Farm Equipment Farm Equipment Farm Equipment Wanted - 205 John Deere Com Head. Call 609-397-0197 For Sale - Farm fan AB-305A batch dryer. List price $16,466.00, Sale Price $12,500. One only. TamAgriCorp. Dillsburg PA 717-432-3376 "WHY AGRI-KING BUILDS RATIONS In building a ration from the ground up we take into con sideration YOUR hay, silage and grain and put them into balance. There are several reasons why this Is necessary. It is very important in a profitable farming operation today to have healthy animals, it is impossible for a cow to maintain her health for any length of time on an unbalanced feeding program, especially if she is producing at a high level. Southeastern Penna George F Delong Regional Manager 225 West Woods Drive Lititz PA 17543 Call Collect 717 626 0261 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland PA 17557 Ph 717 354 5977 North Western Lancaster Co Earl B Gmder RD2 Manhetm PA 17545 Phone 717 665 3126 WANTED: 2 wheeled cart suitable for exercising horse on dirt track. Send par ticulars W Box 266 Y, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 For Sale - 2 row wide com silage head for New Idea Uni-system. 215-933-7379 MAKES THIS COMPANY DIFFERENT? WHAT Through a series of articles in the next six issues of the Lancaster Farming, we will try to answer these and other questions of interest to the farmer. We hope you find these articles helpfuf when choosing your winter feeding program. First article in series of six. FROM THE GROUND UP” THIS FALL IS THE TIME TO QUIT GUESSING AND START TESTING THE AGRI-KING WAT! Southern Lam Henry DeLong, ir RDI Box 106 Quarryville PA 17566 Phone 717 284 2683 Southwestern Lancaster Co Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 Phone 717 872 5686 Chester Co William Wmdle RDI Atglen PA 19310 Phone 215 593 6143 McCormick Deering En silage Cutter No. 7 with pipe in good condition. David J. Smucker, RI, Narvon, PA Va mi. north of Churchtown, PA For Sale - McCormick Finco Crop Dryer $350. Call 717-385- 2764 WHAT IS AGRI-KING? Farm Equipment For Sale - New Idea 203 Manure Spreader with Flail Cylinder $5OO. Call 717-385- 2764 Tractor - IHC Model M with cultivators $1350; Corn Picker - IHC 2-row tractor mount $450; All in Excellent Condition. Other Used Farm Machinery. AGRI-KING KEY TO PROFIT By building rations you can set the ration at your desired level of production and change it as the production changes on your herd. This is necessary to get maximum efficiency from your feed and herd. In feeding cattle today, a farmer can no longer afford to feed his grains and roughages to his animals without knowing what is in them. A feed tag should be put on your silo, hay mow and grain bin. It is very important to know the protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrate and moisture content of these feeds in order to get the most use out of what you have grown. Only now are you ready to purchase the ingredients you need to balance your herd’s feeding ration. By buying only the ingredients that you need and adding them in the right amounts, you not only get tetter herd health and production, but you also get production at the least possible cost. Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RD2 Box 157 Annville PA 17003 Phone 717 867 1445 Northeast Berks Co Roger Heller RDI Robesoma PA Phone 215 693 6160 .ehigh & Northampton Co Thomas Heist Mam Street Alburtis PA 18101 Phone 215 965 5124 215-372-0705 South Central Penna James L Yoder Regional Manager 250 Edwards Ave Chambersburg PA 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Adams Co Area Menno N Rissler RR4 Gettysburg PA 17325 Phone 717 528 4849 Earl H Moyer .... ~ . RDS Box 277 Eldon Martin Hagerstown MO 21740 RDS Waynesboro PA 17268 phone 301 739 5199 Phone 717 762 4130 Eastern Franklin Co Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept 11,1976 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment (1) New Holland Pickup Head and (1) N.H. single row Com Head for a 616 Harvester. New Idea Com Grinder, fits any late model 2-row pull type com picker. PAUL SHOVER’S INC. LoygviHe,PA 717-789-3117 One-owner, one-operator J.D. model 45 self propelled combine with hydraulic lift, hume reel, & model 235 cornhead, excellent con dition, always stored inside. Windy Spring Farm, Wilmer Mood, RJD 2 Quakertown, PA 18951, call 215-536-8624 or 215- 536-3456. Cumberland Marlin E Ebersole R 5 Carlisle PA 17013 Phone 717 776 7324 Western Washim [ton Co. Md Charhe Campbell Rt 4 Box 229 A Hagerstown MD 21740 Phone 301 791 2157 Eastern Washington Co . Mi 21
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