All-American 11 h*a flf» 11 FF A division* In the FT A competition. d »a* A»el I indc of f Hford HI «ho beat hi* rivals from all across the stale The son of Mr and Mrs Karl theter I inde. A*»l had 7351 points in lh* re mi Hunrw «p *raa I’aul Knlfihl. aon of Mr and Mr* Holding Glenn Stoltzfus' first-place junior heifer calf at the All-American is his father, Harvey NAIL DOWN GREAT CORN AT A GREAT PRICE. SEE YOUR STANFORD SEED DEALER BEFORE OCTOBER 15 (i corf* Knight, AlrvlUc with Jill points The Solanco Kf A Iran) was first in the rvml followed by Oiford Krnnard fiale. and lt*d lion tn 4 H Individual competition it wa» t tauglaa HrrvhijcrgcT from Vitanyvllle who raptured fust place links t minty * Jeff Miller followed in the imml s\*A Adcltional details fun thr contest ma) hr found in a aejiaralc dory within (hr first section of this Usur JWhat's Newj Plastic Stencil for Posted Signs Ever hear a farmer, rancher, Umberman, hun ting or fishing camp operator fuss about missing or defaced posted signs' A Mississippi rancher has the answer It is a new, high impact, self-cleaning, plastic stencil that the user can paint one or hundreds of posted signs Being flexible, the patented design allows it to fit flush You can do it now with Stanford's new priority order plan. Now's the time to nail down your choice of Northrup King's great com hybrids - the high per formance numbers that sell out first. Like PX 32, PX 50A and PX 76. When you order before Octo ber 15, you get the year's best prices on NK corn. Save a "Buck a-Bag" and qualify for big savings on quantity and early pay dis counts. Stanford's new Priority Or der plan assures that the first or ders written will be the first orders filled. So order your top-yielding NK corn now. Note Seed may be adversely af fected by many factors beyond our control Northrop, King & Co does not warrant its seed beyond the warranty imprinted on or attached to each bag of seed purchased m STANFORD u SEED COMPANY P.O. Box 366, Buffalo, N.Y. 14240 P.O. Box 230, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 against a curved or Hat surface to makr a nrat rradablr sign It la the niftiest, quickest, cheapest and moat attention getting wn> of posting land Paint cost is approximately 10 rents per posted sign Proportionate vertical signs from 16 Inch (lettering > to 30 inch (with freehand painted circle or horizontal bands) Horizontal signs from 12 Inches to 30 inches A standard highway STOP sign measures 30 Inches Posting one or more sides of trees, utility poles, fence posts or gates will get maximum attention from potential trespassers Instructions and tension bands with clips for quick easy stencil attachment and removal are included with stencil. M 95 ppd.. WEMCO, Inc., P. 0. Box 9454, Jackson, Miss. 39206. Lancatlpr * arming. Saturday, Sept 25 1976 Appropriate for any All-American Dairy Show, but especially meaningful during the Bicentennial Year was this stall decoration calling attention to Ned McDonald's Guernseys. „-SIAT£/ mrnMJL.^ . A, B, G, H J M rot At. ( Q>g*»ct/Cid 4 15 1 15 H 47 2 'Pa/aware, .12 5 1 18 % Illinois I 1 t 4 Indiana, 12 66 78 3 620 54 63*** BID 12 35 79 IKMfrd 4438 36 9816 264 5 3 Wtikim we- 24 24 '• 6 6 a v Kh © 1 tO t 3 14 ;a it a la 38 14 va 57 32 91 25 217 I n ekur m 49 m S if OnhMr' t 12 12 . tsMe 472 to Chio&e*, "'B: 8 > m Vermont . 12 . 12 : n 24 28 m 54 98 | SHOW#. The statistics are self-explanatory, 17
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