Saturday Sampler (lluMifirdu for (hr Hounhold Good* cr S*lp - Pnirr rook *tmc, Majestic cook »lovc, both In jrcilcnt condition 215-583- CAST IRON BUCK COOK STOVES FOR SALE mEiaUIKTCONDIIIOH Phone 215-593-5754 Attten Pt $» SAVE SSS NOTICE Accumulated Freight BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESSES. IJV VING Sc BEDROOM SUITES AND DINETTES, SOFA BEDS AND RECLINE RS call BARR’S AUCTION & EXCHANGE Rt 322 just east of new Rt 222 Ephrata, Pa 717-733-9694 717 733-9695 Open 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Auction every Wed. Eve. 6 P.M. Consignments Accepted. WOOD HEATERS. SAVE 75 percent on Heating Bills. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplaces, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air tight construction. An all stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Cali 215-346-7894 Rt. 212 Pleasant Valley Quakertown, PA 18951 TRY A CLASSIFIED Miscellaneous Mine, Commercial, In flation - Cut heating fuel c Mts by 50 percent. Treated cellulose fiber, FHA and VA •credited, superior to most, calculate the square footage " your attic floor, 4 side "alls, and multiply by .35 for our costs. Call collect (717) for free estimate. »est Schuylkill Insulators, re mont, Pennsylvania and Polaris ["owmobilßs; savings on rfty buys. Clothing and Service on all models. Windy Springs A: 215- . Sale - Four ton handy 2Sl> E Poxy paint, 16 disk cover crop disk, tires, PTO Jernators 27KW, 35 KW. * 215-M5-6409 ( l u ®ntities of milk cans Sowing machine stands. f Bll collect 1-301-768-5773 Fnrm 'R ommi Printed Printed Pattern 9057 Misses Sizes 8 10 12. 14 16 18 20 Size 12 (bust 34) tunic 1 yd 54 inch pants 1 7 /» yds ONE DOLLAR for each pattern add 35 cents each for first class airmail and special han dlmg Send to 170 Newspaper Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th St, New York. N Y 10011 Miscellaneous For Sale - Potatoes $2.25 per bag. Jesse F. King, 717-768- 3567 For Sale - Two hand fruit weighing scales for 3, 5 and 10 loTbags. 215-437-2510 after 5 P.M. For Sale - AKC Beagle pups, two months and four months old. Henry J. Reinecke, RD 2 Airvffle PA 17302, Ph: 717- 882-3729 For Rent - Barn 40’x80’ storage-trailers-boats campers-feeds, etc. 215- MO7-5329 KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS Available in easy to handle plastic bags or bulk truck loads. Stock up now at low prices. Bedding will be scarce this winter. Phone 717-3544174 DENVER WOOD PRODUCTS New Holland, PA CASH FOR PUPS I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo The Dogman" at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA Every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. No Phone Calls. M.lp Wor.*fd I ipmmrrd milker, 70-flfl r cm i A 1 Double I Herringbone Parlor free 'stall* onb rrliablp ap pile ant* knowledgeable m all aspects of modem daining and herd health need applv. 6 dav week Nice hoove and utilities Dam references required Harford < ounlv Maryland ( all mi Him] after T I’ M at tern r Wanted (Hdrr person nr rwmlf with general farm and vimr bog experience Small fumuhed house and other benefit* Salarv negotiable VH 775-1667 Mitcclloncous ( cramic tile, seconds for cow stable, trough and milk house walls KSCH FI/KIK COVERINGS mile North of Hird-in-Hand, on Becchdalc Road WOOD SHAVINGS Ideal for work-ways and bedding J 25 00 per ton picked up or bulk load at >2OO 00 i.ess expensive than straw or tanbark Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co Inc PH 717-656-6811 PH: 717-927-6251 BULK Permanent Anti-Freeze From Agway. The best way for the large user to buy motor oil and Antifreeze. COMPARE OUR PRICES! If you’re a large user, Agway will save you some money. Contact Us For Prices Before Sept 30. CaH 77-397-4954 AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERWILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA FOR SALE POULTRY MANURE H*lp Wonfid Man with famih dr.irn sear round (arm work in the urinitN of laneaster in e*< hangr (nt housing and small salarv Write 74 Kltmge SI SI Sew lork. New \ ark 10.VH l«i) strong and willing workers (or farm main tenanee work until winter ( all 215-45JWW66 Hehahle rmjple Hive-mi on Arabian training - showing - breeding farm Some general horse exncrienre ncrevwr) All phases of (arm management Must like and understand wa> of life" House, elect plus salary Call 215-689-9861 0 A M to 1 P M Wanted - Salesman for Ag related business I/xral sales territory Benefits and company transportation provided Send resume to Box 266 C, c-o P'armmg, fjtitz, Pa 17543 Experienced and Depen dable person for Registered Holstein herd House and extras Two references Write Box 286-D, c-o Lan caster Farming, 22 E Maui St, Lititz, Pa 17543. Experienced man for general farm work. Wnte Box 2668 