02 Lancaster Farming. Safurda 1 Pennfield hosts lANCASTER - Pennfield Corporation honied a Ijibor Day Weekend lour by fifteen members of the Chinese Agricultural Mechanization Study Group on an Inspection visit of agricultural in stallations In and around Lancaster County The Chinese will spend a month in the United States under Market expanded HUDSON, la - The American Soybean Association (ASA) will soon begin an expanded soybean market development program in the Mideast, Spam, and nearby countries Ed Quinones, an in ternational agricultural consultant who formerly worked for the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), has been hired as regional director for the program. Quinones will be based in Spam and will cover Por tugal and northern Africa in addition to the Mideast and Spain. According to ASA President Gerald Michaelson, ASA studies have indicated the Mideast holds excellent potential as a large and long-term market for U.S. soybeans. York activities YORK - To promote both safety and skill for today’s young farmers, the York Fair annually sponsors a tractor driving contest for 4- H and FFA members. This year the contest will be held on Thursday of the coming week. All contestants must be 16 years of age by the opening of the Fair and have a valid safe tractor operator cer tificate. The contest is divided into three parts: A written examination of 50 questions; a troubleshooting examination on a tractor; and tractor driving and equipment handling course. 4-H and FFA members will be judged together but prizes will be awarded separately. Prizes for both groups will be $25 for first place, $l5 for second, $lO for third and fourth, and $5 for fifth through last place. Also, probable exhibitors and judges for the livestock division of the 1976 York Fair have just been announced by M. Ebert Rutter, Fair manager. In the dairy animal category, 408 entries will be judged by Creedln G. Gorn- Hendrik Wentink, a Pennsylvania egg farmer and a member of the National Egg Board, says: “When you spend a good part of your life with chickens as I have - raising them, worrying about them when they’re not producing or sick, and watching the poor devils die - you get to know them. I think they’re im portant economically but I also see them as my friends.” Sept 11. 1976 the auspice* of the National Academy of Science's Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China Pcnnfield's president, Robert B Grayblll, offered a luncheon at the Three Crowns Restaurant in lancastcr for the Chinese engineers, teachers and “Governments of all the Midcast nations arc using petrodollars to upgrade the diets of their people,” Michaelson said "Poultry production is booming, fats and oils consumption is expanding and people arc demanding more protein in their diets. All these factors point to greater op portunities for soybean products.” Michaelson also pointed out that Spain, with its rapidly expanding pork and poultry production, is now the second most important soybean crushing country in Europe. Initial ASA activities in the Mideast, he said, were planned to increase use of soybean meal. A series of poultry feeding seminars was conducted there during June to kick off the Mideast program. Fair detailed man and Norman D. Hill. Five-hundred-and-eighteen swine entries will be judged by Keith McConnell. William Hodge and Erskin Cash will judge 128 beef cattle. Sue hundred sheep entries will be judged by H. James Shearer and Sam Hunter. In the final category, 84 goats will be judged by Ann J. Miller. With over 1700 current entries, the livestock exhibition at the 1976 York Fair will be one of the largest ever held in south central Pennsylvania. Chinese the National Academy of agronomlat* and w*» Science* Becmcr served an proiented with a (lift of a silk * n interpreter along with two scroll and ceremonial lea by member* of the Study Group the group's chairman, fluent In English, Chang Hsiang Nan The Study Plng-yao and Wang Hslcn- Group - including two women tsimg [SIP CASE 1370 156 PTO HP AGRI KING •PARTS • SERVICE •RECONDITIONED TRACTORS •CONVENIENT FINANCING • TRACTOR CAN BE SPLIT WITHOUT REMOVING CAB •CONSOLE CONTROL THESE FEATURES SINCE 1970 In Stock Ready For Delivery Priced under Received just before $lOOO.OO price increase Call us for a Free Demonstration No Obligation SALES & SERVICE BINKLEY engineer* - ta accompanied by two member* of the UJi Slate Department, Hon Dally and Jim Prctlach and by ILalacy I. Bcemcr, Jr . of FRONT RUNNER • BIG 504 TURBO CUBE ENGINE • SELF CLEANING AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM • OIL SPRAY PISTON COOLING SYSTEM • 3 ON THE-GO POWER SHIFTS IN EACH OF 4 RANGES • CASE ENVIRONMENT CONTROL WITH OUTSIDE CAB AIR FILTER - NO MESS INSIDE *22, 900.00 & HURST BROS. 133 Roths vide Station Rd. Phone (717) 626-4705 Hendrik Wentlnk, amixtant to the president of I’ennfleld Corporation, guided the chartered bus tour to the company'* new feed mill, nearing con struction completion in EVERY WEDNESDAY IS I IsT AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland. PA If you need 1 cow or a (ruck load we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite Gordon Fritz, Blaine Hoffer. Dale Hosfetter H D Matz, and Jerry Miller SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon All Dairy Cows & Heifers must be eligible for Pennsylvania Health Charts. For arrangements for special sales or herd dispersals at our barn or on your farm, contact Abram D/ffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 -A 0R Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 XJ*' INTRODUCING me RISING PONE IN TRACTOR Put your ear to this page speeds A twenty-four month and listen Listen to the 135 warranty on basic power horses of our new 7040* To tram components Quiet, our new 7060's 160 horses * comfortable cab Easy mam- And to the 180 horses of our tenance And other stan mostpowerful 2-wheel-dnve dard features some call op farm tractor the new tions Come try one of our 7080 * All have our exclu- three new tractors You II sive Power Director Trans- see, the rising power speaks mission with twenty forward for itself 'Manufacturer s maximum observed PTO horsepower at rated engine speeds The Rising Power A YOUR inT>a< “ ) " —Vallis-chalmers Mam% DEALER IN QUARRYVILLE INVITES YOU TO VISIT THEIR DISPLAY AT THE QUARRYVIUE FAIR SEPT. 15-17 GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone (717) 786-7318 Hempftold Induatrial Pa to IU tgg production packaging facility Kphrata, to the brol proccaalng plant Kredertekaburg. and to Wlllla Bowman broiler fa; In Mycratown DAIRY DAY irt und 1
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