—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept 11, 1976 8 SEPT. 13-19,1976 Not clear, don foul weather gear Northern trees start to blush now Dag Hammarskjold killed Sept 18 1961 Third quarter of the moon Sept 16 Herring spawn now Average length of days for the week, 12 hours, 27 minutes Police storm Attica, N Y prison Sept 13, 1971 First Pony Express left for Pacific Coast from St Louis Sept 16, 1869 Sometimes you have to be siknt to be heard Ask the Old Farmer. I would like to know how salt gets into the seas' salt water 7 WCD, Beaver Falls, Pa Nobody really knmvs Some say there are huge salt deposits uvder the sea-bottom Others claim that any water that lacks sufficient flow of fresh from springs will become salty after a while But all agree that sea water produces life because it is so much like blood in various ways and thus they say that God arranged it that way for His own particular purposes Wt have to be content with that answer Home Hints An old wire eggbeater makes a good paddle for stirring and mixing paint OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Week begins cloudv, continues through midweek, ram through latter part, then clearing in north at week's end Greater New York-New Jersey: First part of week rainy, hegvy at times, and cool, clearing over weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal: Most of week rainy, cloudy but mild on weekend Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Cloudv, very warm and ramv all week, with heavy rain except on weekend Florida: Showers all week in central and south, heavy in south, light and scattered in north Upstate N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: First part of week cloudy with some rain, normal temperatures all week, except cool weekend All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Oklahoma Auction OKLAHOMA CITY Sept. 9 USD A Estimated receipts 7,000. Same day last week 7,000. Trading now active and mostly 50-1.00, higher on feeder steers; feeder heifers strong to 50 higher; majority receipts Mixed Good and Choice and Choice 350-800 lb. steers and 350-650 lb. heifers; fairly large attendance. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 39.00-43.50, largely 40.00-42.00; 500-600 lb. 37.25-40.50; 600-700 lb. 37.00- 700-800 lb. 36.25- 38.00, part load 761 lb. at 38.90; 800-950 lb. 35.50-37.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300- 500 lb. 36.50-39.50; 500-700 lb. 35.00- 700-900 lb. 34.50- 36.00; Good 300-750 lb. 33.00- 35.50, FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 30.50-32.35; 500-730 lb. 31.00-33.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. 29.50-30.50; 500-700 lb. 29.75- 31.50; Good 300-600 lb. 27.50- 30.25. OLD ‘Sfe, ME*v|| makkWM For the Week: Compared to late last week, feeder steers recovered part of the early losses to close steady to 50 lower, instances 1.00 off on good grade; feeder heifers mostly 1.00 lower, some sales 1.50 lower; Beef cows steady to strong, others steady; bulls under pressure late and mostly 1.00 lower. Salable receipts near 16,300 head compared to 20,166 last week and 29,620 the same week a year ago. Cows and bulls near 16 per cent cattle receipts; feeders 83 per cent of the supplies. TRY A CLASSIFIED Omaha Cattle Sept. 9 USDA Closing prices on slaughter steers and heifers were firm to 25 cents higher, instances 50 cents higher on steers. Cows were 50-1.25 higher, bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Three day receipts 13,800 as compared 17,900 previous week and 16,100 a year ago. For the third successive week, the fed cattle trade followed a relatively stable course with only minor day to-day price variations. Supplies were fairly liberal, but demand was generally good following the Labor Day holiday and marketings were well distributed over the shortened trading period. The firm live trade was supported by mild upturns in carcass trading at the wholesale level but prices there were also the most stable in some time. The overall finish was again attractive with a liberal percentage Choice and only a few loads 3-5 1250-1400 L Steers. Slaughter Steers made up approximately 36 per cent of the weeks run and heifers 38 per cent. Cows comprised 10 per cent and feeders 15 per cent. STEERS: Several loads Choice and Prime 3-4 1075- 1200 lbs. 38.25-38.60. Choice 2- 4 1000-1300 lbs. 37.00-38.00, occasionally 38.15-38.25 on consignments predom inantly 3, load Choice with end Prime 4 1311 lbs. 36.50 late and load Choice 3-5 1350 lbs. 35.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 975-1250 lbs. 36.25- 37.25. Good 2-3 32.50-36.00. Standard and Low-Good 2-3 31.00-32.00, some mostly Good Holsteins 31.00-31.50. 31.50. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for Choice 900-1100 lb. steers this week 37.62, Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 37.38. Average weight heifers first two days 970 lbs. as compared 945 lbs. previous week. HEIFERS: Several loads Choice and Prime 3-4 875-981 lbs. 37.50, few loads and part loads Choice with end Prime 852-1150 lbs. 37.25. Choice 2-4 875-1100 lbs. 38.00-37.00, some Choice and Prime 3-4 975- 1050 lbs. 36.75-37.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs. 34.75-36.00. Good 2-3 31.50-34.75. Small lots Standard and Good 2-3 30.00- 31.