> "I * 2—Lancaster" Farming, Saturday, Dec. 11, 1976 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, Dec. 6,1976 Tuesday, December 7,1976 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 759 667 18 Last Tuesday 596 600 22 149 761 34 Last Year Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1027 153 725 88 Last Monday 617 Last Year 1070 148 911 64 Monday’s Auction 703 174 701 105 Last Monday’s Auction 606 158 707 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers weak to mostly 50 lower; cows 1.00-1.50 lower; bulls and bullocks mostly steady. Supply included 57 per cent slaughter steers, 27 per cent cows with the balance bulls and heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Couple lots high Choice and Prime mostly 3 1100-1175 lb. 42.10-42.25; Choice 2-4 975- 1325 lb. 40.35-41.85, few head mainly 2 42.10-43.00; high Good and low Choice 2-41000- 1350 lb. 37.85-40.50; Good 2-3 975-1300 lb. 35.25-39.50; Standard 1-2 34.00-35.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple Choice mainly 2 39.00- 40.50; mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1055 lb. 35.00- 37.10; Good 2-3 30.50-35.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 23.75-25.85; Cutter 1-2 22.00-23.75; Canner and low Cutter 20.00-22.00; Cutter 1-2 850-1050 lb. beef breed cows 18.50-21.75. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 1000-1200 lb.' 39.00-41.50 Good 35.00-37.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 35.50-38.00, individual 38.75; yield grade 2 850-1050 lb. 28.00-32.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers fully steady, instances 2.00 higher on Standard 60-90 lb. VEALERS; Prime 72.00- 78.00; Choice 62.00-72.00; high Good and low Choice 50.00- Good 38.00-50.00; Standard and Good 90-115 lb. 28.00- Standard 65-90 lb. 20.00-28.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs 3.00- higher; slaughter ewes steady. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice and Prime 70-90 lb. 49.00- 52.50; mixed Good and Vintage Market 808 734 37 CATTLE; Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower; cows 75- 1.25 lower; bulls fully steady on small supply. Supply included 46 per cent slaughter steers and 45 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; High Choice and'Prime 3-4 1075-1275 lb. 42.75-43.85; Choice mainly 2 975-1250 lb. 42.75-44.00, few head 44.00- 44.75; Choice 2-4 975-1400 lb. 40.25-42.25, few early 39.75- 40.25; Choice mainly 4 1200- 1425 lb. 38.75-41.50; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.50-40.00; Good 2-3 33.50- 37.50; few Standard 1-2 27.50- 34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 23.75-25.85, few head 26:00-26.85; Cutter 1-2 21.75-24.25; Canner and low Cutter 18.50-21.50; Cutter 1-2 700-975 lb. beef breed 16.00-20.00. BULLOCKS: Few Good 975-1200 lb. 32.00-34.50. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1100-1900 lb. 33.50-36.35; yield grade 2 900-1250 lb. 28.75- 31.00. VEAL CALVES; Vealers 2.00- higher. Supply included 365 in graded sale of which 28 per cent was sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Choice 58.00- 64.00, couple Prime 65.00- 68.00; high Good and low Choice 40.00-56.00; Good 38.00- Standard and Good 100-120 lb. 30.00-39.00, 80-100 lb. 25.00-31.00, 70-85 lb. 20.00- Utility and Standard 65-90 lb. 16.00-23.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 100 head Standard and Good 100-125 lb. Holstein bulls 46.5049.50. Choice 70-90 lb. 42.00-45.50; Good 55-80 lb. 37.50-42.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 12.00-14.00. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Dec. 8 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1373 116 1163 13 Last Wednesday 592 Last Year 1065 154 715 49 Wednesday’s Auction 146 863 140 1232 4 Last Wednesday’s Auction 466 129 752 23 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers firm to 75 higher; cows SO LDO bullocks mostly steady;' small supply bulls 50-1.00 lower. Supply in cluded 57 per cent slaughter steers; 19 per cent cows, 16 per cent heifers with the balance bulls. - SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1100-1275 lb. 42.60-43.25; Choice 2-4 1000-1325 lb. 40.35- 43.00; few Choice mainly 4 1280-1445 lb. 37.00-39.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.50-40.50; Good 2-3 35.00 38.50, few 32.75-35.00; Standard 1-2 30.00-33.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 800-950 lb. 37.00 39.10; couple 40.50-41.25; Choice 3 to mostly 4 750-975 lb. 34.75-37.00; load Good and Choice 1-2 600-680 lb. 26.00- 28.50; Good 2-3 750-975 lb. 33.00-37.50; Standard 1-2 700 950 lb. 24.75-28.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 22.75-24.25; Cutter 1-2,21.50-23.25; Canner and low Cutter 19.00-21.50, BULLOCKS:. Choice 1000- 1250 lb. 38.25-39.50, couple 39.75-41.85. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. '32.50-34.10, individual 37.60; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 29.50-33.