—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 20, 1976 12 NOV. 22-28, 1976 Damp and murky going to Grandma's for turkey. Repair sleds and snowshoes now Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald Nov 24, 1963 First quarter of the moon Nov. 28 ... Happy Thanksgiving (Nov. 25) . Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 28 minutes . WTAW, Texas, broadcast first college football game Nov 25, 1920 . Beards first shaved 1357 . Winter comes fast on the lazy »Ask the Old Farmer: Recently we the Oliver Blackwell water fence " Water fences were used on property lines wherever such property lay along the shore ocean or pond, but principally ocean They extended out info the water far enough to stop animals from going around the end when the tide was up or down Home Hints: If you want to apply enamel to a piece made of brass, pretreat the brass by washing it thoroughly with any household cleaner that doesn't contain soap then wipe with denatured alcohol This should insure adherence of the enamel OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Cold with 3" of snow through Wednesday; re mainder of week pleasant ■' Greater New York-New Jersey: Early week clear and very cold, midweek remains mild with light rain through Saturday, week's end sunny and showery in the south Middle Atlantic Coastal: Sunny and freezing with ram on the coast on Tuesday, warming by midweek, cold, light ram for end of week. Piedmont & Southeast Coastal; Warm spell at week's start, ram by Saturday Florida: Clear and cool with frost, sunny dnd warm by Thursday through week's end Upstate N.Y. - Toronto & Montreal: Raw temperatures with flur ries through Thursday; continued snow with freezing rain for re mainder of week (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) November 17,1975 CATTLE 132. Compared with - last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows $1 to $2 lower. One Good slaughter steer at 37.35, few Standard 29.25-32.50. One Good slaughter heifer at 29.50, individual Utility at 27.75. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 20.50- 23.25, Cutter 19.60-21.25, Canners 17.75-19.85, few Shells down to 12.75. In dividual Good slaughter bullock at 33.10, couple Standard 29.10 and 32.75. Pew Yield Grade No. 1,1350- 1650 lbs. slaughter bullocks 24.10-28.60. CALVES 199. Choice vealers 51.00-60.00, few Good 40.00-45.00, few Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 30.00-39.00, 90-110 lbs. 22.00-27.00, FISHERS’ FURNITURE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Exceptional Values in New Furniture: 10 - Lane and other cedar chests 20 - Bedroom suites - Kincaid - Athens - Lea - Harris Pine 10 - Drop leaf tables 10 - Bookcases - 20 Boston Rockers 10 - Bunk beds chairs 90 - Platform Rockers - Swivel Rockers & Recliners 50 - Sofa beds 3 - High-a-Beds 4 Nice Waterfall & other used bedroom suites . 100 Pieces of Spring Air Box Springs & Mattresses New Ashley Wood, Cameron Coal and Warm Morning Coal Heaters low as $179.00 ea. Used Cameron coal heaters, 1 used Ashley wood & 1 Kenmore coal heater. New baby crib, mattresses - Hi-chair and all types of juvenile furniture. Metal wardrobes, closets, base cabinets, etc. New and used hutches & china closets, oak dressers & washstands; & lots more. Box 57 Bart, PA 17503 Hrs. 8 to 9 - Mon., Wed., Fri. 8 to 6 - Tues., Thurs., Sat. Rt. 896 - 6 mi. South of Strasburg, Village of Georgetown Enter now for 10 free drawings on Wed., Dec. 22. Values to $139.00 ea. OLD MEft HAKA' Belleville Standard 70-85 lbs. 12.00- 20.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls -90-115 lbs. 27.00-35.50. HOGS 270. Barrows and gilts 75 cents to $3 lower. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. barrows and gdts 34.40-35.30, No. 1-3 215-240 lbs. 34.30-35.00, few lots No. 2-3 240-280 lbs. 32.00- 32.40, No. 1-3 125-190 lbs. 28.25- US No. 1-3 275-475 lbs. sows 25.50-31.75. Boars 15.25- FEEDER PIGS -144. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 7.50-20.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 16.00-22.50, No. 1-3 60-75 lbs. 24.50-26,50, Utility 50-75 lbs. 13.00-18.00 per head. SHEEP 30. Few Choice 80-95 95 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 36.00-39.00, Good 60-80 lbs. 31.00-35.00, Utility 60-90 lbs. 28.00-33.00. Nov. 18 Estimated Receipts 10,000 Same Day Last Week 10,924 Fairly active, Feeder Cattle under 600 lb. Strong to 50c higher, instances 1.00 higher on Feeder Calves; Feeder Steers over 600 lb. generally steady and Feeder Heifers over 600 lb. steady to strong; majority receipts Mixed Good and Choice 400- 750 lb. Feeder Steers and 350- 650 lb. Feeder Heifers; Fairly large attenance. FEEDER STEERS: Choice, Few Prime, 300-500 lb. 35.00-39.50; 500-600 lb. 34.50-37.75; 600-700 lb. 34- 35.10; 700000 lb. 33.5034.30, .load 814 lb. at 34.35; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. including few bull calves 32.0036.00; 500600 lb. 33.00 35.00; 600800 lb. 32.0034.00; Gppd 300500 lb. including few Bull Calves 31.5033.25; 500850 lb. 30.25-32.50. FEEDER HEILFERS: Choice, few Prime 300-500 lb. 27.5030.50, two small lots and part load 442-464 lb. 31.5032.10; 500600 lb. 28.75- 31.00; 600705 lb. 28.75-30.30; Mixed Good and Choice 300 500 lb. 25.75-28.00; 500800 lb. 25.5029.50; Good 300500 lb. 22.75-25.25; 500700 lb. 23.25- 25.25. