—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Nov. 20, 1976 2 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, Nov. 15,1976 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 885 172 665 87 Last Monday 1066 128 616 125 Last Year 1059 279 730 101 Monday’s Auction 684 203 668 92 Last Monday’s Auction 140 597 125 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers weak to 50 lower; cows mostly 2.00 lower; bullocks steady to 1.00 higher; bulls 1.50-2.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1000-1200 lb. 40.25-41.40; Choice mainly 2 1000-1225 lb. 40.5041.00, couple head 41.00- 41.60; Choice 24 975-1325 lb. 38.7540.50; few mainly 4 37.50-38.50; high Good and low Choice 2-3 36.25-38.50; Good 2-3 33.25-37.75; Stan dard 1-2 30.25-33.10. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 24 850-1000 lb. 37.25- 39.50, few 770-850 lb. 36.00- 37.50; Good 2-3 800-1000 lb. 32.00-37.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 22.25-23.50, couple 23.50-24.25; Cutter 1-2 20.00-22.25; Carmer and low Cutter 18.00-20.00. BULLOCKS; Choice 1000- 1275 lb. 36.00-39.00, couple 40.0042.00; Good 975-1200 lb. 30.50-34.00. BULLS Yield grade 11100- 1700 lb. 30.75-34.25; yield grade 2 1000-1300 lb. 27.75- 30.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady; slaughter calves steady to weak. VEALERS: Prune 65.00- Vintage Market Tuesday, Nov. 16,1976 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 675 636 65 Last Tuesday 850 659 23 Last Year 822 688 21 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 50-1.00 higher with bulk of supply being sold to small retail outlets; cows 50- LOO lower with Utility and Commercial 1.00-2.00 lower; bulls mostly steady on small supply. Supply included 30 per cent slaughter steers, 10 per cent heifers, 53 per cent cows and 5 per cent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 34 40.50-43.10, couple 43.85- 44.00; Choice mainly 2 1000- 1300 lb. 40.7542.75, few 43.00- 43.50; Choice 24 1000-1300 lb. 39.0041.35; high Good and low Choice 2-3 38.0040.00; Good 2-3 32.75-38.50; few Standard 1-2 29.00-34.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 800-950 lb. 36.00- 37.10, couple 38.10-39.50; 70.00, couple 70.00-73.00; Choice 55.00-65.00; high Good and low Choice 47.00-55.00; Good 37.0047.00; Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 27.00- 36.00, 70-85 lb. 20.00-27.00; few Utility and Standard 60- 90 lb. 12.00-19.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 225-350 lb. 23.00- SHEEP: Wooled lambs 1.00- higher; slaughter ewes 1.00-2.00 higher. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 70-95 lb. 41.00-45.50; Good 38.0041.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 12.00-17.00. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Nov. 17,1976 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 849 81 923 14 Last Wednesday 86 951 14 778 Last Year 711 79 674 79 Wednesday’s Auction 615 103 963 83 Last Wednesday’s Auction 999 494 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers firm to 1.00 higher; cows weak to 50 lower; bullocks mostly steady; bulls scarce, yield grade 2 steady to weak. Supply included 55 per cent slaughter steers, 26 per cent cows, 10 per cent heifers and 9 per cent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS Good 1-2 750-900 lb. 29.75- 34.00; Standard 1-2 600-800 lb. 21.75-29.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 22.00-23.75, few 24.00-24.85, couple 25.50- 26.25; Cutter 1-2 19.50-22.75; Canner and low Cutter 17.00- 19.75. ' BULLS; Yield grade 1 1100-1900 lb. 29.85-31.50, couple 31.50-32.10; yield grade 2 1000-1300 lb. 27.75- 29.75. VEAL CALVES: Vealers fully steady, instances 3.00 higher on Standard and Good 70-110 lb. Supply included 402 in graded sale of which 30 per cent sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Choice 50.00- 55.00, couple Prime 60.50- 63.00; high Good and low Choice 44.00-50.00; Good 32.00- Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 25.00-32.00, 70- 90 lb. 20.00-27.00; Utility and Standard 65-90 lb. 12.00-19.00. RETURNED TO FARM; 60 head Standard and Good 100-105 lb. Holstein bulls 38.00- 50,40 head 110-115 lb. 35.00- 00; one 15 head lot Standard and Good 100-105 lb. Holstein heifers 30.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs 1.00- lower; slaughter ewes fully steady. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 70-95 lb. 40.00-45.00; Good 50- 85 lb. 32.00-39.00. New Holland Thursday, Nov. 18,1976 Cattle Calves Sheep 966 590 56 Today Last Thurs. 1055 578 57 Last Year 1029 452 26 CATTLE: 966. Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers firm to 1.00 higher, mostly advance on Choice and Prime; cows steady to 50 lower, although bulk-of-the later trading --steady; bullocks weak to 1.00 lower; bulls 3-4.00 lower on small supply. Supply included 48 per cent slaughter steers, 30 per cent cows, 8 per cent bulls, 4 per cent heifers with the balance feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice mainly 21050-1300 lb. 40.8541.75; Choice 24 1000- 1350 lb. 39.2540.60, few 38.50- 39.25; Choice 4-5 1200-1425 lb. 36.75-39.50; high Good and low Choice 24 1000-1300 lb. 35.35-39.75; Good 2-3 32.00- 38.00; Standard 1-2 31.85- 33.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 875-1100 lb. 34.50- 37.35; Good 2-3 750-900 lb. 32.00-34.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 22.00-23.00; Cutter 1-2 20.00-22.00; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-20.00; Utility 2-3 beef breed 1000- 12501 b. 22.00-22.50, Cutter 1-2 800-1000 lb. 18.00-21.50, few 650-800 lb. 16.50-18.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 36.75- 39.75, couple 41.00; Good 950- 1200 lb. 32.00-36.50. BULLS: Yield grade 2 975- 1250 lb. 28.00-30.00, couple yield grade 1 32.50-33.60. VEAL CALVES: Vealers weak to 2.00 lower; slaughter calves weak to 1.00 lower. VEALERS; Choice 55.00- 64.00, few Prime 63.00-72.00; high Good and low Choice 45.00- Good 32,00-44.00; Standard and Good 90-115 lb. 25.00- Standard 70-100 lb. 19.00-25.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES; Good and Choice 280-350 lb. 23.00- SHEEP: No market test; few Choice 70-95 lb. wooled lambs 40.00-42.50. Lancaster Weekly Friday, Nov. 19,1976 Cattle Calves This Week 4400 1500 Last Week 5214 1473 Last Year 4674 1361 CATTLE: Slaughter steers firm to 1.00 higher, some sales Choice and Prime,, mainly to the smaller retail outlets 1.50 higher; cows Few high Choice and Prime 3-4-1100-1325 lb. 41.50-42.25; Choice mainly 2 1000-1325 lb. 41.0042.25, few 42.2542.75; Choice 24 975-1300 lb. 39.50- 41.25, few 38.50-39.50; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.5040.00; Good 2-3 33.25- 37.00; Standard and low Good 2-3 29.75-33.35, few 900- 950 lb. 25.35-25.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 800-980 lb. 36.25- 38.75; Good 2-3 750-950 lb. 29.75-33.50 COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 22.50- 24.00, few 24.00-24.50; Cutter 1-2 19.75-23.00; Canner and low Cutter 18.00-20.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1250 lb. 36.00-38.00; Good 950- 1200 lb. 29.50-34.50. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1100-1600 lb. 29.50-31.00, few 31.00- yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 27.50-30.00. VEAL CALVES: 590. Vealers uneven, Choice and Prime weak to 2.00 lower; Standard and Good 1-2.00 higher, instances 4.00 higher on standard 60-85 lb. VEALERS: Prime 62.00- 67.00; Choice 52.00-62.00; high Good and low Choice 39.00- Good 31.00-38.00; Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 23.00- 70-90 lb. 20.00- 25.00, few Standard 60-85 lb. 14.00- SHEEP: 56. Wooled lambs fully steady; slaughter ewes 1-2.00 higher. s < B & R CATTLE CO. Washington Boro, PA 17582 Office Phone (717 ) 872-5491 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders * John Bowman Ph: (717)653-5728 f J Ron Ranch i' ij Ph: (717) 656-9849 NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the different in auctions! MONDAY'S ACTION 800 A M - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M Horse Sale 11 00 AM Hay Straw S Ear Com 1 30 P M - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY'S ACTION: 12 00 Noon Hay Straw & Ear Corn 1230 PM Dairy Sale 1 00 P M - Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY'S ACTION: 1100 AM Beef Sale Order of Sale Bulls Fat Steers. Cows Veal 630 P M Calf Sale NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone. 717-354 4 steady to 50 lower; b weak to 1.00 lower 2.00-3.00 lower clos much as 5.00 lower, included 33 p slaughter steers, 21 p cows, 5 per cent bulb cent heifers with the l feeder steers. SLAUGHTER ST High Choice and Pn 1100-1325 lb. 40.50-42 42.25- Choice m - 1000-1300 lb. 40.50-42. 42.25- couple 43.50; Choice 2-4 1000- 39.00-41.25, few ma 37.50-38.75; high Got low Choice 2-3 37 0 Good 2-3 32.75-38.00; dard 1-2 29.00-34.., 950 lb. 25.35-25.75. 1 SLAUGHTER HE]| Choice 24 800-1250 Ibj 39.50; Good 1-3 750-1 29.75-34.00; Standard! 800 lb. 21.75-29.00. | COWS: Utility Commercial 1-3 22.( few 24.0(1-24.50; Cut 19.50-23.00; Canner { Cutter 17.00-19.,00; Ut 1000-1250 lb. beef bre< 22.50; Cutter 1-2 bee 800-1000 lb. 18.00-21. 650-800 lb. 16.50-18.00 BULLOCKS: Choi 1275 lb. 36.00-39.(1 mainly early part < 40.00-42.00; Good 975 29.50-35.00. BULLS: Yield g 1100-1900 lb. 29.50-32 early part of weel 34.25; yield grade 21 lb. 27.50-30.00. VEAL CALVES; uneven, Choice and steady to 2.00 lowe dard and Good 1 higher. LEBAN9I VALLEY LIVESTOG MARKET, I 1 mile East o Fredericksbui along Route 2 PHONE JONEST 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday a P M. starting with feede and pigs.
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