Lancaiter Fsrrning. Saturday. Oct 2. 1976 14 6 Grand Square ’ part of farm promotion I-ANCASTKR, Pa - With ii.OOCMO.OOO people showing up (or the National Square Dance Convention in California last year, there Li no disputing the fact that this form of recreation h popular And. as part of their week-long promotional effort at Park City next month from October 18 - 23. the Ijtncasler County Farmers’ Association has chosen to feature a professional square dancing group, the Grand Squares, as Thursday evening’s entertainment "We’re not really professional” says Mrs Paul Andrews 3358 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, the wife and official secretary of the group’s caller. “We are just a club of people who get together and dance for our own en joyment,” she says. However, to a non-square dancer, the requirements which have to be met before joining the club make the word “professional” seem accurate. In order to join, a would-be member must take classes from September through April to learn the “language” of the calls. Then, if a person’s progress has been satisfactory, he graduates m April, at which time he is eligible to become a member of the Grand Squares. “Classes are necessary because the language is so intricate,” explains An drews. ZiSrX More Quality “More Features /jfiTlwV More Warranty with a \4A/ MORTON BUILDING ' rf IN COLOR vr "' 'i - i^fTTI-TTrrrTl O Please send more information on MORTON Buildings O Please have your salesman phone me for an aopomtm*nt PH.717-334-2168 I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •*••••••••««••••••••••««•• ■ Box 126 Philiipsburg, NJ 08865 I RD4 Box 34A Gettysburg, PA 17325 The crowds at Park ( il> on October 21 will get a real feel (or the language when two squares of accomplished dancers perform from ' 30 - 5 p m Andrews plaas to begin with a pattern call, (one that he makes up as he goesi. and then to go into a singing call, which is done ns the words of a song A meat cutter by profession, Andrews has been calling for 15 years In his travels with this hobby, he has been to Delaware, New York, Massachusetts, Long Island, Staten Island, and other eastern states He also called at two National conventions At present, he teaches a square dancing class at the Mount Joy Vo- Tech school on Wednesday evenings and is usually busy calling on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He teaches a round dance class, also Harold W. Ney, Marietta Rl, who is on the board of directors of the Lancaster County Farmers Association, was responsible for engaging the square dance group. A member of the Grand Squares for several years now, he and his wife explained the allure of this particular hobby. “I can work a whole day on the farm, come here, and have a lot of energy,” Ney explained. Andrews thinks the nature of the dance, which requires constant attention to follow the calls, keeps a dancer’s mind occupied so that he BIG MACHINE SHEDS WITH BIG DOORS BOTH WARRANTED 5 YEARS AGAINST — __ WIND DAMAGE I I \ nmni ijilmaiti kjjiJmji.ji itiiitfi £i*L.u j Name Address. ■■■ ip* WPWdP"”' forgets all problems and concentrates on the energy and fun he is involved in. “It’s also good, clean fellowship,” adds Andrews. Square dancing's heritage goes back to the early American farmer-the pioneer. These ancestors TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! GARAGES, SHOPS AND COMBINATIONS EFFICIENCY ENGINEERED CATTLE CONFINEMENT .Telephone. % . # *» took it out West with them an updated version with For a first hand view of and used it as a way of almost any type of music. Grand Square, come to the getting nd of excess energy from the traditional 4-4 beats fountain at Park City Shop and as a way of having fun. to pop songs for a ping Mall on Thursday, And, today, it comes to us in background. October 21. * ‘4' Members of the Grand Square whoop it up. REMD Reduced prices on stover-saving and haymaking equipment during John Deere’s Roundup of Bargains Come on in and reward yourself two waysdurmg this limited time offer You get the forage harvester, stack wagon or round baler you need to save your stover as a second crop ’ and you get instant savings on that stover-saving machine How much discount"? Check the chart below Then come on in, because we re ready to deal on the equipment you need MACHINES 336 and 346 Balers ISA and 16A Choppers 100 Stack Mover 25 and 34 Forage Harvesters 1207 1209 and 1214 Mower/Conditioners 800 and 830 Windrowers 466 Baler Round Balers, , 35 and 3800 Forage Harvesters 100 Stack Wagon 200 and 300 Stack Movers Hydrostatic Windrowers 200 and 300 Stack Wagons Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters 230 Stack Shredder/ Feeder No finance charges imposed until the next use season Ask us for details If dealer inventory of any product listed above is exhausted, it can be ordered Neuhaus’es, Inc. 717 235 C 1306 A Adamstown Equipment inc. Mohnlon. RD2, PA 19540 jnear Adamstown | 215-484-4391 Landis Bros. Inc. Agway, Inc. Lancaster 717-393-3906 Chapman Equipment Center Chapman, PA 215-398-2553 Evergreen Tractor Co. < Lebanon, PA 717-273-2616 , Johnson Bros. Kresgevilfe, PA 215-681-4766 0 ■ * - <t>m DISCOUNT UNTIL 28 FEB 1977 $195 $390 $520 $650 $1 040 $1 950 $2 600 DISCOUNT 1 MAR 1977- 30 APR 1977 $9O $195 $260 $325 $520 $975 $2 600
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