Omaha Oiilllr S«l*rmfavtn, 1171 Weekly 51 Cattle ( cunpeirwd with lha prrrlou* Wgewka rUtm (Taxing price* an slaughter • leers 50 1 00 lover end heifer* 50 TV lover (owe J»J 00 lover and hull* *#*k I our day receipt* 15.100 u rampart*! 17,500 previous me** aryl 14.800 a year ago h eed catlle prices were forced aharply row ward In reaction to a downlrendlng rarraa* trad* In the af trrmalh of the 830,000 catt> daughter ed the previous wee*, moat of the decline rame on Tuesday and a small portion of the down turn wm recovered on an abbreviated midweek supply Most buying In terests were competitive only for immediate requirements, and late demand narrow The overall finish of the steer and heifer supply was fairly attractive with a liberal prcccntngc Choice and there was a Noticeable seasonal increase •In the volume of Good and Choice 950-1050 lb > catling type steers The few loads 3-5 1300-1500 lb steers stillmet with narrow demand Slaughter steers made up approximately 39 percent, heifers 32 percent, cows 12 percent, and feeders 16 percent READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS EQUIPMENT CO., NEW HOLLAND, PENNSYLVANIA 17557 Sycamore industrial Park Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 STKKtVt an Monday load ( hole" with «t»d Trim* predominantly 3 IUI lb* MOO Af krw time Tunwday. arret at lamb Mine (trade 5-4 1141 IJU lbs 37 00 37 25 (Twice 3-4 *75-1250 lb* rkwed J 5 504 S 75. load 3 1000 Iba 37 00. load Choice and Prim* J 47» tbt 31 00. pari load 1500 lbs 30 00 Mixed flood and (Twice J 4 950-1225 Iba 36 DO -35 75 (rood 34 *25-1300 Iba 31 50-34 75 .Standard and (wood 34 29 5041 00 Average of I.S 214. detailed quotations, for (Twice 900-1100 Iha steers this week 36 40. (Twice 1100- 1300 lbs 36 25 Average weight steers first three day s 1104 Iba as compared 1122 lbs previous week Average weight heifers first three clays 959 lbs as compared 959 iba previous week HEIKKRS load Choice 3 1116 lbs 36 65 early Moderate volume Choice and Prime 3-4 975-1050 lbs 35 50- 36 50 during week Choice 2-4 850-1100 lbs late 34 50-36 00 Mixed Good and Choice 825- 975 lbs 33 50-34 75, Good 2-3 30 50-32 50 Small lots standard and Good 2-3 29 00- 30 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 2-4 closed 22 DO -23 50, few 23 75-24.00. Canner and Cutter 17 50-22.00, Mixed Cotter and Utility 22 25-22.50. BULLS 1-2 1200-2000 lbs 28.00-32 00. individual 133 00, NOTICE HERSHEY 215 DILLER AVENUE Has Moved to 255 Plane Tree Drive 717-393-5807 Ih'Hart Auction Dewart Pa v-pirmber ». trrt ( ATTI i', Tii ( amp* ml with UM Monday • market, •laughter »tccr» grading (Twire ateady to 50 cents higher. Standard A < rood cUady It) 50 rvtflM lower Slaughter row» grading ( utter A Utility Meady. (Minn ateady In fl higher Few High Choice A Prime •laughter (dear* 3100-39 CM. Choice No 24 10MH350 lb« 36 50-38 60. ('rood 33 S5-.V 00. .Standard 30 50-33 00 Few (rood slaughter heifer* 31 75- 33 50. few Utility A Standard 25 00-77 00 Utility A High Ihrastng Cutter slaughter row* 25 25-27 60. Cutter* 23 ©-25 85. Cannen 21 GO -24 00. Shells down to 16 00 One (Twice slaughter bullock at 38 75. few Good 32 35-36 50 Few Yield Grade No I 1000- 1800 lbs slaughter bulls 27 50-32 © Good 500800 lbs feeder steers 29 00-32 00, Good A Choice 300-500 lbs feeder steers 29 00-32 00, Good & Choice 300-500 lbs feeder steers & bulls 35 00- 40 25 CALVES 213 Vealers grading Good A Choice about steady, Standard A Good 80- 130 lbs $5 to $8 higher One Prune vealer at 61 50, Choice 45 00-55.00, Good 38 50-45.00, Standard A Good 110-130 lbs. 35 00-38.00, 90-110 lbs 33 00- 38 00, Standard 70-85 lbs. 28.