17 LaMJtlev Fkrrrtlnc,' Saturday. S#pf 25.19/6 : . , “ . ' - * ——"— _ “ , ~n f##d & S **6 f**4 & Sttd H*«l Rtol Etfof* fertilizer *> **■ - For Snip •10 Act* FurmrU-r, For Sal* by Owner. 110 *cr*a CDCri .| For S * lp pcnnr,d l ** rlr > 1 'rraWn rtSwalloo vaortton*Hrincl SPECIAL ._, Abc i>cpd «wl»i« per bu . Red Coat whrirt rlaanad. bagged bedroom*, modem kitebm. *tlh S mt ml down. CIIUUtD Cll c _T* , J f* r * . rrrt i. l wheat nerd IS 00 per bu . o* 1 Grown from la«l year » Family Koom with fireplace, balance monthly over 5 MJMMCff MUX »cwj! buahel per ha*. M M »crd 14 23 per bo Allclcancd rtrUfledaepd AlaolargeoUJ brick gr I*l mill A»klng year* Scmic. productive. Dry Poultry Manure per bushel Will deliver at treated and grown from wscon. very Rood |«B.900 (all 717-«S3-«*s tillable and wooded land Freah from the broiler ertra charge 215286%H34 certified seed ITi 215-486- condition 215-6*3-3034 _- 1 Viced (SCO acre about |S house* 115 00 per ton 7 0972 For Kent • 2 bedroom Mobile acre Taxes, on year-round plus delivery f ‘‘ or S" Jc ’ W- 000 of Hay and Straw bought and home Went of Kphrata 00 maintained road* Adequate Write Box 27. »lr*t. second and third ,old. *n grades, delivered private M Married couples water. Rood School*, luat Mrasbont, PA 17571 cutting hay. 2.000 bales for anywhere In 9 ton load* preferred 1 child, no peta over Penn* line In Steuben _ mulch, rained on Pennall seed wheat cleaned Fred Meaning, RDI, allowed Ready for oc- Comty. New York Slate Harrisburg area Ph 717- nnd rcadyto plant M 25 bu Hampton. NJ Phone cupancy Oct 1 Call 717-733- Call-write George PUtt, R D 652-5021 will Mood 215-536-6624 evening* only 2DI-735-4440 2614 3 A ddiaon. N Y 14601 - 607- ' “TT*" j or 215-536-3456 ~—~— ~ . 458 ~ M14 Service* Offered ___ j. or Sale -14 acres of com In Service* Offered For Sale • Pioneer 3369 A WANTED TO BUY also 100 acre* at Honey TKXAS PANHANDLE - corn, approx: 15 acra In Brook 717-546-2423 THE NEW FARMING Clipper Blade Sharpening. CORN FRONTIER Dalbart. Cllnocr Repairs. Used Masonry work, lay brick. Ticsler County 215-436-4531 Tcxaa Long growing season. Clippers For Sale Don I>ohr, fireplace blocks and stone r—7—— —; ~7T— n M nr ™ DAIRY. HORSE AND mild winters. fertile soil PA 17603 PH work on houses and bams to 10.0 M to MoUtare SbcU Corn. OTHER FARMS Buy for around 1750 per acre 717-872-5503 Stucco and white coats and 15 OW of rom Call Will Pickup In field AVAILABLE Taxes around 50 cents-pcr- e r^rhS^n" 1 5£ 252 - 1525 - nftcrBl>M » 2 - Approx. 160 acre operating «ere Grow record-c Worn Mechanical Repairs Have a f A B 717-872-5525 dairy farm with large barn, yields andjrare Uvertock on breakdown 7 Ido mechanical dnver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- Tnticale, a cross between —i 40 stanchions i 0 free stalls, ***** j" win }sJ‘ F*r„ co repairs and service farm 6178 wheat and rye, yielded over W loafing area, sio 20 x5O with f, 0 . r . ( _“, ec M ri!? equipment on your farm. 600 bushels from 10 acres , Mill PW MAY 7 unloader, milking house with ‘ lsl ‘ n ß*- “ also some new equipment ;•••••?with no fertilizer except my M Lauren 600 B al - bulk Unk w " h wm!i set-up or installation. : SILO REPAIRS : organic seed treatments WANTED 7 pipeline milker, pond and 5 ( 806 ) 249-5613, (806 ) 249-4000 Contact Jonas Sauder, at ; , - n • which I sell. Vigorous - Delivered to * bedroom stone and frame (717) 285-3495 morning or : . ',. : grower, tall straw and extra - Avondale, PA home Owner will help with New Home New Bam 17 ' vmne : p S^.; or ,A v „ est “ k or " »J69,000.