Linda Kauffman with the reserve grand champion of the 4-H Holstein Show, held Wednesday in Quarryville. JSolstein show [Continued from Page 1] “Elaine” was sired by “Agro Acres Marquis Ned.” The same animals were also senior and reserve senior champions of the show. Named as junior champion was “Tum pike-View Triune Donna,” bred and exhibited by Paul Homing of Stevens. Runner-up to him was “Pennwood Joe Denise,” shown by Naaman Stoltzfus. Following are the placings in each of the classes: Junior Calf 1. Linda Lou Kauffman, 2. Russell Kline, 3. Neal Crouse, 4. Nancy Akers, 5. J. Mowery Frey, Jr. Intermediate Calf 1. Naaman Stoltzfus, 2. S. R. Shellen berger, 3. Arlen Keener, 4. Kevin Smoker, 5. S. R. Shellenberger. LET YOUR DAIRY ANIMALS TREAT THEMSELVES TO FLY CONTROL Senior Calf 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Leonard Stoltzfus, 3. Joe Wivell, 4. Martha Gregory, 5. Steve Spayd. Junior Yearling 1. Joyce Denlinger, 2. Galen Crouse, 3. Arlen Keener, 4. Carol Fite, 5. Jane Stoltzfus. Senior Yearling 1. Paul Homing, 2. Lynn Royer, 3, John Welk, 4. Philip Crouse, 5. Joyce Stoltzfus. Junior Get of Sire 1. Nathan Stoltzfus, 2. Len-Lyn Farms. Dry Cows— 3 and 4 year olds 1. Nathan Stoltzfus, 2. Ruby Ginder, 3. Tom Denlinger, 4. Neal Crouse, 5. Galen Crouse. Aged Dry Cows 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Maurice Welk, 3. Melvin Eby, 4. Elvin Hess, 5. Galen Crouse. Two Year Olds 1. S. R. Shellenberger, 2. Robert Kauffman, 3. Nathan Stoltzfus, 4. Loren The Junior Champion of the Lancaster County Open Holstein and Helen Zimmerman, 5. J. Mowery Frey, Jr. Three Year Olds 1. Linda Kauffman, 2. Russell Kline, 3. J. Mowery Frey, Jr., 4. John E. Kreider, Jr., 5. Jane Stoltzfus. Four Year Olds 1. Nathan Stoltzfus, 2. Robert Kauff man, 3. Maurice Weik, 4. J. Mowery Frey, Jr., 5. Rhelda Royer. Aged Cows 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Glen Fite, 3. Linda Kauffman, 4. Resler and Stoltzfus, 5. Galsn Crouse. 100,000 Pound Class Nathan Stoltzfus took first and second places. Three Best Females 1. Nathan Stoltzfus, 2. Glen Fite, 3/ Robert Kauffman. Produce of Dam 1. Nathan Stoltzfus, 2. Pequea Holsteins, 3. Nathan Stoltzfus. Dam and Daughter Pain ■ ■ ■ FLY • Palatable • Kills 4 major Flies (House, Stable, Face, Horn) • Cleared for feeding to lactating Dairy Cattle • No feedoff in Beef Cattle • Does not harm beneficial insects • Manure from treated animals can be used immediately on crops grown for human consumption Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 31,1976 WITH A GREAT NEW CONTROL PRODUCT. 7.76 PERCENT PREMIX with KABONORAL LARVICIDE The first oral larvicide labeled for use in lactating dairy cattle. AVAILABLE FROM YOUR LOCAL FEED & FARM SUPPLY DEALER Distributed By New Holland Supply Co Show was shown by Paul Horning of Stevens. 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Melvin Eby, 3. Joe Wivell, 4. Linda Kauffman, 5. Nathan Stoltzfus. 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Nathan Stoltz fus. In winning the premier breeder award, Stoltzfus edged Kauffman by just one point —l4l to 140. J. Mowery Frey Jr., placed second to Stoltzfus in the premier exhibitor category. Central Dairy Club The Central Dairy 4-H Club of York County will meet on Monday, August 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Roy Thompson, Admire Road, East Berlin. <Ci£> Dairy Herd 17 • )
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