—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Sept. 11. 1976 110 Public Sales Register FRI. SEPT. 17 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm located on Hollander Road, one-half mile north of Intercourse, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by Myer Hess; Frank L. Steller and Robert E. Martin, Auc tioneers. FRI. SEPT. 17 and SAT. SEPT. 18-2 Day Auction of Shop Tools for the Gunsmith, Hobbyist, or Cabinetmaker, Office Equipment and Supplies, Travel Trailer, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Archery Items, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Police Equipment, Gun Cases and Holsters for Charles J. McArthur, Rt. 309 and Trewigtown Road, Colmar, Pa. Sanford A. Alderfer, Inc, Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of 94 Holstein Cows and Farm Machinery located at Ringoes, New Jersey along Rt. 514. Sale by Paul Quintavalle, owner; Col. Fred R. Daniel, Auc tioneers, Inc. SAT. SEPT. 18 -10:30 a.m. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Personal Property located approx. 2 miles south of Hellafn, Pa. in Hellam Twp. on Owl Valley Road off Libhart Mill Road. Sale by Mrs. Mabel A. Dietz; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auc tioneer. SAT. SEPT. 18 - Ist Production Sale of Sad dleback Farm, Inc. Sale will be held at Saddleback Farm - W. Lake Moraine Rd., Hamilton, NY. Fred Herrick, Sale Manager, Saddleback Farm, RDI, Hamilton, New York 13346. Bill Kent, Auctioneer, SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10:00 A.M- Public Sale of Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Horses, Beef Heifers, Hay and Straw, Antiques and Household Goods. Located along Meeting House Road 1 mile from Moverstown, Pa. off of Stoverstown Road take short road to Meeting House Road. Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Reachard, owners. Charles L. Wehrly, Auctioneer SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10:00 a.m. Public Sale of 45 Acre Farm, Personal Property & Farm Machinery. Located Warwick Township, Lan caster County along Distant View Drive, outside of Rothsville. Elmer S. & Grace S. Shreiner, owner. Randall SAT. SEPT. 18 -10:30 a.m. Public Sale of Household Goods, Antiques and Coins located along Lancaster Ave. between Terre Hill and Martindale. Sale by Anna Hostetter, owner; Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 11 a.m. Absolute Auction of 309 Ac. Romig Bros. Farm, 3 Residences, Excellent Dairy Bam & Other Bldgs., 250 Fertile, Tillable Acres & 2 Steams. Located 4 mi. S-W of Coatesviile, bet. Urionville & Coatesville just N. of Er cildoun, 12 nu. W. of West Chester, Close to Famous King Ranch & New Residential Developments of “Victoria Hills” ' & “Fox Chase”. Louis Traiman Auction Co. of Pa. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 11 A.M. 94 Holsteins & Farm Machinery Auction. Located 2 miles E. of Ringoes, NJ on Rt. 514 m mi. E. of Rt. 202-31 from traffic light 7 mi. S. of Flemington, NJ mi. North of New Hope, Pa. Arrows Posted! Owner Paul Quintavalle. Auctioneer and Sale Manager - Col. Fred R. Daniel SAT. SEPT. 13 - 10 A.M. Loucks Mills, Pa. Lodge Auction located 15 mi. West of Galeton, 28 im. East of Cbudersport, Pa. Watch for Auction Arrows off Rt. 6 between Caleton and Deer Park Trading Post. Si Pepperman, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 18 -1 p.m. Fann Auction of 50 Holsteins, 18 Registered, Machinery, Hay, and Misc. located 5 miles from Montrose, Pa. Turn off Rt. No. 706 just east of Montrose to Williams Pond, formerly Goff Farm, Susq. Co. Arrows. Sale by Stephen Mills, owner; Jim Adriance, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 12 o’clock Albrecht's Complete Herd Dispersal located 5 miles northwest of Troy, Pa., Bradford County. Gordon and Flora Albrecht, owners; D. O. Rockwell and Associates, Sale Managers, Troy, Pa. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Tools located off the Gettysburg- Littlestown Road (Route 140) turn right at Two Taverns onto the Hoffman Homes Road, continue 1% miles to sale site. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. Myers, Owners; C. David Redding, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 2:00 p.m. Public Auction of Lancaster County Farm. 54 acres - 45 acres tillable. Location: 1 mile west of Ephrata on Route 322 to Durlach Road; turn north on Durlach Road. Approximately 3 miles, after passing through Durlach First Farm on the right. Clay Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Harvey W. & Lydia M. Martin. John E. and Paul E. Martin. Auctioneers SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods and Trucks located at the Old Boy Scout Camp Building, turn off Rt. 74 at Airville, Pa. and follow Rt. 425 to Gander's Boat Yard and watch for signs directing to sale. Sale by Mrs. Yvonne Gordon, RDI, Airville, Pa. Robert L. Sechrist, Quctioneer. LOUCKS MILLS, PA LODGE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 15 mi. West of Galeton, 28 mi. East of Coudersport, PA. Watch for Auction Arrows off Rt. 6 between Galeton and Deer Park Trading Post. Dinette set with 5 chairs; 8 ft. davenport and chair; 4 upholstered