2t> \JtncM€on ftfwtn f. Saturday. Oct. 2. 1976 Farm Iqvipmant COM H INKS (N»w» John Deer* MOO I) cab. atr jraln 6 com. used Gleaner I. I) w-cab. air 2 heads tx .500. in G Israel w-alr 6 heads. G gas cab It 2 heads. C 11. K 111 (sold). John Deere used, 6*oo Ihcacl. 7700 I) gear. 7700 Hydro, 106. ». 46. 40 Square backs M V all Tach 510 D w-alr. 410 D w cab. 300 with cab, older 510.410, 300, 82 w-cab Int 815 D, New Idea 702 and 701 Uni tractors with combines & ahcllcrs. several 729 & 729 A Uni shellcra with 3 & 4 row 30" & 40" heads CORN HEADS - (New) John Deere 444, 643, 443, 343, used 843, 643, 444, 443, 343, 244, 435, 434, 335, 334 , 235, 234, 205, Massey Ferguson 44 43 , 44, 24, 421, 222 for 300 & 82. Gleaner G-630, F 335, A 330, C II 430. Oliver 544 Int. 753 sue row, 227, 228, 3 row for 38” for 315. HARVESTERS - Gehl 600 with electric sharpener and 2 heads, John Deere 38 with 2 row com, 34. New Holland 717. HAYBINES - (New) John Deere 1209, 1207, used 10 acre, New Holland 479, Owatonna self propelled. BALERS (New) John Deere 336 with thrower $4,775., N.H. bale stack wagons, (new) 1034, used 1010. N.H. 352 Grinder mixer and New and used rakes. Just received N.I. 702 Uni with 230 hrs. Int. 82 pull type like new. New and used N.I. 2 row pull pickers with 8 & 12 roll beds & Super Shelters. (New) M.F. grain drills, used J.D. EBB grain drill. (New) Farmall 1566 cab air & dual wbls. Coming in this week J.D. 458 Dryer (400 bushel) J.D. 45 square back com bine w-cab 10 ft. grain & 3 row No. 313 corn head. N.I. 729 A shelter. (3) N.I. 319 mounted pickers. (New) J.D. 4230 & 4430. (New) Farmall 986, 1088. For your needs call: PAUL STITZEL 734 Windsor St., Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8377 Home 215-562-7451 || See the Latest in Calumet and Nesseth Liquid Manure Handling Equipment Demonstrated at the Penn State Manure Management Field Day. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 9:45 A.M. lo 3 P.M. MARVIN PEOPLES FARM RD2, McAUstervtile, PA Juniata County F. ERNEST SNOOK EDI Mifflinbnrg, PA. PH: 717-9*o-2736 I Distributor Liquid Manure Equipment yJ .. - Farm iquipmaat (OHN PICKERS I New | New Idm XE3 one rows, 3 (Nrw) 2 row 30" and 40" with I and 12 roll beds, ais used narrow row 2 row with I and 12 roll and eight used 2 row wide row 12 roll beds snd shelters and Super ahellers, 3 row pull picker with Super shcllcr, 319 mounted with 12 roll bed and also shcllcr* John Deere 237 Kill Brothers grain boxes International 12 ft CulUmulcher (Dem onstrator). also John Deere 12 foot disc TRACTORS - Farmalls (New) 1586. 1566 w -24 ur. tires (sold), 966 w-cab, 1066. 766, 100 Hydro, used 1066 gear, 1066 Hydro, 1456, 1256, 1206, 856, 806, 706, 656, MTA, 560. J D. (New) 4430, 4230, 4030, 2830, used 4630,4320 w-cab it air, 4620, 4520, 5020, 4320 w-158 Loader, late model 4020, (3) 68 - 4020’5, 3020’5, 2520, 4010, 3010, 2510, 730, 720, 70, 60. (New) 170 Skid Loader. M.F. 1155 cab & air used 300 hrs., 1105, 1130, 175,165, dryer 90, 85. White (New) 4-150 four whl. drive $26,000, 2-150, 2-105, used 2-105 cab & air, Oliver 2050, 2150, 1755, 1750, 1650, 770. Case (New) 2670 four whl. drive, used 1200 four whl. drive w blade $7,500, 1030, 930, (New) 1070, 1370. A.C. (New) 200, used 7050, 7030 w factory duals $13,400, 220, XTI9O, Dl9, Dl7. M.M. Vista 1000, GlOOO, G9OO. 2 Int. trucks w-roll backs diesel & gas. PLOWS - J.D. and Int. 4,5, 6,7, trip and resets. Oliver 5,6, 7, trip and hydraulic reset also 8 bottom on land hitch. (New) White 5X reset. Chisel plows 3 point 10-13 ft. J.D. 25 ft. wing type chisel, M.F. 18 ft. wing disc like new. -*A *. ***-i**i*.f <•»♦«* t • Form Ifvifmtnl No • A 10 NI Manure For Salt • .Stir All lor IB ft Spreader on atrel for aale. grain bin, 4 vertical »u(fn rood condition 101 Weird rrao I’ll 115-M7-50J2 Walking pkm I win deliver 2i Main* For Sale - I Itanton Har vester. 