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 34.00- HOGS 422. Barrows A Gilts $3 lower. US No. 1-2 195-230 lbs. barrows A gilts 40.00- 40.50, No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. 38.7040.10, No. 2-3 230-250 lbs. 37.00-38.80. US No. 1-3 350-550 lbs. sows 30.00-36.50. Boars 20.00-25.00. INC. Sale SPEC lAI.FKF.HF.H VKARUNGhAI-F. Sept 21. t»TI There were 1.445 brad •old Ail aleer* were graded by HrprraenUllvesi of the VDAC'a Division of Market, livestock Section on VDAC standards and aold b> the hundredweight Choice A Fancy 500-700 lbs 135 25-40 00 . 705-800 lbs 132 75-36 50 , 805-1000 lbs (32 75-35 50 Good 500-700 lbs $33 00- 39 25 mostly $35 00-38 25 . 705- 800 lbs $32 25-35 50, 805-1000 lbs $3l 75-35 75 Medium 500-700 lbs $3O 75- 37 00 , 705-800 lbs $2B 25- 30 50 , 805-1000 lbs $29 50- 32 00 SPECIAL FEEDER YEARLING SALE Dublin. VA (Sept 15). There were 1333 head sold All heifers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC's Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. HEIFERS Choice 400-500 lbs. 27.25- 28.00; 505-600 lbs. 27 00-29.50; 605-700 lbs. 28.00-32.75, mostly 31.00-32.75 ; 705-800 lbs. 30.25-31.00 ; 805-900 lbs. 28.75- Good 400-500 lbs. 25.00 28.00 ; 505-600 lbs. 27.50-29.00; 605-700 lbs. 29.75-30.75; 705- 800 lbs. 29.25-30.00; 805-900 lbs. 27.25-29.25. Medium 400-500 lbs. 25.50 26.25 ; 505-600 lbs. 25.50-26.50; 605-700 lbs. 26.00-28.25; 705- 800 lbs. 24.75-27.00. Plain 400-500 lbs. 19.00 23.00; 505-600 lbs. 23.25-23.75; 605-700 lbs. 22.25; 705-800 lbs. 21.75- 805-900 lbs. 21.00 22.00. Short 450-500 lbs. 23.50. SPECIAL YEARLING SALE Abingdon (Tri-State), VA: (Sept. 20). There were 2,194 head sold. All steers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS Choice 400-500 lbs. $33.50 35.75, mostly 33.50-33.75; 500 600 lbs. 33.25-37.00, mostly 36.8037.00; 600-700 lbs. 35.50 36.50; 700300 lbs. 32.00-34.75, mostly 34.25-34.75; 800-800 lbs. 32.0033.70, mostly 33.30 33.70; 9001000 lbs. 28.50 32.40, mostly 32.10-32.40; 1000-1295 lbs. 29.00-32.90, mostly 32.2032.90. Good 400500 lbs. 31.50 35.25, mostly 32.90; 500600 lbs. 31.5036.90, mostly 34.20 36.90; 600700 lbs. 30.0036.75, mostly 34.25-36.75; 700800 lbs. 27.75-33.75, mostly 32.00 33.75; 800900 lbs. 30.5033.10, mostly 32.9033.10; 9001115 lbs. 29.0032.80, mostly 32.70 32.80. Medium 400-500 lbs. 30.00- 35.50, mostly 35.00-35.50; 500- 600 lbs. 27.00-34.00, mostly 33.90-34.40; 600-700 lbs. 24.50- 32.20, mostly 31.75-32.20; 700- 800 lbs. 25.50-30.90, mostly 29.30-30.90; 800-900 lbs. 27.00- 28.25, mostly 28.00-28.25; 900- 1210 lbs. 24.00-28.50, mostly 27.50-28.25. Common 400-500 lbs. 23.50- 26.50, mostly 23.50-24.25 ; 500- 600 lbs. 26.50-27.00, mostly 26.50-26.75;600-700 lbs. 24.25- 27.50, mostly 26.00-27.50; 800- 1060 lbs. 24.00-27.00, mostly 26.00-27.00. LmcatUir Farming. Saturday. S*pi 25J976 reports Cull* 550-500 Iba 22 00- 24 M. moaUy 22 00, 500800 lb* 23 00-24 50. mostly 23 00- 23 75 . 600830 lb* 20 00-2! 25 Monday, Sept JO SPECIAL FKKDF.R PIG SALE Petersburg, \ A Sept 17 There were 1468 head sold All pigs were graded by Representatives of the VDAC's Division of Markets, Ijvcstock Section on USD A standards and sold by the hundredweight 1 A 2 3049 lbs 55 00-65 00, 50-69 lbs 50 00-61 00 . 70-99 lbs 43 0045 00. 100-130 lbs 38 00 3 3049 lbs 53 50-58 00 . 