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, Feeder Cattle under 600 lb. recovered the early loss to close strong to 50c higher, some Calves fully 1.00 higher; Feeder Steers over 600 lb. 50c to 1.00 lower; Feeder Heifers over 600 lb. near steady; Cows num bered near 4,300 head and were under pressure after the opening session and closed 1.00-2.00 lower; Bulls under light demand late and closed 1.00 lower; salable receipts near 24.90 head compared to 32,009 last week and 24,191 the same week a year ago. Cows and Bulls 1 SNYDERS PLANT FOOD CO. Oklahoma THINK AND THANK! We all have much to be grateful for to our God. "Forget not all His benefits." Psalm 103:2 S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) DON’T BE CONFUSED BY POP UP FERTILIZERS HI-SCORE LIQUID THE COMPLETE FERTILIZER For lower cost and higher yields with its manufacturing plant at Snyders, Pa. Penna’s first manufacturer of Liquid Fertilizer Solutions. Also check our price on Hi-Score Hybrids. LOWER PRICES FOR 77 (formerly Hoffman Hi-Score Products, Inc. 11 W Newport Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 November 18 Closing prices on Slaughter Steers and Heifers were 50-75 cents higher. Cows were 1.00-2.00 lower in a generally slow trade, bulls firm. Four day receipts 16,100 compared 16,000 previous week and 14,800 a year ago! The fed cattle trade followed a somewhat irregular course during the week, but early demand was generally good even on a Monday run of 7500 head, aside from a few loads 3-5 1325-1600 lb§. steers. Most interests were in need of cattle for immediate < requirements and the upturn in live prices was not sup ported by a corresponding advance in carcass prices through midweek. Steer prices weakened slightly on Monday, but the early downturns were more than offset in an aggressive midweek trade. Yield grade was a much greater price - determining factor than weight, with most interests seeking lots with a minimum of Yield Grade 4. Steers made up approximately 32 pet. of the weeks total and heifers 23 pet., a liberal percentage choice included. Cows comprised 11 pet. and Feeders 32 pet. STEERS: At midweek high time, load Choice with end Prime 3 1146 lbs. 40.50. Choice 2-4 950-1300'lbs. 38.75- 40.25, those at 40.00-40.25 predpminantly 3, none above 40.00'at close. Load Choice and Prime 4 1291 lbs. 38.00, several loads 3-5 1350-1624 lbs. 34.00-37.50 during week. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1300 lbs. 35.00-37.75. Standard and Good 2-3 33.00- 34.50. 34.50. Average of LS-214, near 17 percent cattle receipts; feeders 81 percent of the total. INSIST ON For Information on Pr ice-Qua lity-Service Call 717-626-8909 Cattle Omaha detailed quotations, for Choice 900-1100 lbs. Steers this week 39.18, Choice 1100- 1300 lbs. 39.12. Average weight Steers first three days 1143 lbs. as compared 1142 lbs. previous week. Average weight heifers first three days 1002 lbs. as compared 986 lbs. previous week. HEIFERS: several loads Choice and Prime 3-4 975- 1041 lbs. 38.50-38.65, load and part load 38.75. Load same Grade 3-5 1195 lbs. 35.00-and load 4-5 1150 lbs. 33.00. Choice 2-4 875-1100 lbs. 37.25- 38.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 36.25- 37.50. Good 2-3 33.50-36.00. Standard and Good 23 31.50- 33.00. COWS: ar • « • We Gather Together In Thankful Spirit . . To meet with family and friends , to express our thankfulness for the many good things of life with the first Thanksgiving Day And may they long continue 1 At this season, it’s our favorite custom to extend our thanks and best wishes to our friends and customers To all of you, a happy, hearty Thanksgiving' WOLGEMUTH BROS., Utility and I HrV #■ ■■ 111 |m ■ lv\ I PBr these happy customs began Mount Joy, Pa. Commercial 2418.50-20.50, a few 21.00. Canner and Cutter 15.00- Shelly Canner 13.00- BULLS: 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 24.00- few 1 28.50-29.00. Weekly 51 - Sheep - Spring Slaughter Lambs closed 1.00 higher. Not enough slaughter ewes to test price trend. Spring Slaughter Lambs: on die close, 180 head Choice and Prime Shorn No. 1 pelts near 110 lbs. 42.25. Few wooled 95-115 lbs. 41.00. Earlier in week Choice and Prime Shorn No. 1 pelts 105- 120 lbs. 36.50-41.50. Wooled 35.0040.50. INC
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