C-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Wanted - Experienced person for 40 cow oauy farm in Northern Harford County Maryland. Write: Spnngdale Farm, Box 296, White Hall, MD 21161 or phone (301) 357-5726 Wanted - Young couple to rent farm and house, some equipment available. Located Luzerne County along Susquehanna River. Roy Brandau, 60 Union, New Holland, Pa. 717-354-6056 Couple for maintenance work on farm and small industrial plant. Modern furnished house, good salary and fringe benefits. Steady work. Call 215-655-4741 FARMER-DEALERS WANTED SeU hybrid seed com to fanners in your county while operating your own farm. Well established seed firm with proven Penn State University tested varieties. If you Uve in Berks, Lancaster, Bucks or Mon tgomery Co., PA, or in NJ, or in Eastern Shore, MD, write a note giving bank and credit references in your first letter. Write Lancaster Farming, Box 266 F, 22 E. Main St. Lititz, PA 17543. HELP WANTED Reliable Person Wanted for Candling and Packing in Egg Processing Plant Full Time. Will Tram if Necessary. APPLY; PENNFIELD FARMS Schoeneck Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 Reol Estate MINI FARM : 18 Acres over 2000’ of road frontage. Stream on property. Located in Rapho Twp. Farm buildings consist of barn, implement shed, Vh. story log & brick house w-t bedrooms, 2 baths, modern kitchen, full, basement. $75,000. ROBERT E. PLANK 717-393-1384 Ken Plank, Agent 717-464-4434 Lancaster Farming Saturday,Oct 2.1976 Help Wonted V saner Wanted Mast be merhanlrjilly Inrllnrd and he able to operate all t\ pea of (arm equipment Job also Involves poullr) 1 breeding (arm work 8 room home with all conveniences available Hospitalization and paid vacation (ieo M Anlhon> and Sons, Sfrausstown. Pa 19559. ITicrne 215488-6211 A NEW PAHTY-PMN CO STAHTING THIS AKEA Part-time 1 2 1 evenings wcckl> Do Homc- Dccoraling and Floral Designing Shows Earn $5O to $lOO per show' Qualified Managers also Needed Call anytime, (1-215) 435-2211 or (1-215) 435-6711 Man wanted with experience in mechanical & electrical maintenance of Farm Machinery Must be able to weld Cali 717-666-5708 for appointment Experienced farm worker, must know how to milk cows. Top wages References required 201-879-5851 HERDSMAN WANTED Married For 100 cow Registered Holstein Herd in Northeast Pennsylvania. Modem fatalities, 6- day week, 8 room tenant house, 1 week paid vacation. Must be ex perienced in milking and all phases of field work. Wages com parable to any operation this size. Must furnish 2 current references. ARCHIE L WILLIAMS Mostly Valley View Farm RD2, Box 62 Leßaysville, Pa. Phone 717-744-2152 Real Estate Rtol Etlolt L or Sale - 14 *rrrs of rom in Ihp field, near Wakefield, also 100 acre* at Honey Brook 717-54 A-2423 For Sale b> Chmer. 110 acres with buildings (or (arming recreation vacation finance with 25 per cent down, balance monthly over 5 years Scenic, productive, tillable and wooded land Priced >5OO acre about >5 acre Taxes, on year-round maintained roads Adequate water, good Schools, Just over Fenna lane in Steuben County, New York State Call-wntc George Plltt, R D 3. Addison. N Y 14801 - 607- 456-5414 10 acre lot, high, level and dry; on hard road, L> coming County, 4 miles from Muncy, PA J 14.500 More land available. Inquire P 0 Box 852, Flemmgton, NJ 08822, or phone 201-782-7378 For Sale - Restored 2 story brick home in excellent condition New kitchen, new bathroom St wall-to-wall carpet. 22 Acres, 20 tillable. Call 717-232-4221 ext 320 8 A.M. to 5 P.M 371 Acre Farmland for sale, make offer. Foothills of Adirondack Mts. C. Ventura, 111 Nock St., Rome, NY 13440 FOR SALE 81 acre steer feeding farm, Brecknock Township, Berks County. Large 10-room stone home with 2 full baths plus 2 powder rooms. Wall to wall carpeting throughout house. Newly remodeled. 3-room guest house w-fireplace. Large bank bam 40 > xloo’, feed lot macadamed and fenced. A-frame office building 24’x30’. 72 acres of cropland, 9 acres of pasture with stream and pond. For more information call - 717- 393-3921 - Lancaster Production Credit Association, 411 West Roseville Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Young couple looking for farm to rent, Spring of 1977, large enough tor 30 to 40 cows. Ph: 1-215-593-5569. $1,350 per acre Dairy Farm near Norman Wood Bridge in York County, 130 acres M-L, about 95 acres tillable. BAUGHMAN LEADER, INC.. YORK, PA 717-741-3805 or 717-882-3869. (511) Dauphin County: 180 acres excellent land, fair buildings, Adams modem cow bam, 160 acre good $175,000. Franklin with cal hard $90,000.00. land. VanCli Ne> Ph( 180 located 81 Schuyl 90 ac: acre*. $165,000 90x880. Hill Rd. Wynonah. Portv (215 37 70 Also with ng jres ■am, ge, and
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