__ "SLi: S. ’ JlSrtSS^ J. 0 Ehrlich c«„ inc. j II : bSSSS jSSSSn&S SKC3 SS te cSi R uJX S 3 I ‘ I p « ,7m ’ m-m-mi j Call For • "mVS's™ Shrubbery spraying, Free : DAVE DETWEILER j * Current Prices. Hanover, Pa. 17331 room. 24’ x w bam is ideal Estimates, 1278 Loop Road, : RD#2. PA : For Sale t 7 es ' 215-268-8258 '' for horses or cattle & there Lancaster, PA Phone 717- : 717-776 7533 : crop, in the field, on Muddy _ nqrn r. Central New York State are 75 pine trees on the 397-3722. * Creek new Route Of ZOo-otjj ~ Farms. Selection of out- acreage plus numerous fruit —— ———j 222. Call 717-569-5206 - "'r-; ::JIM standing dairy and cash crop trees. Call for more details Will clean out broiler houses fanrifl; andl farmettes. Prime on this excepUonal property. and chicken houses with skid m _ _ thviraty of crops. steer loader. Call for FOR SALE Leo Stack Real Estate, 41E. KEYREALESTATE arrangements, 215-267-5793 Genesee Street, Auburn, NlckVlaho* 4QO7 cnVDrAM >1 rai N.Y. For appt. only Edward Hanover,PA Is your wheat heating or ™ /o MJYbtAri MtAL Turek evenmgs. 717-632-6400 musty? By Roasting we can Rill V OR DAP “ „ —; restore it to full feeding DULIV UR Dnu Feed & Seed Feed & Seed 7^2534“' L SChn “ PP ’ PICKED UP OR DELIVERED - ■ —■ —, ELAM HOOVER shelled oirn buyihg * selling NOTICE. Will do electrical ■ fclllll MW wV W Ell 5ntLLtU LUKE r roaiw or plumbing work, no job too Receiving Dally tHK Lunli & failfUli small. Just call Paid, 354- 717*354-0432 Rt. 372 - 2 Mi. 7896, -u/ 3gmuylkill ave. rafmSSw LEON G. SCHNUPP Looking for work, Willing to I hamb urg I I MUHCY-CHIEf HYBRIDS I MARK RISSER p«:717^5 paint farm builtop at a , , .. market and high streets* muncy, pa. Manheim,PA 17545 * reasonable rate. Phone 717- * _ , PA 17532 859-2350 ~ > * *-'■ Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976 Need an electrician’ Fast, efficient service l —p- Call \( ELECTRICAL l\ SERVICE 1323 Stoney Lane Lititz, PA Phone 717-626-8703 mm;*, Specializing in | CUSTOM FARM BUILDINGS AND I CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION I D. E. STOLTZFUS CONSTRUCTION CO. I RD2 Fleetwood, Pa. 215-683-8653 i a 24 hour' answering service % M & R GRAINS RD2, Mount Joy, PA 17552 • Custom Com Drying • Custom Com Storage • Custom Combining • Buying and Selling Call Now and Let Us Take Care Of Your Shelled Corn Needs Ph: 717-653-8846 GLENN B. MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE House Foundations, Retaining Walls, & Trench Silos “CRANE SERVICE” PROMPT SERVICE COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE 215-562-4895 137 SCHUYLKILL AVE. HAMBURG PORTABLE WELDING CARPENTERING BLOCK LAYING New buildings or remodeling. Steel or wood. Speciality pipe bar nyard fence, box stalls and gates made to or der. A. K. KING & SON 1241 Gypsy Hill Road Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Call in person at home evenings. MARKET AND HIGH STREETS* MUNCY, PA.. 17756 GROWERS AND PRODUCERS D. E. SHEARER & SONS RDI Bainbridge, PA 717-367-3177 • LIME & FERTILIZER • GRA, • HYBRID SEED CORN • SEED OATS • • SEEDWHEAT • SOYBEANS • * SEED GRAIN • BALER TWINE • WANTED WHEAT BARLEY SHELLED CORN GARDEN SPOT GRAIN ELMER W. MARTIN, PROP. 717-354-9422 RDI New Holland, PA Dealer in Small Grains NOW CONTRACTING FOR HARVEST DELIVERY OP SHELLED CORN. 717-548- 3181. MAY WE HELP YOU PRESERVE YOUR SILAGE? SEE US FOR BETTER SILAGE AT 717-442-4171 ZOOK & RANCH INC. RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527
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