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers fully steady. VEALERS: Choice 60.00- 70.00, few Prime 70.00-77.00; high Good and low Choice 50.00- Good 40.00-50.00; Standard and Good 90-115 lb. 30.00- 75-85 lb. 24.00- 30.00; Utility and Standard 60-90 lb. 17.00-25.00. New Holland Dec. 9,1976 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 955 627 56 Last Thursday Last Year 748 24 973 528 -12 CATTLE: Compared-to last Thursday slaughter steers weak, to 50 lower; cows 50- 1.25 lower; bullocks 1.00-2.00 higher; small supply bulls 1.00-2.50 lower. Supply in cluded 37 per cent slaughter steers, 51 per cent cows with the balance bulls and heifers. - SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1100-1300 lb. 43.00-44.00; Choice mainly 2 1000-1300 lb. 42.75-44.00; Choice 2-4 960 1275 lb. 40.35-43.00; Choice mainly 4 1275-1500 lb. 38.00 41.35; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.50-39.75; few Good 2-3 32.50-36.50, SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 875-1165 lb. 39.50 42.00; Good 2-3 750-950 lb. 32.25-34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 23.75-26.00, few 26.00-26.50; Cutter 1-2 22.00-24.25; Canner and low Cutter 19.00-21.85. BuLI6CKS: Choice 36.00 39.50, few 40.00-41.75; Good 1000-1200 lb. 33.5035.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1800 lb. 32.00-34.00, couple 34.00-36.25; yield grade 2 9501350 lb. 28.50 32.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1 mostly steady, instances 1.002.00 lower on Utility and Standard 60100 lb. , VEALERS: Choice 54.00- 68.00, few Prime 69.00-74.50; high Good and low Choice 48.00- Good 35.00-45.00; Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 23.00- 80-90 lb. 18.00- 25.00; Standard 60-90 lb. 13.00- few Utility 55-90 lb. 5.00-12.00. SHEEP; Wooled lambs 1.00- higher; slaughter ewes 3.00-5.00 higher. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice and Prime 60-90 lb. 46.00- 51.00; Good 60-85 lb, 35.00- 40.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 14.00-22.00. 21.75-24.25; Canner and low Cutter 18.50-21.50; Cutter 1-2 700-975 lb. beef breed 16.00 21.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- ' Friday, Dec. 10,1976 1200 lb. 36.00-40,00, few 41.00- Cattle Calves 41.75; Good 1000-1200 lb. '.This Week 4500 1575 33.5057.50. Last Week 3498 1517 . BULLS: Yield grade 1 Last Year 4700 1573 t IJOOISOO lb. 32.0036.25, few CATTLE: Slaughter steers - mainly early part of week 50 lower; instances 1.00 f*6.50-38.00;_ yield, grade 2 lower; cows 1.001.50 lower, 10001350 lb. 28.00-33.50. instances 2.00 lowest" VEAL CALVES: Vealers bullocks steady; bulls 1.00/ 1-002.00 higher, some sales 1.50 lower, extremes 2.50 Choice and Prime as much lower. Supply included 37 per as 5.00 higher, cent slaughter steers, 25 per VEALERS: Prime 68.00 cent cows, 6 per cent heifers, 78.00; Choice 54.00-68.00; 5 per cent bulls with the high Good and low Choice balance feeder steers. 48.00-55.00; Good 35.00-45.00; SLAUGHTER STEERS: Standard and Good 90115 lb. High Choice and Prime J 4 25.0038.00, 7090 lb. 18.00 1100-1300 lb. 42.75-44.00; 26.00; Standard 6090 lb. Choice mainly 210001300 lb. 13.0023.00; few Utility 55-90 42.75-44.00, few head 44.00 lb. 5.0012.00. 44.75; Choice 2-4 975-1400 Ih. RETURNED TO FARM: 40.25-43.00; Choice and Standard and Good 90125 lb. Prime mainly 4 12001500 lb. Holstein bulls 36.0043.00,100 37.0041.50; high Good and head Standard and Good 100 low Choice 2-3 37.5040.00; 125 lb. 46.5049.50. Good 2-3 33.5037.50; few 1095 607 10 Standard 1-2 27.503430. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 875-1065 lb. 38.00 42.00; load Choices to mostly 47509751 b. 34.75-37.00; Good 23 750950 lb. 32.2537.50; load Good and Choice 1-2 600 680 lb. 26.0028.50; Standard 1-2 700-950 lb. 24.75-28.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 13 23.75-26.00, few 26.0026.50; Cutter 1-2 Lancaster Weekly B t B CATTLE CO. Washington Boro, PA' 17582 ' Office Phone (717) 872-5491* r ‘* Specializing in Stockers & Feeders John Bowman Ph; (717) 653-5728 Ron Ranch I I Ph: (717) 656-9849 | FORTY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE ... to the farmer, to the dealer and to the packer. May we serve you? S. K. SHOTZBERGER, LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer •>:. P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17694 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND make? the difference , in auctions! MONDAY’S ACTION: 8:00 A.M - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M - Horse Sale 1100 AM Hay Straw & Ear Corn 1-30 P M ■ Fat Steers. Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY’S ACTION. 12 00 Noon Hay Straw & Ear Corn 12 30 P M Dairy Sale 100 PM - Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY'S ACTION: 1100 AM Beef Sale Order of Sale Bulls Fat Steers. Cows, Veal 6 30 P M - Calf Sale NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W Diffenbach, Manager LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. --IroileEastof Fredericksburg along Route 22 PHONE JONESTjQ(WN 865-28B* i(Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. slarfirigwilh feeder cattle and Rigs. [ INC. Phone 717-354-4341
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