2 row corn bead l< grew pickup head, like new 717-324-2 MI JD 13 Hoe Grain Drill, hydraulic or mechanical lift No 9 and No 7 MeSiLage Cut ten No 10 New Idea Com Picker Spinner Hakes, New and Used N H Super 68 and 78 balers Olsen Rota Beater. New with ♦5 HP Red seal engine Rota Bar Rakes Nichols Hav Tedders GIDEON L. FISHER R 1 Rooka, PA THIS 10-QUART PLASTIC RAIL WITH CLARK DAIRY SUPPLY Rising Sun, MD VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. E. W. HOLTON EARL SADDER, INC. Shoemakersville, PA Daretown, NJ New Holland, PA H. JACOB HOOBER HYXES QUALITY FEEDS McCRACKEN'S FEED MILL, INC. Intercourse, PA York Haven. PA Manheim, PA H. M. STAUFFER ft SONS, INC. Witmer, PA RICHARD B. KENDIG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-478-3058 Form Equipment FARM EQUIPMENT New Idas Uni 702 Gaa Power Unit with 780 Forage liar jreater and Pickup Head New Idea two row mounted picker No 319 with 12 roll husking bed No 332, Good Pboae 717-3 M-1391 For Sal* - Large wire com crib, 1600 bushel, in good shape $325 717-757-3744 Minneapolis Moline M 670 Super Tractor In A-l good condition with new tires on rear 18-34 8 ply. Wilbur M. Men tier, RD No. 1, Box 442, Waynesboro, Pa. 17268, Phone No 717-762-9587 EVERY 100 LBS. OF BEACON MILK REPLACER YOU BUY. Farm Equipment FARM TRAtTCiRS *54 International 4030 John Deere 3000 John Deere Uacd Forage Box re Call 717-547-8062 For Sale • Self-spacing concrete hog alala In 4 ft - 4 ft 8 In •6 ft and 8 ft lengths Valentine T Pctcrshelm, Box J29A R 2 Mllflintown, Pa 17059 For Sale • Farmall H, good condition, 1700 or best oner 717-872-8213 after 6PM For Sale - 1989 Int 1890 tandem axle dump with 20 ft grain body in excellent condition. 301-778-3741 For Sale - Ini. 856 Diesel. Int 706 Diesel. Int. 316 Automatic Reset Plow. 215- 445-6816 er expires October 16, 1976. Of\ W. L MUMMER! CO. Hanover, PA CHESTER WIEST Sales & Distribution Manager Phone 717-741-2600 BEACU^FEEDS Beacon MiKng Co., Inc., York, PA. Phone 717-80-9033 This offer's a 3-way winner. You get a sturdy plastic pail. Your calves get the nutrients they need for good health and quick growth. And you make more money by selling your milk. THARPE & GREEN MILL ROBINSON BROS. NEW FREEDOM FORM & GARDEN CD. New Freedom, PA R. E. RUDISILL Sales & Distribution Manager Phone 717-854-2281 Form Equipment For Sole ■ Portable 300 bu Form Fan* Grain Dryer stack phaae. BOV, U> •lectrfc motor on l*m 00 215-BWII7 For Sale - 3010 JD 4 row cultivator 12' rotary cultivator 80M25M172 2000 Ford with loader, New Holland forage box, needs PTO ihafl. $150; Ontario drill, no fertlllxer; John Deere drill 15*7; gravity boxes; Farmall H tractor, D 2 Caterpillar with 892 original hours; pulley for D 2; Case blower; New Idea 17 spreader; New Idea 185 bushel spreaders; New Idea 310 complcker Harold Sample New Providence 1-717-786-3087 Churchville, MD Delta. PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers