104 «r / , 'r Hog HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has lifted its embargo against swine from New Hampshire and modified a similar embargo against Massachusetts, effective Sept. 13, it was announced* An outbreak of hog cholera in Massachusetts in July prompted Pennsylvania to clamp an embargo on swine from Massachusetts as well as against New Hampshire and Rhode Island because of possible exposure of their herds to the disease. The embargo against Rhode Island was lifted Aug. 17. “The disease appears to be under control in these New England states and we have had no outbreaks in Pennsylvania,” said Ker stetter. “Therefore, we feel it is now safe to remove our embargo against swine from New Hampshire and modify it for Massachusetts.” The modified embargo against swine from ’> ‘ - 1. ... -. • ' r ■. - • •(■■ No time out for Nature’s necessities at the Pennsylvania All-American " ■* •* r cholera threat reduced Massachusetts provides that. -No swine of any type from premises under state federal quarantine in Massachusetts may be moved into Pennsylvania; - Slaughter-ready swine from the counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden counties in Massachusetts may move through normal slaughter market channels without a permit; - Slaughter-ready swine from other counties in Massachusetts may move directly from premises of origin or an approved slaughter swine assembly point to an approved slaughtering establishment in Pennsylvania if ac companied by an owner shipper statement. - Feeder and breeder swine from Massachusetts may not be consigned to Pennsylvania auctions until further notice. - Feeder and breeder /rs i' swine may otherwise enter accredited veterinarian, Pennsylvania if a prior accompanied by appropriate permit is obtained from the certificate, and move Agriculture Department, the directly to the Pennsylvania swine are examined by an farm destination. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS ' bntant Replay #r Know Where the Activities Will Be 7 Read the Farm Women Calendar • 451 Model features standard centrifugal pump. • 452 model features a 285-psi heavy-duty piston-activated diaphragm pump in lieu of the standard centrifugal pump. Outlet for high pressure hose. • MINOR herbicide boom, ULV and dusting attachments can be used. • Net weight, empty. 155 lbs 1451), 165 lbs. (452). AVAILABLE 80 GAL (300 LITRE) TANK DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED ON ALL SOLO PRODUCTS LESTER A. SINGER RONKS.PA PHONE *B7-6712 Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing in Sprayer Sales & Service 1 i i • i i ■ ’
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