chairs; end tables; record cabinet; floor and table lamps; 12 x 15 braided rug; exercising cot; pictures; upright piano; highchair; straight back chairs; 2 round tables with Formica top; love seat; mirrors; new hood vent; large fan; restaurant gas grill; waffle iron; 22 cup coffee maker; Hobart meat slicer; 2 toasters; lots of silverware; dishes (service for 8); stainless steel pots and pans; some new dishes; goblets; glasses (all sizes); drink mixer with 6 glasses; large serving platter; several rolls new wallpaper; typewriter; adding machine; case of glass mugs dated 1972; case of glasses 1971; 2 tapestries; salt and pepper shakers; beer advertising clocks; 3 beds; 3 wardrobes; 3 dressers; 2 sets fireplace tools; large cast iron kettle; 20” cast iron school bell; sausage stuffer; 30” square 14” thick meat block on legs; large cleaver; 14 Jim Beam bottles; oil lantern; old bottles; drop leaf table; oak Victrola; round oak table; rockers; china closet; crosscut saw; augers; crocks; molds; jugs; washtub; nightstand; beer kegs (1 Vs, 1 Vt); beer trays; rubber tired wheelbarrow; garden sprayer; sump pump; 2 lawn mowers, 1 rider; Pioneer chain saw; B & D Hedge trimmer; extension ladders; step ladders; mauls; brush nips; 3 cast iron hog troughs; 2-wheel garden tractor; many items too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or good Check. Lunch Available. AUCTIONEER - Si PEPPERMAN (814) 698-3431 Not Responsible for Accidents on Premises If you are interested in an Auction large or small, call this number. Remember, we let you decide. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Machinery, Dairy Equipment and Dairy Hera. 52 acres growing com, 5000 bales hay on the farm located on Route 28 about 3 miles northeast of Frederick, near Ceresvllle In Frederick County, Maryland. Sale by Austin w. Main, Route 1, Frederick, Maryland; A. Doty Rem sburg, Auctioneer, Norman D. Hm, Associate, Jefferson, Maryland. SAT. SEPT. 18 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods and Tools located along South Ronks Road, RD No. 1, Ronks, East Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. (about 2 blocks south of the intersection of Rt. 30 east and Ronks Road). Sale by Ada E. Kreider and Mrs. Roy R. Kreider; Howard Shaub Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst. 10 A.M. DAIRY CONSIGNMENT SALE Our monthly consignment sale will be held at VALLEY STOCKYARDS. INC., located just off Route 220, Athens, Penna., on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 15th at 8 :OOP.M. DAIRY OF 45 HEAD This dairy consists of 29 Holstein cows and 16 Open and Bred heifers. They are Fresh, Springers and Spring cows. They are on D.H.I.A. and record will be submitted night of sale on each animal. Good size and good udders. Records up to 17,000 lbs. milk. Blood & TB Tested—Pregnancy Checked A good dairy of cows. We will have our usual run of Fresh and Close Springer cows. Also several Fresh, Close and Open heifers. All animals must be accompanied with a health certificate. Terms: Cash Or Good Check Night of Sale VALLEY STOCKYARDS INC. Athens, PA. Phone 883-1031 Restaurant Will Be Open, LEVI BERKEY COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF MILKING HERD AND SPRINGING HEIFERS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 10:30 A.M. Located 4 mi. north of Somerset, PA along Rt. 281 near village of Geiger. 130 Registered and Hi-Grade Holsteins. 110 mature producing cows in various stages of lactation, 20 bred heifers, many due by sale time. Sires used include Astronaut, Bootmaker, R Maple, Ivanhoe Star, Arlinda Chief, Centurian Rocket, Tidy Gent and other top Curtiss and ABS sires. This is a well uddered group with a lot of quality and size. Many cows due for fall freshening. Several cows milking up to 21,000 M, 796 lbs. F. Catalogs, Health Charts, Records available day of sale. Transportation arrangements can be made. MR. & MRS. LEVI BERKEY, owners RDS, Somerset, PA 814-445-9472 Sales Mgrs. - Matt and Reed Luce 814-926-4856 KNEP-DEL ANNUAL FIRST CALF HEIFER SALE on the Lewis Knepper farm 5 miles southeast of Chambersburg, Pa., 1 mile North of Duffieid, 1 mile south of Spring Valley Estates along old Falling Spring Road, turn south off Rte. 30 about 100 yards east of Rte. 81 Exit, watch for signs on THURSDAY EVE,, SEPT. 16, 1976 Sale at 7:00 P.M. 38 REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEINS Tested within 30 days; Most Vacc.; Most are registered. Another choice lot of first calf heifers with size, type, good udders, all fresh or close. 1 fresh cow by Milk and Honey Ivanhoe. Nearly all from A.B.C. sires including 7 by Optimist, 5 by Hbg. Gay Ideal, 3 by Kilinsdale Ivanhoe Jack, Penstatc Ivanhoe Star, Educator, Elfac, Skokie Duke Medalist, Pioneer, Triune Complete and others, some animals carry artificial service. Plan to see these sell if needing milk or breeding stock. Some dams have records. Terms: Cash; Refreshments; Folder on request to Armour and Horst, Marion, Pa. LEWIS A. KNEPPER R. 1, Chambersburg, Pa. - Owner Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer Fred M Naugie, Pedigrees W. W. Gossert, Clerk
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