NOW!! Look at the Performance of Hy-Line 717 Brown Egg Layers in Weil-Managed Operations Growing Lrvabißty (to 20 weeks] 96 98 Body Weight] at 20 weeks),.. 3 5 lbs Ageats(h Production 178 days Peak Production 1 two week penodl... 85 90 Laying House Lnabi&ty 120-74 weeks] .92 96 Hen Day Producbon (20-74 weeks] 260-270 eggs Hen Housed Producbon[2o-74 weeks] 250-260 eggs EggWeightat32Weeks 24 6oz perdoz Egg Weight at 74 Weeks 27 5 oz per dot Body Weight at 74 Weeks 5 3 lbs Feed Per 24 02 Dozen 4 05 lbs Feed Per Lb Eggs . 2 7 lbs Plumage Red The brown egg birds you asked for - Before the development of the Hy Line 717 layer began Hy Line geneticists asked brown egg producers like you all over the world which traits they needed in their layers High egg producbon. exceptional livability, efficient feed conversion and high egg quality were most often menhoned and in that order Those baits account for the largest share of brown egg profits So Hy Line researchers screened 35 unrelated lines they had developed, and put the best of them together in the combination that produced the Hy Line 717 layer Look at the high points of You Asked (or High Egg Quality. Hy-Line 717 lays high quaßty eggs. Your customers want the best eggs good sized, with a robust brown color, strong shells, and with a minimum of inferior faults So Hy-Line researchers tested thousands and thousands of eggs for these traits, all to make sure that your egg customers get what they want In field tests, this work paid off The Hy-Lme brown's eggs averaged 24.6 ounces per dozen at 32 weeks of age At 74 weeks, the eggs averaged 27.5 ounces per dozen, just right for your cartons and your customers You asked (or high egg quality produce high quality eggs You Asked for High Egg Production Hy-Line 717 layers art bred to lay 260-270 eggs per bird! Egg numbers first on your list, and so, first on the Hy-Line researchers' list 100. Field tests indicate the new Hy Line brown has the genetic ability to produce 260-270 eggs under good conditions between the ages of 20 and 74 weeks. Those same conditions have produced two-week peak production rates of 85-90%. You asked for high egg production The Hy-Line 717 is bretffor it You Asked (or Exceptional livability. Hy-Line 717 birds are bred to live exceptionally well. In field testing poultrymen have housed 96 to 98% of their pullets at 20 weeks And after 12 months of production, 92-96% of the birds housed were still on the job. producing eggs. You asked for exceptional livability. The Hy-Line brown is bred to meet that need You Asked for Efficient Feed Conversion, Hy-Line 717 layers averaged 2.7 His. feed per pound of eggs. Of all your production costs, feed is the highest When your layers produce more eggs per ton of feed, your profits increase rapidly. Hy-Line 717 layers averaged about 4.0 S lbs. of feed per 24 ounces of eggs 2.7 lbs. of feed per pound of eggs in field tests You asked for reduced productaon costs, better feed conversion Hy-Line browns are bred to fill your request. BEN K. STOLTZFUS 384 E. Main St. Leola, Pa. 17540 o Hu-Luw® BRAND CHICKS A NEW GENETIC BREAKTHROUGH FOR EITHER COLOR EGG HY-LINE Variety 717 Layers 717 because your customers ask for it Hy Line browns vrw.v- 1 < / a Aa> A ' / / . ARTHUR DETWEILER Box 84 Danboro, Pa. 18916 (215)348-3117 Hy-Line is a brand name. Numbers and letters refer to varieties. ® Registered Trademarks of Pioneer Hi-bred International, Inc, Des Moines, la, U.S.A ~s. * > #<, &&& i CONTACT HY-CROSS COMPANY 4037 Swamp Road Doylestown, Pa. 18901 (215) 348-2661 HY-LINE Variety W-36 White Egg layers W-36 - Locally Already A Top Seller Growing liability |lo 20 weeks) .....94 96 Body Weight 1 at 20 wrecks] 2 8 lbs Age at SO Production ............173 days Peak Production (two week period) 85 94°, - Laying House LnrabiSty 120-74 weeks) 90-94° a Hen Day Produbon(2o-74 weeks] 250-305 eggs Hen Housed Production)2o-74week5)........,........ 240-293 eggs Egg Weight at 32 Weeks 23 5 or per doz Egg Weight at 74 Weeks 27 ooz.perdoz Body Weight at 74 Weeks 3 8 lbs Feed Per 240 z Dozen 3 slbs FeedPerLb Eggs 23lbs Plumage..... White </ <• * Mo*// < The white egg bird you NEED! High peak . tough shells great feed conversion . Hyiine Variety W-36 puts 'em together Egg producers love high peaks, tough shells and great feed conversion But in the past these traits have not been readily available in one chicken Until now. Here's the new improved white egg layer. Hy-Lme variety W 36 She peaks high higher than any previous Hy-Lme variety She keeps laying at a livelier rate too And the shells on those eggs are up to Hy-Lme standards for toughness even after 12 months of heavy producbon. You'll note outstanding feed conversion-more eggs per unit of feed. And her livability is what you'd expect from a Hy Line brand layer, too-the best We think you'll find W-36 egg weight about ideal for optimum efficiency and profit Incidentally, W 36 gives unusually dry droppings and has an easy-to care for temperament Hy Line scientists figure profit, not single traits, are your bag Twenty more eggs don't mean much if those eggs don't have shells on 'em or if they come at the expense of 30 lbs (13 SK) extra feed . or if they're all peewees The shells on those eggs are typical of Hy Line layers Tough Even after 12 months of heavy production Hy-Lme W 36 layers go easy on feed. Great feed conversion In fact, the first time you measure it, you may not believe how little feed your W-36 layers take to produce a dozen eggs So Hy-Lme researchers patiently developed a bird that puts it all together for you -the Hy- Lme variety W-36 layer. They tested it for 6 years in operafaons like yours They checked the obvious traits-egg production, feed conversion, livability, egg size, and especially, shell strength And they watched the not-so-obvious Haugh Units, droppings condition, and temperament, for example. So now you have the Hy Line variety W-36 egg layer-a bird Hy Line President H 6 Wallace considers as the third major genetic breakthrough he has seen in his 35 years of layer breeding Even so, Hy-Lme researchers have begun improvements on the W-36 For example, they're selecting its grandparent lines for smaller body weight-to increase feed efficiency without losing egg size And, of course, the Hy-Lme team is working on the fourth major genetic breakthrough continuous research to make egg producbon even more rewarding for you See what Hy-Lme profit-centered research has done for you. Put Hy-Lme variety W-36 layers to work in your operation W-36-she puts it together' FRANK M. LOEW, JR. RD4 Quakertown, Pa. 18951 (215) 536-3356 Lmca»t»r Farming. Ssturdr . ■' V ■. EMAN RITTER Vineland, NJ. H if "Luxe® * BQANO Oct 2.1976 o. CHICKS
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