Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. One minute’s worth of manure 2800 gallons from the Badger Manure Pump The Badger Liquid Manure Pump can cut hours off manure spreading time because it pumps at a rated capacity of 2800 gallons per minute. It agitates and converts even heavy, fibrous manure into an easy*to*handle slurry. With the flip of a lever, you are pumping and can easily fill a 3000 gallon tank in less than two minutes. The Badger Liquid Manure Pump is portable. Move it from one pumping location to another. Pump from pit to storage basin... to above ground storage tank... or to spreader. The Badger Pump is designed with the know-how that comes from years of experience in developing liquid manure systems. It is ruggedly constructed to give you years of heavy-duty service. SEE YOUR LOCAL BADGER DEALER SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Wflov Rd. Ph. (7171299-2536 CARL L SHIRK ISAAC W. HURST IiOYD E. KREIDER A I. C -.. t j E I! EY F * RM RDS RD2 RDI EQUIPMENT INC. Lebanon, PA East Earl, PA Cochramriße, Pa KOI Jonestown PA Ph. (7171274-1436 Ph.(215)445-5767 Ph.(215)932-2934 (717)165-4526 EAYF elected new officers * ' Ken Hertzog, vice president ; J. Calvin Zimmerman, secretary; and Lake Horst, treasurer. GRUMEIU’S FARM FISHER BROTHERS SERVICE 136 W. High SL Mechanics Grove Red Lion, PA QDanyv»e,PA Ph. 17171244-2178 Ph. {7l7| 786-7318 4 862-3406 Lancaster Farmim ,/ * < * SMALLER-SIZED ROUND BALER Sperry New Holland has introduced a smaller-sized round baler, the Model 845, which rolls round bales weighing up to 850 pounds. The Model 845 makes a 4%- foot diameter bale. It can be used with a 40 - 60 h.p. tractor and its capacity ranges from six to 10 tons an hour, depending on crop and baling conditions. The new model baler has the same exclusive design features as the larger Model 850, which result in a clean crop pickup, fast and sure core formation and con tinuing proper bale for mation. BEDWETTING - Start A New Life! Mail to MR DRY LTD., Box 1560, Wichita. Kans 67201 LINCOLN NAME ADDRESS ZIP CITY . . . STATE PHONE .. CHILD’S AGE Saturday. Jan. 29.1977 >■ - • |< ;s £gS NEW SELF-STORING STORM-SCREEN DOOR DOUBLESASPORCH ENCLOSURE PANEL Season-all Industries announces a new storm screen door designed for convenience and flexibility. The unique construction of the Model 741 makes it ideal as a porch enclosure panel, too. Two panes of safety glass and a fiber glass screen adjust to five different positions for maximum comfort and flexibility. The Model 741 features self-storage for both glass and one screen insert. The storm-screen door comes in sizes to fit virtually any opening, in widths from 29 J /z inches to 33 inches and in heights from 78V4 inches to 90 inches. A complete selection of accessories needed to assemble and install the porch enclosure panels is available for every type of enclosure. Both models are equipped with steel apron chains, instead of belts, to roll the hay. Other exclusive features include floor chain lugs that move the hay back into the chamber, curved leaf springs that guide the hay upward to the upper apron chain to start the rolling action and the wedge-shaped bale chamber where the core is first formed. These features on both models permit fast and ef ficient rolling and baling of a wide variety of crops, not only grass and legume hays, but com stalks, straw and soybean residue as well. e Your boy or girl can put an and to that distressing prob lem of bodwotting [when the cause is not an organic defect or disease ] • NO special garment required e NO attachments to your child’s body e NO annoying bells will ring e No child should have to con tend with this problem, when it can be sotad so simply. Our solution is the ONLY original development in the field of bedwetting control in over 20 years This unique approach can be a bright new horizon for your child e For MORE INFORMATION send for our FREE BROCHURE “Answers To The Most Com mon Questions About Bed wetting ” 13
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