Farmers work 40 hr. week. • get paid $ 2.77 per hoar HARRISBURG, Pa. - Family farm workers Pennsylvania’s farm labor totaled 87,000 compared to force numbered 117,000 92,000 in 1975, a five per cent during the survey week of decrease. Hired workers in October 10-16, according to the Commonwealth totaled the Pennsylvania Crop 30,000 during the survey Reporting Service. The farm week, down 19 per cent from labor force is,down nine per the same period in 1975. cent from last year. The average weekly hours HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VIAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-464-2044 worked by Pennsylvania farm operators was 40 hours. Other unpaid family members ayeraged 30.7 hours while hired workers averaged 38.9 hours of labor per week Pennsylvania wage rates for farm labor converted to an hourly rate of $2.77. This is a 44 cent increase from the $2.33 average during the survey week in 1975. Field and livestock workers averaged the least at $2.52 per hour. In the United States, farm labor force was 4,300,500, a decrease of almost 200,000 over the past year. Family farm workers totaled 2,960,000 during the survey week of October 10-16, a decrease of 142,000 from 1975. The average weekly hours worked by farm operators across the United States during the survey week was 39.1 hours. Other unpaid family members averaged 36.1 hours and hired workers averaged 39.1 hours per week. United States wage rates for all methods of pay for farm labor converted to an hourly rate average of $2.80 during the survey week. This compared with $2.63 per hour last year, a 17 cent per hour increase. Field and livestock workers averaged $2.60 per hour for their work. FEED STORAGE AND FLEX AUGER DELIVERY SYSTEM The Original Flex Auger Delivering Up To 2400 lbs. Per Hr. OR The NEW "Hi-C” Flex Auger Delivering Up To 6000 lbs. Per Hr. Agri Equip., Inc. offers complete • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR ON ALL CHORE- TIME EQUIPMENT RD2 Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone (Farmersville) Bus. 717-354-4271 Prompt Delivery Parts Via U.P.S. or Parcel Post Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 18,1976 Milk production up HARRISBURG, Pa. - Milk production in Pennsylvania during November totaled 588 million pounds, up six per cent from a year earlier according to the Crop Reporting Service. The number of milk cows in the Commonwealth during November was 708,000 head, up one per cent (10,000 head) from November 1975. Milk production per cow averaged 830 pounds in November, four per cent above a year ago. United States milk production during November totaled 9,232 million pounds, up five per cent from a year earlier. U.S. milk production per cow averaged 836 pounds, five per cent above last year, while milk cows on farms totaled 11,037,000 head, one per cent below November 1975. TRY A CLASSIFIED 19
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