Livestock market and auction news IVoriu Auction Srpt M Hereipt* TKia Wwk ! Ast Week UrtYw Com part'd with laid week'* clew. Slalighter Steer* and Heifer* moKtly idea cl > Cow* 2 00-2 50 lower Hull* 100- 1 50 lower Receipt* about 70 pet slaughter steer*. 25 pel daughter heifer* and the balance mainly cow* with short receipt* early, daughter steers and heifer* worked higher, but lost the early advance due to a lower dressed beef trade SUUGHTER STEERS Choice and Prime 3, mostly 4. UOO-1W) lb* 34 'M-3i OU. Ute 34 50-36 00 Choice 2-4. 950-1250 ib* 35 23-37 23. late 35 2M6 50 with load 37 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-4. 900-1300 Iba 34 50-33 50 Good 2-3. 23 00-34 50 Ixiad mostly Good 2-3. Hobrtelas Monday 13 00 5700 4100 Sl-AUGHTEH HEIFERS Choice and i’nmc 3-4. 900- 1050 Iba early 35 50-36 00 Choice 2-4,850-1000 lbs 33 50- 35 50. Ute 33 50-35 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-4.800-1000 lbs 33 00-34 00 Good 2-3, 32 00-33 00 COWS Utility and Com mercial 2-t. 20 50-23 00, few Mlddlrburg. I’a September 21,1974 t ATTIF 336 f ompared with last Tuesday » market. High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 37 50-40 50. Choice 33 50-35 75, Standard 30 00-33 00. Utility 26 00- 29 75 Choice slaughter heifers 32 50-38 25. Good 28 50-32 50. Standard 26 50- 23 50 Cutter 18 50-21 50 Canner 15 00-18 50 RULGS YG 1-2, 1100-1800 lbs 26 50-29 75, few 30 50- 31 00 BUUIXXTKS Choice 1100-1250 lbs 30 00-33 00 MiflcHchur" 28 50. Utility 22 50 16 >u Utility it High Dressing ( utter slaughter row* 22 00- 24 25. ( utters 20 75 22 75. fanners 15 00-19 50 Good slaughter bullocks 32 50- 36 10. Utility 28 00 32 50 Yield tirade No 1 1200-1800 lbs slaughter bulls 28 00- 32 50, \icld grade No 2 950- 1200 lbs 20 10-25 75 Good 300-600 lbs feeder steers 27 50-35 75. Good 300-500 lbs feeder heifers 22 50-27 00 CALVES 204 Prime vealers 60 00-65 50, Choice 52 00-60 00, Good 42 00-50 00. Standard & Good 110-130 lbs 35 00-42 00. 90-110 lbs 31 00- 35 00, Standard 70-00 lbs 26 00-32 00 Farm calves, holstcm bulls 100-120 lbs 35 00-40 00 I*2. HOGS 710 ( 9-27-76) US No 1-2 200-230 lbs barrows & gdts 38 20-39 50, No. 1-3 190- 240 lbs 37.10-38 00, No 2-3 240-275 lbs. 37.00-37.50, few No. 2-4 275-310 lbs 35.50- 36.50. US No. 1-3 350-585 lbs. sows 26.25-37.25. Boars 200- 600 lbs. 20.25-27.00 FEEDER PIGS 283. US No. 1-3 10-20 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00-16.00 per head, No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 18.00-28.00, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 28.00-37.50 per head. SHEEP 63. Good & Choice spring slaughter lambs 38.50- 41.50. Slaughter ewes 12.00- 20.00. Omaha Catth* Omaha Sept M. 1174 WeekU 51 ( attic ram pa red with ’he previous weeks close closing prices t.n Slaughter Steers and Heifer* were weak to 25 cents lower as a mild early upturn more than offset, but late supplies were in sufficient to fully reflect the effects of a bearish carcass trade Cow* closed steady to 50 cents lower and Bull* 1 00- 2 00 lower Four day receipts 13,000 as compared 15,700 previous week and 14,800 a >car ago The fed cattle trade came under sharp downward pressure in reflection of a dull carcass trade despite a moderate reduction in Federal Slaughter STEERS on Tuesday, load Choice and Prune 3-4 1174 lbs 37.25, several loads same Grade 3-4 1045-1287 lbs 36 50-37 00 during week. Choice 2-4 975-1275 lbs closed mainly 35 50-36 50, oc casionally 36.75-37.00 on loadlots predominantly 3, two loads Choice 4-5 1425-1450 lbs. 33.00-34.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1225 lbs. 35.00- Good 2-3 31.50- 35.00, some Holsteins 31.00- 1225 lbs. 35.00-35.75. Good 2-3 31.50-35.00, some Holsteins 31.00- Standard and low-good 2-3 29.5031.00. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for Choice *O-1100 lb steers this week U 33. Choice 1100-IXIO lbs 36 15 Average weight steers first three da)» 1112 lbs as compared htH lb» previous week Average weight heifers first three da>s 986 lbs as compared 959 lbs previous week HF.IFKRS few loads and part loads Choice 3 900-960 lbs 36 40-36 75 Choice 2-4 875-1050 lbs dosed 34 50- 36 00, some Choice and Prime 3-4 973-1025 lbs 35 75- 36 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 825-975 lbs 33 50- 34 75 Good 2-3 30 00-33 00 Small lots Standard and Good 2-3 29 00-30 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 2-4 21 50-23 25, Canncr and Cutter 17 00- 21 50, Mixed Cutter and Utility 21 75-22 00 Shelly Canner 15 00-16 50 BULLS. 1-2 1200-1800 lbs 26 00-30 00, few 1 31 0032 00
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