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24 22.00-24.50, few 24.75-25.00. Canner and Cutter 18.00-22.00, Mixed Cutter and Utility 22.25-22.50. BULLS: 1-2 1400-1800 lbs, 28.00-32.00. MGI. St. Louis Sept. 9 Receipts This Week 8300 Week Ago Year Ago 9000 As compared to the previous week's close, slaughter steers and heifers 50-1.00 higher. Cows fully 1.00 lower. Bulls very uneven, generally steady. Supply mainly Choice 2-4 1000-1150 lb. slaughter steers. Around 25 per cent heifers and 10 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1150 lbs. 37.00 3 to mostly 4 1225-1325 lbs. 36.00- 36.25. Choice 2-4 950-1225 lbs. 36.00-37.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 35.25- 36.50. Good 2-3 34.00-35.50. Standard to Good 2-3 Holsteins 1000-1350 lbs. 30.50- 33.00. Load Standard 2-3 1400 lbs. 29.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 900-1025 lbs. 35.25-35.50, couple packages 35.75. Choice 2-4 800-1050 lbs. 34.00- 35.50 3-4 925-1000 lbs. 34.00- 34.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-950 lbs. 33.00- 34.50. Good 2-3 30.50-33.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 21.50-24.50, later 21.50-23.50. Cutter 1-2 20.00-23.50, closing 20.00- 22.50. Canner and Low Cutter late 18.00-20.00. Low dressing Canner 16.00-19.00. BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 950-1500 lbs. 26.00-30.00. FEEDERS: Including around 2500 at Thursday’s auction. Feeder Steers and Heifers 1.00-2.00 lower demand moderate and buyer attendance normal. Supply mostly Good and Choice 400- 800 lb. steers and 350-600 lb. heifers. STEERS: Choice 400-700 lbs. 35.50-38.75, fleshy 625-825 lbs. 35.00-37.00. Mixed Good and Choice 400-700 lbs. 33.00- 35.50. Good 375-600 lbs. 30.00- 32.50. We at Producers Pride aren't trying to start any revolutions. But if you're an independent egg producer—-or if you’d like to be —we can help you get the kind of freedom you want without jeopardizing your income. Producers Pride is a cooperative. It’s owned and controlled entirety by producers who want a voice in how their eggs are marketed. We've been in business since 1932. For over 34 years, Producers Pride members have been getting paid every week for their previous week's egg shipments. We have never, ever missed a week When you join Producers Pride, you become part owner of the business. And since we’re not a giant co-op, your voice as an owner is important You’ll be joining a small organization—fewer than 2(10 pVoducers—but we have the volume to service a growing market And our markets are growing, thanks to the dedicated efforts ol a small bat hard-working and very capable staff. We are your f riends and neighbors in the egg business. We enjoy being independent,, and we enjoy having a guaranteed market for our eggs. This is the year for independence, and Producers Pride is looking for a few more good members, If you’d like more information, put your John Hancock on the coupon below and mail It PRODUCERS PRIDE INC. 1741 Valley Forge Road, Worcester, Pa 19490 name address number of layers Sale reports 10400 A Public Sale of valuable real estate and antiques was held Sept. 4 by Edna M. Orwig in Loganville, York Co., Pa. before a nice sized crowd. The 3 acres of land with 2Vz story 8 room brick home, small bam, large chicken house & machinery shed & 2 car garage was sold for $49,500 to Stanley Brown of Loganville, Pa. Other items included: Farmall A tractor outfit $llOO, Oak bedroom suite $295, Hardrock Maple Bedroom suite $3OO, Colored Television $350, oak kitchen cabinet $25, Freezer-chest type $BO and Kerosene space heater $25. Robert L. Sechrist was the auctioneer. A 3 day labor day weekend Public Sale was held to sell tools, contractor’s equip ment and farm equip, on Sept. 3,4, & 6 by Joe Der drich between Leithsville & Springtown in Springfield Twp., Pa. Each day there were 250 people attending. The power tools, plumbing tools and farm equip, sold well with the Ferguson TO-30 tractor bringing $llOO. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction conducted the sale. A Public Sale of Farm Machinery was held Sept. 4 by Gerald E. Miller near Thomasville, Pa. in Jackson Twp. and was well attended with spirited bidding. Items sold included: 966 Farmall D tractor $14,000, Farmall M tractor $l5OO, Farmall M Tractor $1125, 6 bottom Plow $2400, 2 Farm Gravity Wagons $450 each. Jacob A. Gilbert was the auctioneer. caged A special consignment Auction was held Sept. 2 near Alba, 40 miles north of Williamsport, Pa. by Tom Young. A sampling of items sold included; spool cabinet $l3O, coffee grinder $135, Ken tucky Rifle $2lO, child’s wagon $B5, Larkin desk $5O and coverlet $22.50. The auctioneer for the sal i was Tom Young. HUNTERS SALE BARN, INC. held their weekly sale Monday Sept. 6 at Rising Sun, Maryland. HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 26.00-29.00 - & few 32.00; Good to Choice 24.50- 25.50; Other 20.00-23.00. FEEDER STEERS: 280 to 400 lb. 28.00-34.00. COWS: Good to Standard 25.75-26.00; Utility 22.50- 23.75; Cutters 20.00-21.75; Canners 15.00-18.00-20.00. CALVES: High to Choice 44.00- Good to Choict 32.00- Standard to Goc?u 28.00- Utility 20.00-24.00 & 26.50; Low Utility 15.00- 18.00. GOATS: 25.00 by the head; Kids 22.00 by the head. Norman Hunter is the Sales Manager and auc tioneer. A Public Sale was held by Floyd W. Miller, 2 miles north of Hellam in York Co., Pa. on Sept. 4th when an tique gas engines and car parts were sold. Prices received were; Int. Vk H.P. engine $450, N.H. 5 H.P. engine $750, parts to Farquhar engine $325, Other engines from $lOO & up, milk cans $11,1941 Ford grill $7O, and several wooden forks $BO. each. £ Rentzel Auction Service handled the sale. floor
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