Live supplies ample at heavy weights in many quarters. Undertone weak. Current boiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: US Grade A 40-41; Plant Grade 39-40; Premium X US Grade A 42-48; Premium X Plant Grade 41- 46. Wtd. Avg. US Grade A 56-57 60-61 This month Moyer’s celebrates 30 years of hatching baby chicks at our Quakertown location From a modest beginning of a 1200 square foot building and a year's hatch of 68,000 chicks in 1947, we have progressed to a building of over 10 times that size and a year's hatch of over 6V2 million for 1976. But what makes us most proud is our growing family of pleased customers: Some of you have recently joined us, others have been depending on us for many years. We thank each of you for helping us reach this historical landmark. THay&tt chicks, INC. BROWNS. WHITE EGG LAYERS Philadelphia Eggs ■ Thursday, Jan. 26 Prices unchanged. Car toning demand light. Of ferings fully adequate on all sizes. Undertone cautious. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered: store door- A Extra Large 84-90V2; A Large A Medium 79- 85. Eastern Pa. & N.J. Poultry Wednesday, Jan. 26 Prices light type hens steady. Offerings adequate for a fair buying interest. Offerings of heavy type ample for a light call. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 10-13, mostly 12 in Pa.; mostly 12 in N.J. Heavy type hens TFEWR. 40.37; Plant Grade 39.71; Premium X US Grade A 44.36; Premium X Plant Grade 45.72. X-Includes special ser vices, selected competitive brands, etc. Years Of Progress $ ' . v, &*<' * " Y' - •a '* "-t.v' •s•£?>■ t/< % &%_■%, ♦ <vV *«*& - $ * V t * v > t ‘ * - iwii<>>»» .* / * .-- j V '* <• * * , S <,.'*' '*' * /I, . ’ Vs Harvey Z. Martin Wednesday, Jan. 26,1977 140 Loads Alfalfa 64 to 119; Clover 68 to 90; Timothy 50 to 77; Mixed Hay 51 to 94; Orchard Grass (2 loads) 42 and 57.50; Stubble Hay (2 loads) 51 and 72; Straw 57 to 77; Com fodder (1 load) 51; Ear Com 66.50 to 69.50; Fire Wood (1 load) 20.00 per ton. New Holland 175 loads. Alfalfa 70.00-90.00 per ton; top load 109.00, low load 60.00; mixed alfalfa 70.00- 88.00, top loadD9.oo, low load 61.00; timothy mostly 64.00- 76.00, top load 80.00, low load 60.00; clover 62.00-76.00; 1 load moldy 49.00; mixed hay 70.00-80.00, 1 load 90.00, 1 load 50.00; mulch hay 46.00- 54.00; straw 70.00-80.00, 1 load 88.00, 1 load 58.00; ear corn 66.00-70.00; com fodder 51.00; firewood $2O a ton. Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536-3155 Hoy Markets Monday, Jan. 24,1977 >- n* Regional Hay January 24, l977 (All hay No. 2 and betM| prices paid by dealers at tiff farm, price per ton.) Hay and straw steady to strong. Alfalfa 80.00-90.00; Mixed hay 65.00-75.00; Timothy hay 60.00-70.00; Straw 50.00- 60.00; Mulch 25.00-35.00. Green Dragon January 21,1977 8 loads hay & 34 loads straw. Alfalfa 76.00-96.00, some down to 67.00; Timothy, few 57.00-71.00; Mixed hay 60.00- 88.00; Clover, few 66,("% 71.00; Stubble hay, one loan 64.00; Straw 64.00-80.00, one 88.00; Corn, 10 loads 62.00- 66.00; Com Fodder, one load 57,00. Vintage Thursday, Jan. 27 Alfalfa mixed with grass 80-82 a ton; mixed hay, clover and timothy 65-79; timothy 53-67; stubble hay 60; straw 73-74. -*v ' 1947 \ v HUBBARD WHITE MT. BROILERS
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