4 —Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. Jan. 22. 1977 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, Jan. 17 to Friday, Jan. 21 Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thors. ExJ Large 76 81 81 86 86 Large 76 81 81 86 86 Mediums 72 77 77 82 82 Pidlets 55 57 57 59 59 Peewees 35 37 37 41 41 BROWN Large 81 83 86 86 86 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 68 72 -72 77 Checks 47 47 47 47 Tone-Market being evaluated. Undertone cautious. Copyright 1977 Urner Barry Publications New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, January 18,1977 - Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EXTRA LARGE MASS (+) 85-89 Mostly 86-87 NEW HAMP 80-87 Mostly 82-83 79-80 R.I. 89-90 86-87 * VERMONT 87*90 84-88 Mostly 87-89 84-87 MAINE 87-89 84-86 79-81 54-56 (+) Includes Central And Western Sections Only. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNU) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 82- 77-79 52-59 83- 78-79 53-54 77-84 72-79 47-54 74-75 49-50 * 78-79 56-57 79-82 New Weight Per Case 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Tuesday Thurs. 73 77 72 75 69 71 51 51 55 57 48 50 Delmarva Poultry Fri. Wed. Jan. 19 Ready to cook movement fair to good. Slaughter schedules heavy at all plants. Todays LTL asking ■ prices tending higher on both plant and US grade A, Ad vance interest good however no confirmed sales noted at higher asking prices.’ Live supplies fully adequate at satisfactory weights. Un dertone firm. Current l broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: US Grade A 41- 41%; Plant Grade 40-40%; Premium X US Grade A 47.00; Premium X Plant Grade 45.00. Wtd. Avg.: US Grade A 41.06; Plant Grade 40.13; Premium X US Grade A 47.00; Premium X Plant Grade 45.00. X-Includes special ser vices, selected competitive brands, etc. Eastern Pa. & NJ. Poultry Wednesday, Jan. 19 Prices unchanged on light type hens. Offerings adequate to barely adequate for a fair demand. Offerings of heavy type fully adequate for a fair call. . Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 10-12, mostly 12 in Pa. and mostly 12 in N.J. Heavy type hens TFEWR. Baltimore Eggs Thursday, Jan. 20 Prices unchanged to 2 cents higher. Demand fair to good. Supplies adequate although some problems continue in distribution due to the weather. Cartoned eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (Minimum one case sale) white Grade A Large 80-88; Grade A Medium 76-84. Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, Jan. 19 Prices unchanged to sharply higher on all sizes. Cartoning demand good for adequate to barely adequate supplies. Undertone fully steady. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer Grades White Eggs in cartons, delivered: store door A Extra Large A Large 75 te-84 A Medium 71-80. have a nice weekend... (OMIONK Green Dragon GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALE Friday, Jan. 14,1977 Market Report: Higher STEERS: Good to Choice 36.25-38.85; Standard to Good 32.50-35.75; Other 30.00-32.00 HEIFERS: Good to Choice 32.00- Other 28.00J2.00 FEEDER STEERS: Good to Choice 33.75-35.50; Standard to Good 30.00 to 33.50; other 22.00 t 0.30.00 BULLS: 33.00-38.75 COWS: Choice to Prime 26.50-28.75; Good to Standard 24.00-26.50 Canners 21.00- CALVES: High to Choice 56.00- Good to Choice 50.0055.00; Standard to Good 90 to 120 pounds 35.00-45.00; Light calves 20.00-25.00 FEEDER BULLS; 28.00 to 33.00 105, Dairy cows and heifers; springing first calf heifers 500.00 to 565.00, two or three to 600.00; smaller springing heifers 325.00 to 425.00; 1 load springing cows and heifers from Butler County 425.00 to 64.00; 1 load Pa. cows fresh 610 to 740; springer cows 450.00 to 550.00; local consignment cows 425.00 to 690.00; a few colored cows 2&5.00 to 450.00 Farmers and farm machinery owners who don’t have enough storage space under roof can still protect their machinery from bad say Extension agricultural engineers at The Pennsylvania State University. Tillage equip ment, such as plows, disks, harrows, and cultivators can be stored out of doors after they are cleaned and painted. Metal parts that work in soil should be coated with a rust preventive. Then cover them plastic sheeting which provides satisfactory storage until they can ,be placed under roof. m—mm—rn—amm ROBERT & GLEN KRUM Krum Bros. Orchards Catawissa, PA 10,400 DeKaib Layers*. WINNERS OF 4 CONSECUTIVE FARM SHOW BLUE RIBBONS. Bob comments on their choice of Moyer's DEKALB: “A majority of our eggs are retailed through our own fruit market and other direct farm outlets. We must have a good quality, large egg. We’ve come to expect this from the 137 layer we’ve been purchasing from Moyer’s over the past 10 years. We also like to see those production peaks into the 90 percent range!” TtIAT Quakertown, PA 18951 BROWN & WHITE EGG LAYERS Protect Machinery THayeri't -BBCSXKD THE FARM SHOW WINNER’S CHOICE Tfaper'd CHICKS, INC. Hoy Markets Regional Hay January 17,1977 (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay and straw steady. Alfalfa 80.00-88.00; Mixed hay 65.00-75.00; Timothy hay 60.00-70.00; Straw 50.00- 55.00; Mulch 25.00-35.00. 'New Holland Monday, January 17 73 Loads Alfalfa 83-105; few down to 65; Mixed alfalfa 71-81; timothy 60-80; mixed bay and clover 60-91; straw 60- 89; mostly 75-85; ear com 62- 74 Harvey Z. Martin Wednesday, Jan. 19,1977 96 Loads Alfalfa 63 to 101; Clover 2 loads, 69 and 70; Timothy 59 to 71; Mixed Hay 59 to 100; , Stubble Hay, few loads 53 to 66; Grass Hay 1 load 59; Straw 64 to 90, mostly in the 80’s; Com fodder 68; Ear Com 64 to 66; Shelled Com 1 load, 2.50 per bu. ♦ Every Wednesday at 12 Noon ♦ I HARVEY Z. MARTIN ♦ - North Maple Ave., Leola, PA t Hi f tome Phone 215-445-5303 Weßr </e Buy On Orders. ♦ Bus. Phone Wed. Only ▼ r 717-656-7270 ♦ ▼ At David Good’s Farm Equipment Sale f J Leola, PA ♦ We also buy hay and straw privately. J Glen Krum, Bob Krum, Carrol) Barton, MCI sales rep. (215) 536*3155 Green Dragon January 17,1977 41 Loads Hay and 14 Loads Straw. Alfalfa, few 76.00-90.00; Timothy, few 55.00-79.00; Mixed hay 63.00-79.00; Clover, couple loads 60 & 63.00; Orchard Grass hay, one load 67.00; Straw 56.00- 78.00; Corn, 5 loads 64.00- 66.00; Com Fodder, 2 loads 49 & 52.00. New Holland Horse New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Pa. Monday, Jan. 18,1976 Reported receipts of 255 horses, mules, and ponies. Market stronger than last week’s market. Local driving horses 200- 400; riding 175-450; light weight killers 22-26; heavyweight killers 30-32; mare ponies 20-50; colts 10- 30; geldings 20-50; larger ponies 60-150. HUBBARD WHITE MT. BROILERS
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