50- 69 lbs 43 0052 00, 70-99 lbs 42 004 3 50, 100-130 lbs 38 00 Utility 3049 lbs 50 DO -56 00; 70-99 lbs 40 00, 100-130 lbs. 37.00 4 3049 lbs 45.00 ; 5059 lbs 45 00; 70-99 lbs 42 50; 100-130 lbs. 40 50 Dock tailed pigs averaging 45 lbs. brought $lO 00 per hundredweight more than pigs with tailes. Dock tailed pigs averaging 56 lbs. brought $7.00 per hundredweight more than pigs with tails. SPECIAL FEEDER PIG SALE Tappahannock, VA: (Sept 20). There were 919 head sold. All pigs were graded by Representatives of the VADC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. US 1 & 2 30-49 lbs. $60.00 62.00; 5089 lbs. 45.5052.00; 7099 lbs. 34.0040.50; 100130 lbs. 30.50. No. 3 3049 lbs. 58.0069.00; 5069 lbs. 42.5047.00; 7099 lbs. 33.5035.00; 100130 lbs. 29.50. Utility 3049 lbs. 44.00 49.50; 7099 lbs. 39.25. No. 4 3049 lbs. 50.0050.50; 7099 lbs. 34.00. SPECIAL FEEDER YEARLING SALE Culpeper, Va. Sept. 16,1976 There were 1932 head sold. All steers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice & Fancy 600700 lbs. $38.0038.75; 700 800 lbs. $35.5039.25; 8001000 lbs. $35.0039.00. Good 500700 lbs. $34.25- 38.50; 700800 lbs. $34.00 38.00; 8001000 lbs. $33.00 34.50. Medium 500700 lbs. $31.00 35.25; 700800 lbs. $32.50 35.75; 8001000 lbs. $29.00 31.00. Short all weights $28.50 34.50. SPECIAL TEL-O AUCTION FEEDER PIG SALE Marion, VA: (Sept. 15). There were 856 head sold. All pigs were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. No. 1 & 2 40-60 lbs. 55.25- 60.25; 61-80 lbs. 43.25-48.25; 81-100 lbs. 38.25. No. 3 40-60 lbs. 52.25-57.25; Atrial'S** (Trt-au»U). \m Hrpir wbcr U There were ITS brad sold All «tr<T* »cre traded by ltFpr»*pntiill*e* of the VDAC's Vlxblon of Markets. IJvratork Section on VI)A( standards and sold by Lhr hundredwrluht STF.KW* (kxxl 400-600 lb* 877 50- 38 50. mostly 121 10-28 50. 600-800 lb* 128 00-28 »0. most!) 828 50-28 90 . 800-1000 lb* 126 00-30 00. mostly 177 25-28 80, 1000-1200 lb* 827 75-29 23. mostly 877 75- 28 10. 1200-1450 lbs 87/ 00- 28 00. mostly 827 75-28 0C Medium 400-600 lb* 828 50- 29 00. mostly 828 75-29 00. 600-800 lbs 822 00-28 70. mostly 877 75-28 70 , 800-1000 lbs 825 00-29 00. mostly 827 00-28 60, 1000-1200 lbs 823 00-27 25, mostly 825 75- 26 75. 1200-1400 lbs 824 00- 26 75. mostly 826 00-26 75 Common 400-600 lbs $24 50-25 00. mostly $25 00, 600-800 lbs $22 00-26 80, mostly $26 50-26 80 , 800-1000 lbs $25 50-26 80, mostly $25.75-28 80. 1000-1200 lbs $22 00-24 00, mostly $23.50- 24 00, 1200-1430 lbs $2l 55 22 50, mostly $22 50 Monday, Sept. 13,1976 SPECIAL FEEDER YEARLING SALE Monterey, VA: (Sept. 10). There were 1193 head sold. All steers and heifers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS Choice & Fancy 500-700 lbs. 37.25-38.75 ; 705-800 lbs. 35.60- 37.30 ; 805-1000 lbs. 33.60- 36.70. Good 500-700 lbs. 35.10- 38.25; 705-800 lbs. 34.7557.75; 8051000 lbs. 34.00-36.50. Medium 505700 lbs. 32.25 33.50; 705800 lbs. 30.0532.50. Common 500-700 lbs. 24.50- 26.75. HEIFERS Choice St Fancy 500-600 lbs. 26.25-29.25; 605-700 lbs. 27.85- 30.00. Good 500-600 lbs. 26.75- 27.75; 605-700 lbs. 29.00-29.70. Monday, Sept. 13,1976 SPECIAL YEARLING SALE Galax, VA: (Sept. 10). There were 1248 head sold. All heifers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. HEIFERS Choice 400-500 lbs. 26.50- 29.00, mostly 28.00-29.00; 501- 600 lbs. 30.00-32.75, mostly 30.10-32.75; 601-700 lbs. 30.00- 33.70, mostly 33.60-33.70; 701- 800 lbs. 26.00-33.50, mostly 33.00-33.40; 801-900 lbs. 26.00- 28.85, mostly 28.70-28.85. Good 400-500 lbs. 26.25- 29.00, mostly 27.90-28.00; 501- 600 lbs. 30.50-33.75, mostly 30.50- 601-700 lbs. 29.75- 33.10, mostly 32.40-33.10; 701- 800 lbs. 28.60-30.70, mostly 28.60-30.50. Medium 400-500 lbs. 24.25- 27.10, mostly 26.00-27.10; 501- 600 lbs. 26.00-30.00, mostly 27.80-28.00; 601-700 lbs. 26.90- 30.00, mostly 28.00-29.90; 701- 800 lbs. 22.50-29.00, mostly 22.50- Common 400-500 lbs. 24.00- 24.70; 501-600 lbs. 22.50-24.00; 601-700 lbs. 20.50-22.00. 9
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