-Urtcsitar Farmlof. Saturday. Oct 2. 1976 4 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Mrtet From Monday. September V to Friday, October 1 Mow. Toe* Wed Thar*. Frl WHITE Ex Urge 74 74 74 71 71 Urge 72 72 72 69 69 Mediums 63 S 3 63 60 60 Pullets 49 49 49 49 49 Peewees 31 31 31 31 31 BROWN Urge Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 66 66 66 63 63 Checks 48 48 48 48 47 Tone Demands Improved, Offerings Fully Adequate to Ample. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, September 28, UTS Prices paid per dozen Grade "A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EXTRA LARGE MASS.+ 75-87 Mostly 76-77 NEWHAMP. 68-75 70-71 79-80 75-68 Mostly R.I. VERMONT 77-84 84-76 Mostly MAINE -(-Includes Central and Western Sections Only. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were New Weight Per Case 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Eastern Pa. & NJ. Poultry Wednesday, Sept. 29 Offerings of light type hens has increased. Slaughter plants operate at capacity. Demand fairly good. Prices paid at farm For Address Change form or new subscription see Classified Section. Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn, Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association 71 71 LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 74-84 64-72 49-56 65-66 58-65 75-76 66-73 60-61 6869 65-80 68-69 78-79 73-86 66-72 64-66 76-82 72-74 Tuesday 60 58 57 55 50 51 45 45 58 57 49 49 Light Type Hens 13-14 Vz mostly 14-14 Vz in PA.; mostly 14-14 Vz m NJ. Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. Fogelfwille Sale of Sept a, ir* Hmi. hc*v7 type 14-36, mostly 18-77. Pullets 39-47, mostly 39-45, Roasters 20 W ♦s, mostly 40-43, Ducks 44- 55, Drakes 81, Geese <9. Rabbits 11-47, mostly 40-45, Pigeons (per pr ) 1 18 Total Coops sold 388 Auction Day - Tuesday each week at 11 30 a m Poultry Received - Mon 7 pm to 10 30p m ,Tuesday 7 a m. to 12 noon Directions - Take Rl 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit, North to stop light in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left, again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 feet from your last left turn. Delmarva Poultry 50-51 44-51 46-47 53-54 Wednesday, Sept 29,1976 Ready to cook movement slow to occasional fair. Slaughter schedules moderate though sizes are running to heavy side of the desired range. Early buying developing at 35 cents on plant grade for next week. LTL prices adjusted downward today 1 cent. Live supplies fully ample. Un dertone weak. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler-fryers for delivery this week: US Grade A 38-39; Plant Grade 37-38. 51-53 Thursday Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range US Grade A 38-39; Plant Grade 37-38 Premium X US Grade A 43; Premium X Plant Grade 41. WTD AVG US Grade A 38.18; Plant Grade 37.30; Premium X US Grade A 43.00; Premium X Plant Grade 41.00. Philadelphia Wednesday, Sept. 29,1976 Market steady. Demand good where retail promotions are stimulating movement, just fair in other quarters. Supplies of Large and X Large adequate while Mediums are ample. Country offerings moderate. Prices to retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades White eggs in car tons, delivered: Store Door A Extra Large 75-76%; A Large 74-75V2; A Medium 64- 65%. Baltimore Egg* Wednesday, September 29 Market steady. Demand ranges slow to fairly good. Supplies adequate. Cartoned eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (mm one case sale) white Grade A Large 76-79; Grade A A/fofHnm 57.70 Poultry Eggs Hay Markets Harvey Z. Martin IewU,PA Hay. Straw Aad Grata Wcsacaday. Sep* 21 42 loads Alfalfa 2 loads 9i and 74. Timothy 50 to 75. Stubble Hay 2 loads 37 and 45, Mixed Hay 38-45, mostly 57 to 67. Straws 9 to7o, Ear Corn 80 to 90, New car com 2 loads 48 to 52. Regional Hay Hay Price* For Southeastern It So. Central Pennsylvania (All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton ) Hay & Straw steady to $5 higher. Alfalfa 70.00-80.00; Mixed hay 55.00-70.00, Timothy hay 55.00-60.00; Straw 40.00- 55.00; Mulch 20 00-28.00. Green Dragon Green Dragon September 24,1976 20 loads hay. Alfalfa, one load 97.00; Timothy, one load 66.00; Mixed hay, few 60.50-77.00 few down to 46.00; Clover, few 53.00-71.00; Stubble hay, one load 54.00; Straw, 5 loads 56.00- Com, 15 loads 84.00- one load 69.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED Sony You Missed Us Last Week. AT MOYER’S WE’RE MORE THAN JUST ORDER TAKERS ... When you order EOSDDS pullets, Moyer's representatives not onf deliver the chicks and supervise their growing, we’re also equipped to mat* the delivery to your farm - whether 300 or 30,000 pullets quality - every step of the way. CHICKS, Quakertown, PA 18951 brown & WHITE (215) 536-3155 EGG LAYERS (irwnwwtle Gmacaatt*. Pa ArpirmWr T 7, 1971 C.ATTI>: 212 Compared with last Monday's market, few Choice No 3-4 100-1230 Iba slaughter steers 33 25- 31 38. few Good 31 85-33 80, one Standard at 3015 One Choice slaughter heifer at 32 OO Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 23 >5-25 K>, one st 28.25, Cutlers 21 00-23 50, few Canners 11.50-21 73, Shells down to 15 25 Yield Grade No 1 1085-1500 Iba slaughter bulls 29 10-33.50 Good 400400 lbs feeder steers 29 00-34 00; few Good 330430 lbs feeder heifers 2150-27.50 CALVES 251 Vcalcni $2 to ATTENTION FARMERS!! SPRAY MATERIALS INSECTICIDES Place Orders Now For Best Price On mOOsiUGE COMPOUND QUALITY CONKLIN PRODUCTS MELVIN R. WEAVER RDI Box 529 VVe deliver the goods. •Okwar Faw Choice it 0041 00. (r» Good 44 k SO 00. Standard It Good I u IJOlba 13 00-050.10-110 If* JOOtkT JO. Standard TV £ Urn 30 5041 00. frw Util*,. 00-110 Iba 23 0040 00 Furr, calraa, hoiftetn bulla 100- hi Iba 13 00-35 00, hoatr.t h*U«n b-110 Iba 31 504( % HOGS 58 US No 1-2 2tt ZS Iba barrowa A Rit 31004115. ooa lot No 1-3 a Iba 3750. one lo« No 2-3 r* J Iba 37 00 Few US No 1-22 J I 485 Iba aowa 25.25-30 90 0* | Boar at 73 00 I FEEDER PIGS 50 Gr lot US No 14 25 Iba. fecdtS plfi 1150 per head, No :-,p 3540 Iba. 13.00-20 00. No j J 50-60 Iba 22,00-23.50, one b| Utility 35 Iba 900 per he*;! AND PH; 717-569-6576 INC. HUBBARD WHITE MT BROILERS ■j V Manheim, PA
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