Something to Liaison Off icers 0 leading Know Where the Activities Will Be? Government liaison of . commodity in Georgia, Read the Farm Women Calendar. JS re iiSSi *3 le iffS?” ameaS “ The ’ p« irm RESULTS ... SEE US FOR Floor Pail Milkers-Around-Barn Pipelines Milking Parlor Herringbone Or Carousel Get hot water without using any electricity or fuel • Ma^ s u 5 o Sf 1 ' o"*.. 0 "*.. 99 Of Hot Water At Up with... DARI-KOOL TH ERM A-STOR S-, I S-%fSSS :'r 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 626-1151 ANSWERING SERVICE (717) 733-1224 CALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR STABLE / LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED ELECTRIC MOTORS IN STOCK Complete Planning— Installation—Service SHENK’S FARM SERVICE • Better Udder Quality • Higher Milk Production Husky Spreaders 1250 Gal. - 3750 Gal. Husky Manure Pumps Vacuum Spreaders or without Injection Chisels BOU-MATIC PULSATION Proper Milk-to-Rest Ratio Maintains STABLE VACUUM at teat end, Teat Massage and Blood Circulation Bou-Matic Inflations Softer more Gentle Milking igLl j t Jlr k -X • Has Stainless-Steel Of Heat-Exchanger And jJ Storage Sections For u Maximum Corrosion 4 Protection Better Bilt • Less Mastitis • More Profits * - '< m • Makes A Gallon Of 110 Degrees Water For Every Gallon Of Milk Cooled • Stores 140 Gallons Of Hot Water Without Extra Storage Tanks • Completely Eliminates Fan-Cooled Con densers I Make Plans Now i | for Next Seasons | ♦\ 'J ; Gram-Handling Equipment Bins - Augers - H Dryers, etc. *, 'HI Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 4,1976 The *back 40 9 gaining usefulness UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Pennsylvania has about 1,729,000 acres of hill pastures that, unsuited for other purposes, can produce sufficient forage to support beef cow and calf operations and to finish steers for slaughter, a crop scientist at Penn State University declared recently. Dr. John B. Washko, agronomist at Penn State, addressed some 250 scien tists taking part m the first International Hill Land Symposium held in early October at West Virginia State University. Under crossbred dairy beef cow and calf grazing, central Pennsylvania hill pastures produced from 2.9 to 3.2 tons per acre of dry matter and furnished from 114 to 149 days of grazing per animal unit per acre. The crossbred Holstein- Angus calves gained an average of 193 pounds per acre per year over a three year grazing period. The cows gained an average of 60 pounds per acre on the same land. In experiments over a four year period, Hereford steer weight gains averaged from 305 to 363 pounds per acre over a grazing season of 176 to 209 days. Cattle weight gains on nitrogen-fertilized grass and legume-grass mixtures, while slightly favoring the legume grasses, did not differ greatly. In the steer grazing ex periments, beef production per acre was compared with yearling Hereford steers grazing nitrogen-fertilized grass alone, and legume grass with and without grain supplementation. Grain supplementation included from HISTORY’S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS December 5,1933-National Prohibition comes to an end after 13 years. December 6, 1847-Abraham Lincoln takes his seat in the 30th Congress as a member of the Illinois delegation in the House of Representatives. December 7, 1737-Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. December 8, 1776-George Washington crosses the Delaware River, near Trenton, New Jersey, and lands on Pennsylvania soil. December 9, 1941-China declares war against Japan, Germany, and Italy (World War II). FUELMISER FURNACE HEAT—RECLAIMERS Recommended For Use In Stack Temperatures Of 400 to 900*F Installation and operating instructions included Model #ll-140 Model #l6 265 Your Security and Energy Center HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS INC. Box 96 Marietta, PA 17547 Phone 717-426-3286 See Us at Root's Every Tuesday Night Dealer Inquiries Invited Building 45 five pounds of ground grain, 85 per cent com, and 15 per cent oats - plus 1.1 pound of 36 per cent protein con gentrate per anunal daily. “Tall grasses such as orchardgrass and birdsfoot trefoil - in mixtures with orchardgrass. smooth faromegrass, or Reed canarygrass - produced more pasture than Kentucky bluegrass,” Washko said. “Nitrogen-fertilized or chardgrass furnished 29 more grazing days per acre than Kentucky bluegrass,” he added, “while birdsfoot trefoil furnished 36 more grazing days per acre in mixtures with orchardgrass, smooth bromegrass, and Reed canarygrass.” Washko and associates found that the “carrying capacity” of hilly land pastures used for crossbred beef cattle herds of cows and calves varied with level of management. Under a high fertility level and intensive management, hill pastures furnished 203 cow days of grazing. A medium level of fertilization and management provided 167 cow days of grazing per season. When hill pastures were grazed without being limed, fertilized, or clipped, they furnished only 87 days of grazing. During the winter, the cow and calf herds were allowed to “pick” on pasture forage left over from summer and were fed primarily hay in large round bales. A high level of summer fertilization and management again proved superior - providing 213 feeding days per acre compared with 115 feeding days at the lowest level of pasture management. • CONSERVE ENERGY AND SAVE MONEY - • COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC - EASY TO INSTALL • HEAT BASEMENT, GAME ROOM, GARAGE, OR ROOM OF YOUR CHOICE • FORCED HOT AIR SYSTEMS BECOME MORE EFFICIENT • HOT WATER SYSTEMS - SUPPLEMENT WITH RECLAIMED HOT AIR HEAT When ordering State Flue Size Of Vour Exhaust Stack Blower Size BTU/H with 800* Stack 140 CFM 16000 265 CFM 24000 33 Flue Sizes 5 to 8* 6 to 10"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers